When leaving the residence, Jian Jian hid his appearance again, mainly because he didn't want to attract too much attention, but Immortal Wan Heng misunderstood, thinking that the Beiming family didn't want to have any contact with Wan Jianzong in the open.

He gave Qian Luo a glance, and Qian Luo nodded. When he led the way, he walked in relatively secluded places. Although he took a detour, he did not attract too much attention.

Wan Jianzong's residence is just two streets away from "Baiyi Street". It's not in the most prosperous area, but it's not bad. At least it's very convenient to collect information.

The guard at the door saw that it was his own fairy, and immediately bowed to salute. Wan Heng waved his hand and said:

"After we go in, we will temporarily close the station, and send me a direct message if there is anything to do."

"Yes, Xianjun!"

The two disciples of Wan Jianzong didn't ask anything, and responded immediately.

All the way into the station, they were all disciples of Wan Jianzong, and they all stood aside and saluted respectfully before continuing with the matter at hand. Wan Heng just waved his hand, and the disciples dispersed.

After entering the main hall and taking a seat, Wan Heng asked:
"Jian Xianjun, do you want them both to come here at the same time?"

"Well, come here together, I'll take a look first."

Xu Kuangshi and Qian Luo who were on the side immediately exited the main hall and went to bring the two fellow disciples over.

The little junior sister I met before offered the immortal tea with a wink, then exited the main hall, and went to find her second senior sister neatly. Jian Xianjun actually came to Wanjianzong's residence. I don't know why, after a while Be sure to ask Senior Sister Qianluo.

After a while, Xu Kuangshi and Qian Luo pulled a colleague from the same door and entered the main hall one after the other. At this time, the faces of both of them were very calm. When they saw each other, they didn't have the state of being on the verge of swords, but they were both a little inexplicable. .

"Disciple Zhang Hong (Li Qianshan) pays respects to Immortal Lord Wan Heng!"

The two saluted respectfully.

"Now that you two see each other, do you still want to kill them quickly?"

Wan Heng asked directly.

Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan were dragged by Xu Kuangshi and Qianluo respectively, so they were afraid of another conflict between them, so there were two people between them. After they looked at each other, they shook their heads tacitly.


"What happened before that?"

"The disciple doesn't know, just seeing him makes him feel bored"

Zhang Hong said helplessly.

"It's the same with my disciples. Before, I wished I could tear each other into pieces, but now I don't feel that way anymore."

Li Qianshan also said the same.

Only then did Immortal Wan Heng look aside, enjoying tea leisurely and fanning the tuanfan.

And simplicity is communicating with Sesame Transsion:
"But Zigu is causing trouble?"

"It's true, this time it's a bit tricky, Zi Gu has already fused with their hearts, so even if Immortal Wan Heng probed their whole bodies, they found nothing.

And now the sub-gu is dormant, because when I removed the sub-gu for Yinsha and restored her eye damage, I reversed the control and consumed the power absorbed by the mother-gu. Now that he is not dead, he will also eat back at his master.

Therefore, the mother Gu's control over the child Gu has weakened, and now the child Gu has also hibernated, and the two seem to have no abnormalities, and they have recovered their original intentions. "

Sesame analyzed with the tip of her tail cocked.

"Could it be possible to change your mind?"

This is clearly unrealistic.

"That's not necessary, it's just that when you peel it off, it's like cutting out your heart, it hurts!"

Sesame replied.

"As long as there is salvation, let me talk about the plan first, whether I am willing to be with them."

Simple voice transmission replied.

Then he said to Immortal Wan Heng:
"They have been tampered with, and they have been fused with the heart, so you can't find anything after several investigations. It's okay to remove it now, but it's like cutting out the heart, and it will take some pain."

After Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan heard this, their faces changed. They didn't expect that they were really hit by a secret trick. No wonder their mood has fluctuated so much recently. They all thought that they were about to attack the Great Luojin Wonderland, so their moods were a little unstable, and they were all thinking Ways to meditate.

Especially after the conflict between the two of them this time, they also sensed that something was wrong. It was just that their spiritual consciousness checked themselves from head to toe over and over again, not even letting go of their hair. Unfortunately, there was nothing wrong. The pulse is gone.

"Other people have it too, but it's not as serious as them, and this dark hand is in a dormant state, so it's easy to deal with. How about dealing with them first?"

With a simple smile, he asked Wan Heng for his opinion.

Qian Luo and Xu Kuangshi frowned, looking at Immortal Wan Heng, waiting for the other party's order.

"You summon all the disciples stationed in the main hall, including the guards, and those who are working outside are also called back."

Wan Heng naturally believed in simple judgments. Since people said so, there was a basis for it. He just had to wait and see.

"Yes, disciple, let's go."

Only then did the two let go of Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan, and went out to gather fellow disciples, but Wan Heng was about to untie the sealed dantian of the two, but was simply stopped.

"After I pull out the dark hand, Immortal Wanheng will untie their dantians to help them recover quickly. There is no need to untie them now, otherwise you will be nourishing them with immortal power."

Wan Heng nodded after hearing this, and asked the two to sit aside to meditate, and comforted him in a deep voice:
"You should be glad you discovered it early. Wouldn't it be worse if you acted secretly when you were promoted to Da Luo Jinxian? Adjust your mentality, and Immortal Jian will help you remove hidden dangers in a while.

Since you are disciples of Wan Jianzong, you must look like a sword fairy. "

"Yes, Xianjun!"

After the two agreed, they sat on the ground aside and began to meditate with their eyes closed.

After a stick of incense, all the disciples of Wan Jianzong gathered in front of the main hall, standing quietly, but they were all making eye contact, and they were summoned by Xianjun for some reason.

After communicating with Zhima at this time, Jian Jian didn't even step out of the main hall, and directly raised his hand to set up a boundary, and then five fingers formed into claws, and when he grabbed it in the air, black spots immediately flew out from the disciples in front of the main hall, and the black spots left the body. At the moment, these disciples were in a trance for a moment, and then they held their heads belatedly.

Twelve sub-gus were lined up and floated in front of Immortal Wan Heng. After letting the other party look at them, Sesame swallowed them all.

The more child Gu Zhima has, the more convenient it will be to control the mother Gu in the future, and it will not be easy for the mother Gu to find out what is wrong.

"Let them all go down! Remember to take the detoxification pill, this kind of Gu worms are highly poisonous."

He simply instructed Xu Kuangshi who was on the side.

"Yes, Xianjun Jian."

Xu Kuangshi really learned a lot, and after accepting the appointment, he took Qianluo to deal with the follow-up matters together.

Beside Mingzhi's folding fan fanned two points faster, he was really afraid that the Gu worm would come at him again, it really gave him a psychological shadow.

Immortal Lord Wan Heng obviously knew what Gu worms were, and his frowning could kill people, but he restrained himself and called Zhang Hong over first.

This time, he simply popped sesame seeds into Zhang Hong's heart. At first, the other party was still able to persist. As time passed, his face began to turn red, then turned from red to white, and finally turned blue, with beads of sweat Along the corner of the forehead, the lips were bitten out of blood, and finally sat down on the ground directly, and a muffled groan escaped from his mouth.

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