Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1841 Inadvertently making friends 2

Hearing this, Jian Jian and Bai Tuan sighed helplessly at the same time, it was obvious that Huangfu Ge was playing Bai Daze's trick, no matter how he chose, it would be beneficial to Huangfu Ge.

Bai Daze could only smile awkwardly, and continued:

"At that time, I also thought about using Huangfu Ge, and then using the resources of Huangfu's family to obtain the information I needed, so after thinking about it, I agreed to help her get the leader of this trial, and then use her hand to achieve my goal. "

After negotiating with Huangfuge, Bai Daze joined the opponent's trial team as a temporary teammate. Because of his joining, Huangfuge has gained a lot in this year's experience, which made her even more supportive. Bai Daze.

A year later, the elders of the Huangfu clan came to pick him up and inspected the results of his experience. Huangfuge naturally won the No. Intersection, this is exactly what Huangfu's song meant.

After this trial, the resources were redistributed. Huangfuge got the resources from the next century clan, and also had his own courtyard and manpower to deploy. It can be said that he became an elite disciple.

But where there are people, there will be fights. Her outstanding performance naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of others, and while practicing together, some people also noticed Bai Daze as a temporary teammate, so they sued the elders of the Huangfu clan. Said that Huangfuge's grades were obtained by cheating.

Naturally, Huangfuge would not admit it. In this way, all her gains would be handed over and she would be punished. How could she be willing to find Bai Daze immediately and explain her current situation in the clan:
"Bai Xianyou, it's not that I, Huangfuge, broke my promise and got fat. It's just that now I'm being envied by others, and my achievements will not be guaranteed, and I will also implicate Xianyou. As for what I promised you, I'm afraid I can't do it either. I'll find a way to send Bai Xianyou now. Leave, I'll take care of the rest."

Bai Daze didn't want to leave just like that, so he hesitated, and Huangfuge saw his hesitation, and then proposed another solution that was not a solution.

"I know Bai Xianyou is a demon fairy. If you are willing to act wrongly and accompany me in a play, I will tell the clan that you are a high-level demon fairy I met during my training in Qingzhou, and I want to abduct you into the clan. That's why I designed you into the trial team and brought you to Jingzhou."

Huangfuge said cautiously, and added at the end:
"Bai Xianyou, I can make an immortal oath. I don't know what your body is. It's just a stopgap measure. If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't mention it."

The tone is very sincere.

Bai Daze thought for a while, and agreed to the other party's method. After all, he had already left Qingzhou. Apart from knowing that this is the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, which is divided into four seas and thirteen continents, and that the place he landed in is Qingzhou, he didn't know anything else. He is so disadvantaged that he can't even use his supernatural powers.

And Bai Daze was not stupid, he only revealed his disguised identity to Huangfuge, that he was a sixth-order fairy beast of the silver horned horse clan, Huangfuge's heart was beating wildly now, this time it was really her luck.

Afterwards, she met with her elders, and told all about how she lured the silver horned horse into the team and brought Jingzhou, and then she bowed and said:
"Elders, my biggest harvest this time is not the Ganoderma lucidum fairy grass, but this silver horned horse. After I let him willingly recognize me as the master, I will have an extra layer of protection, and the future immortal road will also be more smoothly."

"Such a high-level fairy beast should be given a try by all the younger generations in the clan with good aptitude!"

Another elder immediately said that he obviously wanted to steal Huangfuge's harvest.

Huangfuge was naturally unwilling, and so were the elders of their lineage:

"Third Elder, what do you mean? The silver horned horse was lured by Xiao Ge from Qingzhou, and she coaxed him all the way. Now it is almost time to admit the master, but you jumped out to pick peaches and bully a junior. , are you too embarrassed? Don’t ask me if I agree or not.”

Huangfuge also made a gesture of grievance at the right time. With tears in his eyes, he looked at the nine elders above him, but he didn't speak, but the elders who watched him were a little embarrassed.

"Tch, I don't know what you think in your own heart. You all want to bring good things to your department, but you don't say it on the surface. If that's the case, as far as I am concerned, I will be the bad guy."

The third elder didn't care at all, and said directly.

Then he said to Huangfuge:
"Huangfuge, don't say that us elders are unfair, and extend your resource tilt time for another 100 years, but you only have one year to let that sixth-rank silver horned horse recognize you as the master.

If the other party still fails to recognize you as master after a year, then the silver horned horse belongs to the resources of the clan, and the juniors in the clan will all have a chance to try it, and it will be up to each family to decide who gets it. "

The third elder's words are straightforward, and it can be considered that it has reached the hearts of everyone. Huangfuge rolled his eyes and immediately asked:

"Elders, if I can get that silver horned horse to recognize me as master within one year, will the extended hundred-year resource tilt be recovered?"

"Naturally, it will be taken back. After all, the silver horned horse recognizes you as the master, and it belongs to your personal chance. It has nothing to do with the clan, so there is no need to take care of you for another hundred years."

The third elder replied directly.

In short, the meaning is very clear, you can only occupy one head, it is impossible to obtain both the silver wildebeest and the centuries-old resources of the clan.

Huangfuge met the second elder of his line and agreed with the patriarch's arrangement.

In private, Huangfuge also met with the second elder and told what happened. The second elder was more inclined to let her get the 100 years of resources.

After all, getting the silver horned horse is just an extra life, but the century-old resources have been tilted, and the cultivation base has been improved, which has strengthened itself and added a layer of protection, and it is enough to find a few life-saving things.

They still don't know the identity of Bai Daze's divine beast Bai Ze, otherwise, let alone a hundred years, Huangfuge would give up the resource tilt of a thousand years, and with the divine beast Bai Ze's company, what resources would she not gain?It can also bless one's own luck, which is an invisible benefit.

It's a pity that Huangfuge didn't treat each other sincerely from the beginning, so naturally he couldn't get Bai Daze's wholehearted help, let alone know his identity, and missed the biggest opportunity of his life.

In fact, deep down in Huangfuge's heart, he was still more inclined to let Bai Daze recognize her as the master, so after returning, he began to lobby Bai Daze, promising that the two parties would only form an equal contract. She would secretly send Bai Daze away so that no one would lose.

Maybe it was too eager, but it aroused Bai Daze's suspicion, and he didn't agree to form a contract with the other party. At this time, Huangfuge began to pretend to be weak, saying that if she didn't recognize her as the master, the clan would arrest him. Bai Daze also understood that he stepped into the trap woven by Huangfuge step by step.

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