"Naturally, when the selection of concubines by the Huangfu family is over, what do you think, Young Master?"

Kong Hou said with a smile.

"That's more or less."

Beiming nodded in response.

"It's just that there are a large number of talents in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and it is also a grand event for the Huangfu family. If there are other immortals who also meet the requirements of the Qinlou, that's..."

Kong Hou lowered her eyes and said.

"Then it's up to each other."

This time the answer is simple.

She was already hugging Bai Tuan at this time, stood up, raised her hand and formed a white magnolia flower in her palm, then waved her hand, the white magnolia flower directly broke through the cage in the hall, sank into the silver horned horse, and disappeared instantly not see.

And the silver horned horse didn't resist at all, just opened its beautiful eyes, took a look, and nodded its head, which surprised everyone on the third floor. After all, since the silver horned horned horse appeared, he hasn't seen anyone. .

This wave of operations made Kong Hou's eyes twitch, while Bei Mingzhi and Xu Kuangshi were a little surprised, but they didn't show it on their faces.

"I'm giving face to the Huangfu family, but don't make me a fool, there is no time limit when your Qinlou puts up a list to attract guests.

Today I have met your requirements, you should give me the silver horned horse, and tomorrow you will find a rare fairy beast as a reward, and you will look like a Huangfu clan.

Since you have found an excuse to delay the delivery of the prize, then as the winning party, it should be no problem for me to leave a mark on my prize!Don't even think about dropping bags. "

Simple words are straightforward and merciless, but Kong Hou can't refute.

"Have you heard what my elders said? Remember to go back and tell your master."

Bei Mingzhi naturally wanted to support his elders, and immediately added.

"Yes, Kong Hou recorded it."

Although Konghou was unwilling, she also knew that now was not the time for the Huangfu clan to show their prestige, otherwise it would not only affect the master's choice of concubine, but also make outsiders see the Huangfu clan's jokes.

"let's go!"

Bei Mingzhi had already got up, stood beside Jian Jian, and went down the third floor at this time, followed by Xu Kuangshi and the others, and left the third floor.

After they left, the rest of the people began to discuss without any scruples.

"This elder of the Beiming family is very stubborn!"

"It's not to blame for being stubborn, it's because this Qinlou didn't keep its promise first."

"And there are people from Wan Jianzong watching!"

Someone next to him immediately added.

"Tsk, after a long time, the Qinlou of the Huangfu clan didn't even think about giving away the silver horned horse, so I just said, such a precious fairy beast has attracted me to run here every day. It's just a gimmick, let's go! Let's go! It's very boring."

After speaking, he got up and left. The people on the side also felt that it was boring. After a while, most of the guests on the third floor left. Obviously, everyone is not a fool, only a few people want to try it. The fairy who tried did not leave.

Looking at the third floor that was half empty in an instant, Kong Hou's face was ugly as hell, but she still smiled and asked the attendants to serve new refreshments to the remaining guests, then turned and left the third floor, and went to report to the master .

At this time, Fairy Yinsha, who was recuperating in the private room, had just received her exercises when her little junior sister approached her and said with a smile:

"Senior Sister, just when you suppressed the injury just now, the silver horned horse was won by the elders of the Beiming family."

There was some schadenfreude in his tone.

"Although I was stopped by Konghou and didn't take the silver horned horse away on the spot, the elder directly marked the silver horned horse to prevent it from being dropped, which made that Konghou very ashamed. I guess he has already complained to the master by now. went."

After hearing this, Yinsha twitched the corners of her lips, then dropped them again, and said in a deep voice:

"Huangfuge is narrow-minded and vicious. That elder won her silver horned horse. She will definitely not let it go."

After finishing speaking, he stroked the red gauze in front of his eyes again, and clenched his fists.

The two junior sisters looked at each other, and the other junior sister who left behind the Dharma protector said:

"Senior Sister Yinsha, do you want to win the silver horned horse, and then use this horse to exchange the antidote?"

"There is such a plan, but obviously there is no chance."

Yinsha said helplessly.

"Senior sister, can't you just grab the opponent and ask for an antidote? Now that you are poisoned, you can still suppress it with exercises and pills. If it takes a long time, it will be very bad for your practice!"

"That's right! Senior sister, that Huangfu song is good at melody, and has long regarded you as an opponent. After challenging you and losing, she started to find fault everywhere. The injury to your eyes is obviously caused by her!"

The junior sister said indignantly.

"Of course I know, but you also know that Master looked for that Huangfuge, and Huangfuge made an oath of immortality in front of Master, saying that my injury was not caused by her poisoning, otherwise she would die suddenly on the spot.

As a result, she is still alive and well. Since it has been proved that my injury has nothing to do with her, Master can't force her to hand over the antidote. She has the Huangfu family behind her, so it is not suitable for head-to-head confrontation. "

Yinsha said helplessly.

This is also the place that Yinsha is most afraid of. She obviously hurt herself, but in the end the other party dared to swear an oath of immortality to prove herself, which made her puzzled.

"Senior Sister Yinsha, what shall we do next?"

"Let's find a way to meet that elder and remind him. If I mean, if Huangfuge uses the same method to deal with that elder, maybe that elder has a way to deal with it. We will ask her then."

Yinsha lowered her eyes and thought for a while before she said her plan.

"Sister, is this really useful?"

The little junior sister asked.

"Try to know, let's leave here first."

Yinsha made a decision, and left the Qin Pavilion with her two junior sisters, and then the two junior sisters sent Yinsha back to the inn, and went out to inquire about the news.

On the other side, the simplicity of leaving the Qin Pavilion said to Bei Mingzhi:
"This piano pavilion is too disappointing. I have no interest in continuing to visit. You go and look around. I will go back first."

"It's really disappointing, then I will go back with the elder."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile, shaking the folding fan in his hand.

"It's okay, you don't have to accompany me, let the guards follow you, don't make trouble."

Just a simple reminder, this person is also a person who is afraid of chaos in the world.

"Elder Jian, don't worry, we will protect you young master."

The two guards immediately replied respectfully, without waiting for Bei Mingzhi to speak, both of them knew that their young master liked to be lively, and they would definitely not go back with Elder Jian, it was just a polite talk.

"Well, you go!"

Jian Jian smiled and waved his hands, and left directly holding Bai Tuan.

The four members of Wan Jianzong couldn't keep it simple, so they continued to walk with Bei Mingzhi, went deep into "Baiyi Street", and dug up the news of Elder Jian by the way.

After simply returning to the foothold of Beiming's house, she went back to her room and ordered Bai Tuan to practice outside by herself, while she entered the practice room and asked Liu Chuan to protect her.

She was going to take the two "Xingshen Pills" that she had purified and take them as soon as possible. Together with the "Yunshen Fragrance" she got today, it should restore her consciousness.

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