Chapter 1838 Preliminary Recovery
With the dual effects of "Xingshen Pill" and "Soul-Yin Fragrance", the simple consciousness is slowly expanding. The first step is to leave the sea of ​​consciousness, then spread to the whole body, and then spread to the whole room. Liu Chuan immediately I felt it, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Tuan, who was guarding the door of the room, felt the familiar wave of spiritual consciousness. The fox narrowed his eyes, and the fairy's spiritual consciousness should have recovered.

Then the simple consciousness continued to spread to the entire courtyard. The first to be alarmed were the two guards of Bei Mingzhi, and then Bei Mingzhi. The three looked vigilant and followed the fluctuation of the consciousness to the simple room. Elder Jian poked out his consciousness and looked at each other with doubts in his eyes.

"Bai Tuan, what is Elder Jian doing?"

Bei Mingzhi could only ask Xiao Baituan who was guarding the door.

"It's nothing, the fairy is just trying the effect of the 'scent of the soul'."

Bai Tuan wagged his tail, squinted his eyes and said the simple explanation before, but he didn't know anything else.

In just a few breaths, the simple consciousness had crossed the small courtyard and continued to spread outward, alarming the surrounding immortals, but because the simple consciousness was too powerful, they could only wait and see what happened. Fortunately, the simple consciousness The consciousness didn't detect anything, it just passed by and continued to spread outward.

Bei Mingzhi opened his mouth slowly, and finally asked the guard through voice transmission:
"The strength of Elder Jian's spiritual consciousness seems to be higher than that of the Immortal Monarch Realm!"

"Young master, you should have reached the first stage of the Immortal King, and the entire Jingzhou will be under the elder's spiritual consciousness."

"Then it will definitely alarm the powerful masters of the Huangfu family, this..."

"Young master, don't worry, the elder knows well, and he should bypass the Huangfu clan's lair."

The first guard comforted him through sound transmission, Elder Jian is much more reliable than his son.

It was simple and did not intend to provoke the Huangfu clan, so when the divine consciousness spread throughout the entire Jingzhou, it only bypassed the imperial city, and then quickly retreated, because the kung fu "Yunshenxiang" had bottomed out in just this moment.

After returning to her divine consciousness, Jian Jian opened her eyes, and a smile flashed in her eyes. She smashed down the fairy crystals and fairy stones, and it was still effective in the end. It will take at least ten years before the Sea of ​​Consciousness can be reopened. By then, the opening of the Holy Mountain of Guixu will definitely be missed.

However, because the consciousness was injured too badly last time, even though the sea of ​​consciousness is opened and the consciousness can be released under the dual effects of the pill and the incense, but to reach the level of the middle realm of the fairy king before, she still needs to continue. It will take some time to cultivate the spiritual consciousness, but fortunately, the storage bracelet can be opened now, and the space can also be connected.

"Fairy, you just released your divine sense, which alarmed Bei Mingzhi and his guards, who are in the yard."

Yanagawa reminded at the right time.

"okay, I get it."

Then he glanced at the spices that had been turned into ashes, and sighed helplessly, why are good things not durable!

"You can use your spiritual sense now, and there are a lot of fairy stones in the storage bracelet, go to the Xiangxiang Pavilion to buy some!"

Following her eyes, Liu Chuan knew what she was thinking, and suggested directly.

"You're right."

Jian Jian threw a Dust Cleansing Technique on herself, Liu Chuan turned into a green willow leaf, Yuan returned to her wrist, and after closing the array, Jian Jian opened the door.


"Elder Jane!"

The previous one was called by Bai Tuan, and he jumped into Jian Jian's arms immediately.

The last sound came from Bei Mingzhi and the two guards. At this time, all three of them looked at Jian Jian.

"It alarmed Mr. Zhi, is it my fault! I injured my spiritual consciousness in the Endless Sea before, and today I just tried the Yunhunxiang and the refreshing pill, which helped me recover my spiritual consciousness."

He simply smiled and explained a few sentences, but didn't say much about why his consciousness was damaged.

Bei Mingzhi was smart enough not to ask, but praised:
"It turns out that the fairy's consciousness is damaged. I didn't see it at all before. Even so, you can be ranked No. 20 on the Tianwei list. If you were in your prime, you would definitely not be ranked this way."

"Indeed, but I think this ranking is acceptable, and it's not good to be too high-profile."

Simple complied without blushing.

"Elder Jian, your divine sense seems to have alarmed the immortals around you. I'm afraid someone will come to inquire about it tomorrow."

The bodyguard clapped his hands.

"I'm the elder of the Beiming family, and there's nothing shameful about it. You can tell me after you consider it, and just say that I'm going to accompany Mr. Beiming to practice outside. As for my ranking in the 'Tianwei Bang', whether you want to publicize it or not depends on you." Mr. Zhi meant it, anyway, this matter has advantages and disadvantages for the Beiming family."

Jian Jian hugged Bai Tuan, sat directly in the yard, and expressed his opinion.

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, and after deliberating for a while, he said:

"Naturally, if they don't ask, we won't take the initiative to mention the ranking, but we must let them all know about Jian Xianjun as the elder guest of my Beiming family."

"Yes, son."

After reaching a consensus, everyone bid farewell to each other and went back to each other. When they simply returned to the room, the first thing they did was to take out their live map.

After opening the map, Xiaojian, who was still sleeping on the location of the Fairy Realm, opened his eyes, yawned, stretched again, jumped up, and stood on the map , and then began to look around, seeming to determine Jian Jian's current position.

Both Jian Jian and Bai Tuan stared at each other, wondering if this little Jian Jian could determine where they were now.

After half a cup of tea, Xiao Jianjian didn't confirm his current location, so he could only walk around on the animal skin map with his waist in his hands, pointing at Jian Jian with his little finger from time to time, with a look of hatred In the end, I stomped my feet and sat on the map with my arms folded, as if I could do nothing.

Bai Tuan thought it was interesting, so he swiped at Xiao Jian with his own fox tail, in exchange for the big white eyes of the other party. The map was taken out.

After activating the cube map, the image of Qianyuan Immortal Realm appeared, this time it caught the attention of the live map, Xiao Jianjian didn’t sit on the map and get sulking, jumped up, came to the cube, looked After a while, the whole figure rushed into the cube.

Then the animal skin map that was simply bought back from the Qifang Immortal World was also rolled up, wrapping the entire cube, and then the two began to merge. To be precise, it was her live animal skin map that was swallowing the holographic three-dimensional map.

"Wow! Fairy, this map is really powerful. It can be merged into other fairyland maps after it is born. If he swallows the map of Qianyuan fairyland, will he be able to determine our location?"

Bai Tuan's fox eyes began to shine, which meant they could find their way home.

"I also hope so. At least we won't be able to confirm until they are fused, but I think at least a star map is needed."

(End of this chapter)

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