Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1840 Inadvertently making friends 1

After hearing the simple ridicule, Brother Bai Ze touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and then he talked about his experience of entering Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

After Yunshang Palace entrusted Xiao Bai Ze to Jian Jian, Big Brother Bai Ze felt that the time was right, and when the secret realm was closed, he used his talent to open a space passage, which originally led to the upper realm of the Lingyun Continent, the Seven Immortal Realm .

Everything was going well at first, but unfortunately, shortly after he escaped into the space channel, when he was about to enter the realm of the fairy world, a huge piece of land suddenly appeared, directly breaking the channel he built, because the incident happened suddenly, He couldn't make up for it, and was directly involved in the space storm.

The space storm is not a joke. Even Bai Ze's beast, with a strong body, cannot stay in the space storm for a long time. Sooner or later, when its power is exhausted, it will be crushed into dross by the space storm. Bai Daze can only do his best To get rid of the space storm, his cultivation base was almost exhausted before he broke free from the space storm that swept him.

It's a pity that he is already far away from the Qifang Immortal Realm, and has completely deviated from his original position. He doesn't know where he is, so he can only drag his injured body, use his supernatural powers, and rush into the Qianyuan Immortal Realm nearby, and land on the land closest to Jingzhou. Qingzhou.

Qingzhou is the largest continent among the thirteen continents of Qianyuan Immortal World. This continent is composed of forests, deserts, neighbors, swamps and other different environments and regions. It is the favorite place for all immortals in Qianyuan Immortal World. The rich resources make all the sects and families flock to it.

It is also because of this special environment that [-]% of the demons in the Qianyuan Immortal World occupy here. They have divided their territories and only open the middle and outer areas to the outside world. The site experience, so the three parties have reached a tacit understanding, mutual benefit.

The demons only control the core resources in their own hands. Although the other regions are open to humans and demons, the middle and low-level demons entrenched in the middle and periphery are not vegetarians. Whoever falls into the hands really depends on their ability, and this is also a kind of trial, so the human race and the demon race will not object.

Instead, it is the real core resources. High-level demons will exchange resources with humans and demons through transactions. This has been the case for thousands of years.

But Dabaize was seriously injured and fell into the territory of the silver wildebeest. Because of his serious injury, he only had time to disguise himself as a silver wildebeest, and then fell into a state of deep sleep and healing.

This deep sleep lasted for 2000 years. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still in the territory of the silver wildebeest, but there was a layer of prohibition protection around him to prevent other silver wildebeest from disturbing him.

Da Bai Ze turned into a human form, and went to meet the patriarch of the silver wildebeest clan, the seventh-rank patriarch of the silver wildebeest. He was very relieved to see Da Bai Ze wake up, and said with a smile:

"Little friend, it seems that your injury is recovering well."

"Thank you senior for taking care of me, allowing me to heal my wounds here with peace of mind, this junior is very grateful."

"Hehe, it's easy to say that you fell into my clan's territory, which proves that this is our fate. Since your injury is almost healed, you will probably leave here in a few days, so I will trouble you to give the newly born kid in the clan Bless the silver wildebeests!"

Elder Silver Horned Horse stroked his snow-white beard and smiled very kindly.

Dabaize sighed in his heart, knowing that his vest had been seen through by others, maybe his aura leaked out while he was seriously injured and sleeping, which made this seventh-level demon fairy aware of his details.

But these are not important, at least he didn't make trouble, and let himself through the most dangerous period. He must be rewarded for the 2000 years of support. He didn't shirk when he proposed to bless the junior down.

"It's not a difficult task. I still need to repair for a while. Then please gather all the juniors of the clan together, and I will bestow blessings on them."

"Good, good, good! So, on behalf of the silver wildebeest family, I would like to thank my little friend."

The patriarch of the silver horned horse responded with a smile, and he could wait as long as he wanted. This was the business of Fuze's junior, so he naturally did not answer.

Fortunately, Dabaize didn't keep the Silver Horn Clan waiting too long. A year later, Tong Tong bestowed Bai Ze's auspicious aura on the younger generation of the Silver Horn Clan, which was regarded as a repayment for the original help.

"When it comes to luck, it is mysterious. Although these juniors have received the auspicious aura I bestowed on them, if they do something against the law of heaven, no matter how many blessings they have, they will not be able to withstand such a loss. Seniors, please remember. "

Before leaving, Bai Daze specially told the patriarch of the silver horned horse, don't think that his blessing is omnipotent.

Senior Silver Horn also readily agreed, and then gave Bai Daze a fallen silver horn so that he could better conceal his identity, and then watched Bai Daze leave.

The territory of the silver horned horse is in the middle circle of Qingzhou, close to the inner circle. Because the silver horned horse has a special physique to ward off disasters, it is also the object of competition between humans and demons. Therefore, although Bai Daze has the identity of a silver horned horse, he is still very happy. Move cautiously to the periphery of Qingzhou.

At the same time, the training team of the Huangfu family also arrived at the outskirts of Qingzhou, and Huangfuge was among them. At the entrance, she practiced separately from the rest of the Huangfu family, and entered the dense forest on the outskirts of Qingzhou from different directions.

As I said before, although they all bear the surname of Huangfu, they are not related by blood. All members of the Huangfu clan are competitive. This time they entered Qingzhou for a one-year trial. Who brought them back? Those with the most, the best, and the most valuable resources will be able to enjoy more resources from the Huangfu Clan, so they all work hard to compete, after all, it is related to their future cultivation.

Bai Daze discovered them when Huangfuge was in trouble and was attacking the ghost butterflies besieging him with melody. After confirming that the cultivation of these people would not put him in danger, he helped them drive away the ghost butterflies. Avoiding the opponent's complete annihilation.

Huangfuge immediately invited the other party to join his team, and promised Bai Daze that he could go to the Huangfu clan to be a guest elder, but what Bai Daze wanted was not these things. The Library Pavilion of the Huangfu family.

Huangfuge rolled his eyes, and immediately had a countermeasure. He revealed the time limit and purpose of his experience, and pursed his lips and said:

"Bai Xianyou, it's not that Ge'er doesn't know how to repay you. I think the best reward is to introduce you into the clan. With your ability, you will definitely become an elder in the clan. Then you will naturally be able to enter the Library Pavilion. But since Bai Xianyou If you don't want to join the Huangfu family, then it will be difficult to join the family's Zangshu Pavilion as my friend, unless "

Huangfu song hesitated to speak.

"Unless what?"

Bai Daze asked directly.

"Unless I can win this trial, I can naturally make a condition to the family. It should be no problem to bring you into the library, but in this way, I will take advantage of the immortal friends, and you will eventually Face my Huangfu clan."

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