Chapter 1854 Countermeasures
Nan Fengjin: Itchy hands, I really want to beat this guy up!

"Hey! Stop staring at me! You should think about how to deal with the Gu worms!"

Bei Mingzhi took a sip of his wine proudly and said with a smile.

It was only when the moon was in mid-heaven that Nan Fengjin left with her guards and sent news to the clan after returning.

Wan Heng took the two juniors and left at about the same time, and also got two small altars of "Purple Jade Qinxin Wine" as a simple gift.

After returning to Wan Jianzong's residence, Immortal Wan Heng's face sank, and he began to assign tasks to Xu Kuangshi and Qian Luo:

"Elder Jian reminded me that there is no need to keep people stationed in Jingzhou. It was also because of my sect's Immortal Emperor Wanquan that I set up a station here, but after the Gu worm happened, I also felt that it was unnecessary. That's right, the people of the Huangfu clan have no bottom line in doing things, and they do everything they can. There is no need for us to expose the disciples of the sect to their eyes and become the targets of their trials.

The first batch of disciples who have pulled out the Gu worms will be sent back to the sect, and then the disciples in the Jingzhou station will be sent to leave in batches. I will send a message to the sect to cancel the station and explain the reasons. The two of you are responsible for arranging the disciples to leave in batches. Try not to alarm the Huangfu clan, you are the last to leave. "

"Yes, Xianjun!"

The two agreed in unison, then exited the living room, and began to arrange for the evacuation.

In the outer city of the Huangfu clan's imperial city, Huangfu Song, who had a broken arm, took the "Xugu Shengji Pill" and grew a new arm. Only then did the person who delivered the elixir beside the second elder come in. He immediately got up and thanked:
"Thank you, Second Elder, for giving me the medicine."

"Young Master Song, you are polite. We are all in the same family. How can we thank you? Today, you are making a name for the Huangfu clan. This is what you should do. The second elder also prepared some training resources for you alone. I hope that Mr. Song's cultivation level can be further improved. a step.

As long as they make contributions to the clan, the second elders will treat everyone equally, but the direction of their cultivation is different. To say something that makes Mr. Song unhappy, although everyone has spiritual roots, but the speed of cultivation also varies. The pros and cons of the roots, as well as savvy and talent, so Mr. Song should not be instigated by outsiders. "

The last sentence is the key point, and there is a storage ring handed up separately.

"Song naturally knows that the Huangfu clan has cultivated us. We are both the royal family, and we should contribute to the clan."

Huangfu Song accepted the storage ring and immediately expressed his loyalty.

"That's good!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, the attendant bowed his hands and left to return to his command.

After watching them go away, Huangfu Song returned to his courtyard. He didn't find any of those concubines, so he shut them down on the grounds of being injured and recuperating, and only asked his attendants to take care of the courtyard.

Huangfu Song's face completely sank when the restriction in the retreat was raised. He is not stupid. Today, the words of Elder Jian of the Beiming family can be said to be open and aboveboard, but he listened to it. He believed that many people from the Huangfu family The children all listened.

No matter what her purpose is, there is one thing that Elder Jian said is right, they joined the Huangfu clan, they were regarded as abandoned children because of their mediocre aptitude, otherwise they would not have arranged so many furnaces for their cultivation.

This kind of behavior of relying on plundering other people's cultivation is a slant of the sword, and one day it will be backlashed. Before they could deceive themselves and others, but now they are exposed by Jian Xianjun, and they can't deceive themselves even if they want to deceive themselves.

This night, the disciples of the royal family in the outer city of the imperial city were obviously a little flustered. At least half of the disciples did not call concubines, and they were all thinking about simple words.

The nine elders of Huangfu's family gathered together, and when they talked about today's events, they all looked bad.

"Hmph, Elder Jian obviously did it on purpose!"

The third elder said directly.

"Second Elder, why didn't you refute on the spot?"

Then he pointed the finger at the second elder.

"She said it was a gift in return!"

"What do you mean?"

The elders immediately asked alertly.

"Ge'er's hands and feet on Bei Mingzhi's body have been discovered."

The second elder lowered his eyes and said.

"Who let her make her own claims?"

The Great Elder raised his eyelids and said displeasedly.

"Bei Mingzhi went to the Qin Tower, and let that Elder Jian win the silver horned horse. Ge'er didn't want the clan to lose the silver horned horned horse, so that's why..."

The second elder could only explain aloud.

"If she doesn't want to lose the clan, she should send the silver wildebeest to the clan early instead of sending it to the Qinlou as a gimmick."

The Fifth Elder said in displeasure.

The second elder didn't respond, just lowered his eyes, and then changed the subject:
"Then Bei Mingzhi is there."

"He has no evidence. If he had, he would have come to the imperial city long ago, staring at them and looking for opportunities."

The Great Elder ordered in a deep voice.

The remaining elders looked at each other and agreed.

"Comfort the children of the clan, select some good performers in the outer city, put them in the inner city for training, and break the 'abandoned son', I don't need to teach you these!"

The great elder continued.

"Yes, Great Elder."

No matter how the Huangfu clan responded, Jian Jian had already planted the seeds. Afterwards, she communicated with Bei Mingzhi, and on the third day after the competition ended, she took a sea boat and left Jingzhou's territory.

The next stop, Bei Mingzhi wants to go to Qingzhou to practice. After all, the resources there are very rich. With his cultivation base, it should be no problem to enter the inner circle. Jian Jian readily agrees. kind of relaxation.

In the cabin of the ship, Jian Jian took out his live map from the storage bracelet, because the two maps have been fused, and now Xiao Jian can also display the holographic three-dimensional terrain on the animal skin.

At this time, she was crossing her arms, patrolling back and forth on the terrain of Shisanzhou, then walked to Jingzhou, tapped her toes, and the terrain of Jingzhou emerged from the animal skin, and then Xiaojian pulled closer The map, indicating the port from which they had departed, was not at the same port as the port where they had landed before.

He nodded in simple satisfaction, and then asked directly:
"How far is it from the Seven Directions Immortal Realm? Can you calculate the direction?"

Xiao Jianjian sighed and shook his head directly to express his helplessness.

Simple also sighed, and continued to ask:
"If you find the star map, can you do it?"

Xiao Jianjian immediately stood on her hips, patted her slightly flat chest, and said that she would be able to determine the exact position with the star map, and she would be able to upgrade if she devoured the star map.

"Okay! I'll work hard to see if I can find the star map."

Simply put away her living map, and was going to ask Bei Mingzhi, as one of the four great cultivating families in Qianyuan Immortal World, it shouldn't be difficult to find her a star map.

As soon as she stepped out of the ship, the whole ship was bumped, and then quickly lifted into the air, and then there was a loud "bang", the protective cover of the ship flickered twice immediately, it seemed a little unstable, and it might break open at any time sign.

With a flash of Jian Jian's figure, he came to the deck. Bei Mingzhi was already surrounded by two guards. Seeing Jian Jian appear, he immediately said:

"Elder Jian, we have been attacked by sea beasts!"

"Well, I saw it, and it's more than one."

 I'm coming!There is another chapter that will be uploaded after the error correction.

(End of this chapter)

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