1855 - Sea Beast Attack
Bai Daze who came out following the brief was very calm, rolled his eyes, and immediately said:
"It's a group of great white sharks. It's best not to see blood, otherwise they will keep chasing us."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Tuan sniffled and said to Jian Jian:
"Fairy, there is a bloody smell on the sea boat. It seems faint and faint. It should be the great white sharks attracted by this smell."

Bai Daze also frowned, as if confirming, then nodded, confirming Baituan's judgment.

Simply waved his sleeves to put Bai Tuan into his sleeves, and then said to Bei Mingzhi's guards:

"You take good care of Mr. Zhi."

Then he asked Bai Daze:

"The weakness of the great white shark."

"The air holes on the top of the head, it's better to kill them with one blow, otherwise they will be even crazier."

Simply nodded, and calmly ordered:
"You strengthen the defense of the sea ship, I will help you get rid of the great white shark group as soon as possible, and leave the rest to me."

"it is good."

After a simple sweep of consciousness, I found that there are more than 20 great white sharks in this group, each of which is white in color, with sharp teeth that can tear through sea ships at any time, and all of them are more than ten meters long, and they quickly shuttle around the sea ships.

They were the ones who pushed the ship out of the sea just now, and now they are cooperating with each other. Ten of them are attacking the ship's defense. Shuttle and swim, create a vortex, and drag the sea ship.

He simply left the deck, stood in the air, waved his hand, and sent the whole ship away from the great white shark group, and then punched the sea surface, directly stunned the whole group of great white sharks. For the great white sharks on the sea, she waved her sleeves to take some of them into her own space, so it was not a waste of time.

"Elder Jane!"

Bei Mingzhi's voice was a little straight.

Looking back briefly, he found that half of the ship that he had moved away had already disappeared, and the other half was about to disappear, and Bei Mingzhi and Bai Daze seemed unable to leave the ship.

She raised her eyebrows, her figure flashed, and she appeared on the deck in the next breath. Bei Mingzhi was a little dumbfounded, and stammered:
"Elder Jian Jian, I want you to pull us out of this domain."

Before he could finish speaking, the entire ship disappeared from the sea.

The distance was very far, and the Huangfu family members who were monitoring the ship immediately turned the bow and left the sea area, and sent a message to the Hui family at the same time.

At this time, everyone on the boat felt that it had turned from day to night, and the whole sea boat appeared on the edge of the cliff, and it was still tilting slowly, with a tendency to fall at any time.

The defensive cover of the sea ship also disappeared instantly, and the figures of several people also tilted along with the inclination of the sea ship. The two guards pulled Bei Mingzhi from left to right, trying to leave Yu Kong, but failed. The two looked at each other and said directly:

"Elder Jian, you can't use your immortal energy here!"

The simple spiritual sense has been explored, and it is found that the place where the sea ship is located is the top of a cliff, the bottom of the cliff is sharp rocks, and there are some messy remains of corpses.

After a brief communication with Marshmallow, there was no response, and there was no response from Yanagawa, but Zhima responded, but she felt a little weak, and finally she asked Bai Tuan directly:

"Can you take us down?"

"Baituan give it a try."

With a simple flick of the sleeve robe, the moment the white ball flew out, it immediately turned into a five-tailed white fox:
"Come on, the ship is about to fall."


Bei Mingzhi was the first to land on Bai Tuan's back, followed by two guards, and finally Jian Jian, Bai Daze said that he could go down.

Then there were two balls of white jumping out from the sea boat, especially against the background of the night, they quickly fell towards the bottom of the cliff, halfway down, Jian Jian narrowed her phoenix eyes, she felt the riot of the immortal power in the air, and immediately said :

"It's time to mobilize the immortal power, you guys take Mr. Zhi down first."

Bei Mingzhi and the two guards also sensed it at the same time, and the three immediately jumped off Bai Tuan's back, and Yu Kong fell down.

Bai Tuan trampled on all fours, and also quickly fell towards the bottom of the cliff. Bai Daze was one step faster than the two of them. When he was still a hundred meters away from the bottom of the cliff, his celestial power disappeared instantly, and he couldn't use it. Fortunately, the distance was very short , a few people leaned a little on the cliff, and fell down lightly with their strength.

Bai Tuan landed steadily on a raised boulder, and instantly turned back into a miniature version. He was hugged by Jian Jian and jumped off the boulder with ease.

Then there was a loud bang, the ship fell from the edge of the cliff, the five-story ship rolled several times, broke the raised black boulder, and finally stopped not far from the five people with smoke and dust.

"Bah, bah, bah! What the hell kind of place is this?"

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan, blowing away the smoke and gravel coming from the pavement, and shouted in his mouth.

Jian Jian also waved his sleeves, and then looked around, there was no trace of popularity, this is a place where accidents occur frequently, and there are mountains of wreckage everywhere, including everything, and their sea ships are the most sparse and ordinary among them.

"What happened just now?"

Simply ask Beiming Zhidao.

"Elder Jian, this is a unique phaseless space domain in the sea area. There are no rules to follow. It appears at any time, and disappears at any time after catching a living creature. We are now trapped in this domain."

Bei Mingzhi was also looking around, as if checking if there was any familiar place here.

"The immortal energy here also seems to be unstable, causing the immortal energy in our body to be restricted."

Said simply and calmly.

"Yes, elder, when we first appeared here, we couldn't use the immortal energy, and we couldn't feel the existence of a trace of immortal energy, but when we fell from the top, we felt the strong immortal energy again. After that, the immortal power disappeared again."

The guard said immediately.

"How do I leave this domain?"

"There are two ways, one is that we find a way to leave here, and the other is when this domain devours living creatures again, we take the opportunity to leave."

This time it was Guard B who answered.

"Then is there any record of this type of domain in Qianyuan Immortal Realm?"

Simply keep asking.

The three of them shook their heads in unison, and simply helplessly supported their foreheads. It seemed that it was up to them to leave here.

"When this domain opens on its own, I think the chances are relatively slim. Even if he opens it again, we don't know where the entrance is. We still have to find the exit by ourselves. The possibility of leaving is higher."

Simply put.

"Since I'm here, I'll be at ease! I'm here to practice. I feel very at ease with you guys with me."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile.

"Leave here first, go to other places to have a look, my consciousness can be used, what about yours?"

Simply ask.

Bei Mingzhi shook his head, the two guards nodded, Bai Tuan shook his head, and Bai Daze nodded.

Very good, it seems that the higher the level of cultivation, the unlimited spiritual consciousness, but the immortal power cannot be invoked by anyone.

"Pay attention to the time and interval of Xian Yuanli's appearance, first find out the rules, and take out all your own weapons, so that you can protect yourself anyway."

Simple is the team leader who does his part, and directly orders a few people.

"Yes, Elder Jane."

At this moment, Baituan suddenly said weakly:
"Fairy, Bai Tuan smells a familiar scent!"

 Boys, it's a little late, but I never broke my promise!Today is also the fifth watch!

  I will take half a day off tomorrow, and I have an appointment with a manicurist to get a manicure. Feng Ling also wants to have a beautiful Chinese New Year. The update will be after six o'clock. Everyone, please use your phone after ten o'clock! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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