Dabaize looked at Huangfuge in front of him, just sighed and said:
"You are too greedy. Originally, if you followed the agreement and fulfilled the promise, you would get more, but you are not qualified enough if you want me to recognize you as the master."

One sentence completely angered Huangfuge, she opened the cage fairy without warning, imprisoned Bai Daze in, and forced Bai Daze to show his prototype, and then said:

"You'd better think clearly, even if you don't recognize me as the master, you will be sent into the Huangfu clan. Do you know who is the master, and then work for the other party? Instead of doing this, you might as well recognize me as the master, anyway. Let's be friends, and I won't embarrass you too much."

Bai Daze just closed his eyes, lay down in the cage, and didn't say a word anymore, the angry Huangfuge changed his face:
"I hope you will think about it carefully, you still have a year."

After speaking, he walked away.

Huangfuge knew in her heart that the possibility of making this sixth-rank silver horned horse recognize her as the master was very low, but she didn't want to take advantage of the rest of the clan, so she used the excuse of humiliating the other party and making him succumb to Bai Daze Put it in the piano building, it becomes a gimmick for the piano building, and it can also increase the income of the piano building.

Through this family's concubine selection, they may meet someone who is willing to buy the silver horned horse at a high price. In this way, the silver horned horse can be exchanged for resources, and they can also meet disciples of other aristocratic families or sects. There is nothing to say, after all, this is the silver wildebeest that I trapped.

Huangfuge's abacus was very precise, he calculated everything, but he didn't calculate that he won the silver horned horse with a simple cross-cutting, without spending a piece of immortal stone, and he was blocked even if he wanted to lose his bag, and the opponent was The Beiming family, which is as famous as their Huangfu royal family, completely defeated her calculations.

When Huangfuge was struggling with how to deal with this hot potato, the simple consciousness recovered, and the tyrannical Immortal King Realm spiritual consciousness almost covered the entire Jingzhou. Even if they didn't invade the imperial city, the Huangfu clan received the news immediately.

She simply took advantage of the trend and directly sent the silver horned horse to the Beiming family and handed it over to the elder Jian, which can be regarded as an indirect relationship with the Beiming family. I believe that the family will not object to her handling method. The elder of the Ming family won the silver wildebeest openly and aboveboard, and she was just cashing in the reward.

"Are you obediently waiting for me in that cage?"

Simply fanning the round fan of the Butterfly Love Marigold, asked with a smile.

"I had originally planned to break open the cage and leave, but I sensed that someone noble was about to save me, so I waited two days longer."

Bai Daze gently stroked his sleeves, and said with a smile on his lips.

Jian Jian shook his head helplessly, the divine beast Bai Ze claimed to know the world's affairs, it seems that Da Bai Ze's skill is quite good.

"Jian Xianjun, can you find a way to go back?"

Bai Daze asked the question he was most concerned about.

"I haven't been here for a long time, and I only have a general understanding of the Qianyuan Immortal World, and I was seriously injured before, and my spiritual consciousness has not recovered. With the convenience of Nanfeng's family and Beiming's family, I have gathered the healing spiritual consciousness. The elixir, that is, it was only last night that he initially recovered his consciousness."

Briefly describe your current situation.

"If I hadn't recovered my consciousness last night, you wouldn't have been sent here so soon."

Simply shaking the round fan, said with a smile.

"I just said that the tyrannical consciousness was so familiar last night, it turned out that Xianjun had just recovered his consciousness."

"Besides, I'm very interested in the Guixu Holy Mountain that will be opened ten years later. Since I'm here, I can't make a trip in vain. You are also free now, so let's go for a break together when the time comes."

Simple and direct suggestion.

"Okay, I'll listen to the fairy, but for now I'm still disguised as a silver horned horse, and I still want to establish an equal contract with the fairy, so as to silence the Huangfu family, I'm impatient to deal with them."

Bai Daze said bluntly.

Simple and no objection, just like in the sunny rain forest, she has formed an equal contract with Da Bai Daze, and she also thoughtfully branded her white magnolia flower logo on the back of Bai Daze's neck, so that no matter who sees Bai Daze, they will know him It has an owner.

Bai Daze touched the back of his neck, still a little uncomfortable, and simply handed Bai Tuan to Bai Daze.

"Bai Tuan and little Bai Ze are good friends. During the ten years I was recovering from poisoning, Bai Tuan stayed with me on Bai Ze Peak. If you want to know more about Bai Ze, you can ask Bai Tuan."

"Thank you Xianjun Jian."

After Bai Daze cupped his hands to thank him, he carried Bai Tuan to the next room. Bai Tuan opened and closed his mouth, and he had already started talking about the beginning of his friendship with Xiao Bai Ze.

After simply opening the restriction, she took the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron that Bai Tuan gave her, and entered the Zifu space.

As soon as Jian Jian's figure appeared in the space, Xiao Gushen ran over at the first time, tearfully pawing on Jian Jian's legs, and even the small box flew out on its own initiative, and circled around Jian Jian, Then it stopped aside.

"Master, Gushen sensed that you were seriously injured, but I couldn't leave the space, I couldn't even send out the medicine pill, and I was about to die of anxiety."

With a simple smile, he touched Gushen's braid, explained how she had been injured, and immediately went to the fairy fruit forest to pick the fruit that can nourish the soul.

The little box stepped forward at this time and asked:
"Fairy Jian, Brother Ziyu suddenly left the space when the accident happened, is he okay?"

"Thanks to Zi Yu Yin Long Cauldron this time, otherwise I would have been crushed by the black hole in the starry sky."

With a simple sigh, he took out the scratched Purple Imperial Silver Dragon Cauldron, and his heart ached.

The little box looked at the almost scrapped Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, and sighed unceasingly. He didn't expect his big brother to be injured so badly this time, so he simply took the opportunity to ask:
"Little box, do you have any suitable materials that can repair the Yinlong cauldron, so that Ziyu can wake up earlier? If so, I will exchange it with you with the 'Qi Luck Pearl'."

This simple condition is still very attractive.

Sure enough, after the little box heard this, it stopped flying around the Ziyu Yinlong cauldron, and when it came to Jian Jian, rays of light flashed on the box, and then he opened his mouth and said:

"Fairy Jian, I do have materials for repairing Ziyu here. It is a seven-colored stone that was left over when the Mother of the Earth repaired the sky. It is also called the sky-repairing stone. There is only such a piece in the whole world and within the Three Realms."

"Okay, then change it. If one 'Qi Luck Pearl' is not enough, I will think of another way."

The simplicity of agreeing was unusually straightforward, but Xiao He was surprised.

"Fairy Jian, do you really want to? If you refine the 'Qi Luck Orb', with its blessings, you may be able to find materials to repair Ziyu, and you can use the 'Qi Luck Orb' for your use. Good choice."

Hearing what the little box said, Jian Jian raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile:

"Didn't you think about the 'Qi Luck Bead'? Now it's delivered to you, but you persuade me to refine him?"

The little box moved a few times in embarrassment, and then said:
"I want the 'Qi Luck Orb', but I can't damage the interests of the fairy. Besides, the 'Qi Luck Orb' is stored with me, and the small box has already taken advantage of it. How can I brazenly do things that take advantage of others? !"

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