Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan are worthy of being the key disciples trained by Wan Jianzong, and they managed to survive the heart-wrenching pain, allowing Zhima to successfully peel off the sub-gu from the heart, and the two of them seemed to be fished out of the water , trembling all over, lying on the ground and unable to get up for a while.

"Xianjun can unlock their dantians now, let them repair their heart vessels first, and then take detoxification pills, preferably top-grade ones, and practice can be postponed for a while."

Jian Jian also took back his sesame seeds, and explained to Wan Heng with a smile.

"Thank you Jian Xianjun for your suggestion."

Only then did Wan Heng raise his hand to untie the dantians of the two. Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan gasped for a while, then stood up with each other's support, and after thanking the two immortals, they left the main hall.

"According to what Jian Xianjun just said, they were all intentionally planted with Gu worms, so they have a bad temper and dislike each other, until the recent big fight, which caused internal fighting and riots."

Wan Heng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, as for when these people were passive, Immortal Wan Heng will know after checking."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

At the same time as the voice fell, Qian Luo walked into the main hall, and after cupping his hands, he said:

"Xianjun, those twelve disciples have already taken the detoxification pill, and the current condition is relatively stable, only Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan are the most serious, but there is no danger of life.

Qian Luo asked about their whereabouts before, and found that these 12 people, together with Zhang Hong and Li Qianshan, had entered the Qingzhou Trial a year ago. "

"Is that the only thing all 14 of them have in common?"

Immortal Wan Heng asked in a deep voice, not avoiding the simple meaning.

"Yes, the disciples found out that this is the only thing they have in common. They formed a team and entered the Qingzhou dense forest. After the experience, they separated, or returned to the sect, or received new tasks, or returned to the sect. This station completes the garrison mission."

"Call all the disciples of Wan Jianzong who acted together with these 14 people here, the sooner the better."


Qian Luo understood what Immortal Wan Heng meant, and immediately went down to issue orders.

Wan Heng turned his head and asked:

"What did Jian Xianjun discover?"

"These child Gu that I pulled out all came from the same mother Gu. Not long ago, I found one on Mr. Zhi's body. It's just that the Gu worm had just been planted, and it hasn't had time to affect my young master."

Simple and without concealment, just speak directly.

Knowing that Jian Jian was looking for an ally, Bei Mingzhi immediately bowed his hands and told the whole story.

"So Jian Xianjun guessed that it was made by Huangfu's family, maybe even this Huangfu song?"

Immortal Wan Heng also has his own analysis.

"Yes, because everything is too coincidental. Mr. Zhi of our family has a good temper and likes to make friends. Except for some unpleasantness with Nan Fengjin, but that is a healthy competition. In other respects, he has not offended anyone. As for letting the other party use such a A vicious way to deal with it."

Simply shaking the round fan, he explained with a smile.

After Bei Mingzhi heard the simple sentence, "Our master Zhi has a good temper and likes to make friends", he immediately smiled and bent his eyebrows. As for the latter sentence of not dealing with Nan Fengjin, he directly ignored it.

"That's why Xianjun Jian and I met to compete, and specially picked an important day in the Huangfu clan, just to find a place for Young Master Zhi?"

Wan Heng also said with a smile.

"Naturally, Young Master Zhi can't be bullied in vain, and it's also a temptation. If they can't get angry and arouse the removed Zi Gu, it will further confirm my guess.

Immortal Lord Wan Heng can also ask if the disciples who entered the Qingzhou dense forest to experience together have any direct or indirect contact with the Huangfu family, and then make a judgment. "

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Wan Heng immediately clapped his hands.

"Then I'll take my leave. After Xianjun gathers the remaining disciples together, he can find an excuse to let them go to the courtyard of Beiming's family."

To put it simply and generously, she is also very principled in helping people to the end.

"Jian Xianjun is generous, and Wan Heng admires him. On behalf of Wan Jianzong, I would like to thank Xianjun."

"You're welcome, we have a common enemy, so naturally we need an alliance."

Simply waving the round fan lightly, smiling slightly, and leading Bei Mingzhi and his party, they left Wan Jianzong's residence.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Bei Mingzhi began to send messages to the patriarch, telling the patriarch everything that happened in the past two days.

Then, Bei Mingzhi began to arrange for the competition in seven days' time, and he must be foolproof.

But simply returned to his yard, and asked Bai Daze directly:
"Before you practiced with Huangfuge, but you met a disciple of Wan Jianzong?"

Bai Daze thought for a while and said:
"Huangfuge fell in love with the saber-toothed elephant killed by a disciple of Wan Jianzong, and thought of buying a fairy stone as her own trophy. When the other party rejected it, she settled for the next best thing and only bought a pair of saber-toothed elephants. , Wan Jianzong's disciple agreed to the deal, and there will be no more contact after that."

"It seems that the disciples of Wan Jianzong were planted with sub-gu at that time. Didn't you find out at that time?"

Simply touching his fan, he raised his head and asked.

"Cough, I didn't pay attention."

"Even if you notice it, it has nothing to do with you, so you didn't stop it?"

Simple whisper.

Bai Daze seemed to hear a trace of displeasure from the simple tone, he was a little guilty, so he could only say in a low voice:

"I'm just a passer-by here, so it's better not to get involved too deeply."

"Since you don't want to get involved too deeply, why did you appear in front of Huangfuge, and why did you help her win the top spot, let her enjoy the family's centuries-old resources, and even put the abacus on your head? Now you actually want to use the Gu worm What does she want to control the disciples of the great sect and the aristocratic family? What does the Huangfu family want to do?"

asked simply and unceremoniously.

Bai Daze was dumbfounded, feeling that he was short of words and lost a bit in momentum, so he could only lower his eyes and say:
"Huangfuge's luck has come to an end."

"That's because I'm here!"

Simply replied directly, then narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, feeling a little itchy in her hands, glanced at Bai Daze, and greeted directly:
"Bai Tuan!"

Bai Tuan had already noticed that his fairy was a little angry, and when he was summoned, he immediately flicked his tail, abandoned Bai Daze, and jumped into Jian Jian's arms.

Simply touching Baituan's head, he said meaningfully:

"Baituan, you must be cautious when making friends in the future, and be careful not to be led into the ditch."

"Fairy, don't worry, Baituan is very cautious in making friends, and Baituan won't play with those with bad temper."

One person, one pet, one sang and one went back to the room, leaving Bai Daze frowning and thinking whether he really did something wrong.

Here, Bai Tuan is still comforting Jian Jian, and by the way complains about Bai Daze:
"Fairy, don't be angry with Big Brother Bai. He lacks experience and is immature. He's not as good as Little Bai Ze!"

After listening briefly, he smiled and nodded Baituan's forehead and said:
"You know all of this."

"I found out after chatting with him in the past two days. This may have something to do with the environment in which he grew up."

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