Chapter 1837
As soon as these simple words came out, Bei Mingzhi's waving hand stopped in the air, and he immediately turned his head and said to the guard:

"Please come in."

"Yes, son."

A group of four people, plus the Baituan watching the excitement, all moved to the front hall.

Yinsha came to visit today, and she was in a very nervous mood. She didn't know if it was appropriate to do so, so when she learned that Bei Mingzhi hurried back to her residence, she bid farewell to the two junior sisters who insisted on coming with her, and she was alone. Come and visit.

Yinsha changed into an ordinary white fairy robe today, but the red gauze covering her eyes was still conspicuous. She stood in the hall and bowed politely to the person headed by her.

"Tianyin Gongyinsha, I have met Mr. Beiming and Elder Jian."

"Fairy Yinsha is too polite, please sit down."

As the host, Bei Mingzhi was naturally courteous. After the other party was seated, he asked:
"I don't know if the fairy is visiting today, but is there something wrong?"

"It's Yinsha who took the liberty to visit. Please don't blame me, my lord! I have something to do here today, and I want to remind you, my lord."

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, raised his thick eyebrows, and said directly:

"I don't know what's the important thing? Please trouble the fairy to remind me personally?"

"It's about what happened in Qinlou a few days ago. I heard from my junior sister that it was the elder Keqing of the Beiming family who won the silver horned horse. Although he couldn't take the silver horned horse away on the spot, he still left a mark on it." , Lost face of the Huangfu family."

"There is such a thing, what's the matter?"

Bei Mingzhi continued to ask.

"Yinsha came here to remind young master that the operator of the piano building is Huangfu Ge. This person is an elite disciple of Huangfu's royal family. He is good at rhythm, but he is narrow-minded. I, after that, took the opportunity to poison me, causing me to be blind."

Having said that, Yinsha raised her hand to caress the red yarn in front of her eyes, and her tone became a little heavier:
"But even though she knew that the poison was poisoned by her, she swore a fairy oath in front of my master, saying that my blindness was not caused by her poison, but my eyesight continued to deteriorate.

When I went to the piano building yesterday, I wanted to use my piano skills to win the silver horned horse she cared about so that I could exchange the silver horned horned horse with her for the antidote, but now the silver horned horned horse was won by the elder.

And based on my understanding of Huangfuge, she would definitely not be willing to hand over the silver horned horse to the elders of the Beiming family, so I am here to remind you, I hope you will not end up like me today. "

Yinsha simply gritted her teeth, said everything she knew, then got up and said:
"Yinsha knows that it is very presumptuous to come to the door like this, and it is easy to be misunderstood, but I have no better way, I can only tell the truth. As for whether Mr. Beiming should believe it, Yinsha can't control it, but at least I have a clear conscience. , Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Yinsha cupped her hands, ready to leave.

Bei Mingzhi had already received a simple hint, and only then said lightly:

"I believe what Fairy Yinsha said, but I just want to ask you about some details."

After hearing this, Yinsha raised her footsteps and retracted, cupping her hands and saying:
"I don't know what Young Master Beiming wants to ask?"

"How can you be sure that it was Huangfuge who poisoned you?"

"I don't know when and how she poisoned me, but she is the only one who has a problem with me, and she is not an upright person, and my instinct tells me that she did it, just I don’t know how she did it, but she actually managed to hide it from heaven.”

"Because her oath is true, she really didn't poison you, it was just a Gu."

This time it was a simple export to reply to the other party.


Yinsha was very surprised, and then began to dig into her own memory, but she didn't know anything about Gu.

It was rare for Bei Mingzhi to see someone who had a similar experience with him, so he nodded to Guard B and asked him to explain to Yinsha what Gu is.

After hearing Guard B's explanation, Yinsha's face turned pale, and she murmured:

"What a Huangfu song, she doesn't want me to die so quickly, she wants to torture me slowly!"

"From this point of view, the other party's mind is indeed a bit vicious, just because you beat her, and you are taking revenge like this."

Bei Mingzhi has a new understanding of Huangfu's royal family, but his senses are getting worse.

"Master Beiming, since you recognize this kind of Gu, is there a way to help me get rid of the Gu in my body?"

Yinsha took the opportunity to say.

With a "snap", the folding fan opened, and Bei Mingzhi asked directly:

"Today is the first official meeting between you and me, and we have never had any friendship in the past. Why should I help you? What's the benefit of helping you? If that Huangfuge knew that I helped you, wouldn't he turn his hatred towards me?" , what am I trying to do?"

This question made Yinsha stunned.

'Yes!Why should others help her?Just because of her useless reminder?Obviously people already know about it. '

"It's Yinsha who is taking the liberty. I'll go back and think about what I can do in return, Young Master. I'll visit again."

This time Yinsha got up and said goodbye very simply, so that Bei Mingzhi's hand that had just been stretched out could only stop in mid-air, and then he moved his wrist pretendingly, and then said:

"How can you run so fast? If you beg me again, maybe I will agree with a soft heart."

The two guards stood in silence with downcast eyes, not answering at all.

"Master Zhi, since you want to help others, don't talk so much nonsense."

Simply shook his head helplessly.

Bai Tuan, who had listened to the whole process, wagged his tail, closed his eyes with a smile, and was laughing at Bei Mingzhi in his heart, pretending to be too much.

"Elder Jian, what if she leaks the news about Gu worms?"

"As smart as she is, why would she do this, so that she will die faster. The Huangfu family doesn't want their trump card to be exposed so quickly, so you should also keep it secret."

Simple and direct instructions.

"Yes, Elder Jian, don't worry, I will stay at my residence for a few days, and I won't go anywhere. I want to see what trouble the other party can make!"

After this little episode, Jian Jian announced that he would close a small gate that night, so that they would not disturb him. This time, Bai Tuan was guarding outside the room, and Yanagawa directly used his body to protect the entire room, and Jian Jian arranged another array. Then he took the first "Xingshen Pill".

After the elixir was imported, it turned into a stream of clear water, directly entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to hit the closed sea of ​​consciousness. The entire sea of ​​consciousness began to vibrate slowly, but it was still within the simple tolerance range.

When the medicinal properties of the first "Xingshen Pill" were all used up, a gap had been opened in the closed sea of ​​consciousness, and the second pill was swallowed in a single effort, and the medicinal properties of this time directly flowed along the opened gap. , All directly entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Simply feel the sea of ​​consciousness lighten in an instant, as if the ice and snow melted in an instant, the door of the sea of ​​consciousness opened, and the light group of consciousness was absorbing the clear medicinal properties, and began to slowly expand outward.

The "Yunshen Fragrance" lit by Liu Chuan at the same time has also turned into light smoke, entered through the simple nose, and then went straight into the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to accumulate the light group of divine consciousness.

 Babies, first pass on two chapters, and there are two more chapters to upload.

(End of this chapter)

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