Chapter 1856 Bai Tuan Guides the Way
Jingzhou Imperial City Inner City
The Great Elder was meditating, and felt that the restriction was touched. After he opened his sleeves, an attendant came in, bowed and saluted, and said:

"Great Elder, the people we sent out to follow Beiming's ship just heard news that they just let domesticated sea beasts tamper with Beiming's ship, and before they attracted a large number of sea beasts to besiege, Beiming The family's ship was swallowed by the phaseless space."

After hearing this, the Great Elder raised his eyelids and asked in a deep voice:

"Is the news ready?"

"Accurate, the people who followed saw it with their own eyes."

"It's really God helping my Huangfu clan!"

The Great Elder raised his tone a bit, then closed his eyes again, and directly ordered:

"Send all the people who followed to other places, sweep the tail clean, and don't spread the news of the disappearance of Beiming's ship."

"Yes, Great Elder."

The attendant hesitated for a moment, but still said:

"The elder Ke Qing of the Beiming family is simple. Now the ranking of the 'Tianwei Bang' is the same as that of Wan Heng Xianjun of Wan Jianzong, and they are tied for No. 20. The list changes after their competition is over. .”

"It's a pity! This kind of phaseless space domain can trap people to death. When she falls, her name will naturally not be on the list."

The great elder said regretfully.

He believes that with the cultivation base of those people, even if they are trapped, they will not fall for a while, but those who are swallowed by the phaseless space will eventually come back alive, and it is only a matter of time before they fall.

The attendant nodded after listening, then bowed and left the practice room of the Great Elder.

The patriarch of Beiming held a jade slip of information in his hand, and was reading the news sent back by Beimingzhi. Immortal Lord Yinzhan, the first resource Elder Jian earned for the clan, and there will be follow-up extensions.

Forged a good relationship with Wan Jianzong, Elder Jian made another move, in the name of the Beiming family, to help his disciples pull out the Gu worms, and on the day when the Huangfu clan held the concubine selection ceremony, they competed with the Immortal Wanheng, and the Huangfu clan fell. For his face, let out a bad breath for him.
A bunch of messages came back eloquently.

"About the matter of the Gu worms, I have already disclosed to Nan Fengjin according to Elder Jian's instructions. As for the Dongyan family and the Xiling family, please let the patriarch decide whether to tell. After all, there is no clear evidence now.

The Gu worms on my body were taken away by Elder Jian, even if I send them back as evidence now, there is no way to prove that it was done by the Huangfu clan, so I ask the patriarch to make a decision.

The guards and I decided to go to Qingzhou for training. Elder Jian will accompany me. The family does not need to worry about my safety. I will call back anytime if something happens. "

Bei Mingzhi also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he still brought up the matter of Gu worms in the end.

"Zhi'er is really lucky this time, to avoid such a big crisis!"

The patriarch sighed, then frowned and thought about the Gu worm.

The hands of the Huangfu clan were really long, and he was not surprised to find Gu worms on the disciples of Wanjianzong who they had the most trouble with. After all, there was something dirty between the two, but the Beiming clan didn't provoke them, they also planted Gu worms. What is the purpose of that kind of Gu worm that can control people, it is worth pondering.

The patriarch of Beiming felt that if this matter was true, it must have a lot of implications, so he accepted the news of the jade slip and went directly to see the elders of the clan. They had to guard against this matter.

At this time, Bei Mingzhi and his party should be on the road to Qingzhou, discussing the direction of progress in the phaseless space domain.

"Baituan, can you describe the familiar smell?"

Hearing the simple question, Bai Tuan scratched his ears, thought for a while and said:

"Fairy, I feel that it is similar to the taste of Patriarch Jiushao, but it is more intense, and Bai Tuan feels very familiar."

After simply hearing this, her phoenix eyes flashed, hearing the meaning of Bai Tuan's words, there are other living creatures here, and it may be the nine-tailed phantom fox, so she made a quick decision:

"Bai Tuan, can you confirm the direction of that breath?"

"Yes, Fairy."

Bai Tuan nodded immediately.

"Then we are now moving forward according to your instructions, and you are responsible for determining the direction of progress."

"Yes, fairy!"

Bai Tuan responded immediately and began to twitch his nose.

Only then did the guard speak out:
"Elder Jian, what if there is fraud in this? They deliberately led us over"

"What you said makes sense, but even if we know it's a trap, we still have to investigate! We don't know anything about this place. Within the range of my consciousness, I haven't found a single living thing, and I don't even have anyone who can understand the situation. , if you don’t look for a breakthrough, maybe you will really be trapped here to death.”

Simple and not angry, he explained with a smile.

"I agree with Elder Jian's decision. At least understand the general situation first, so that we can find other things. I don't know what dangers are in this area yet!"

Bei Mingzhi said with a serious face.

So far everyone agreed, Bai Daze stood beside Jian Jian, and suddenly said:

"Xian Yuanli is recovering!"

Sure enough, the moment Bai Daze's voice fell, several people immediately felt that the celestial power in their bodies seemed to be smooth, and immediately took out their weapons as quickly as possible.

Jian Jian had already held the Moxi sword in his hand for the first time, and Bei Mingzhi replaced the folding fan in his hand with a white jade fracture fan. A common weapon, Guard B immediately put away the ship that was smashed aside.

After three breaths, the celestial power disappeared again. I simply felt that this domain seemed to have calculated the time well. After they took out their weapons, they were in a state of being unable to use the celestial power again.

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Bei Mingzhi walked in the direction pointed by Bai Tuan's little paw, followed by the two guards beside him.

Jian Jian hugged Bai Tuan and took a step behind Bai Daze, she turned to ask Bai Daze beside him:
"Can you smell the familiar smell Bai Tuan mentioned?"

Bai Daze shook his head, as if feeling a little perfunctory, and added:
"I can feel it, but I don't know what the other party's intention is. You'd better keep an eye on Xiao Baituan."

Hearing Bai Daze's words, he simply squinted his phoenix eyes, subconsciously touched Baituan's head, and said directly:

"I heard what your big brother Bai said! No matter how familiar you are, you must keep calm."

"Yes, Baituan has made a note."

Bai Tuan nodded solemnly.

This time the road was guided by him, and if he really brought everyone into trouble, he would not be able to escape.

A group of people walked forward for a certain distance in the dark night, and after leaving the cliff completely, they stopped temporarily.

"Elder Jian, it's night now, I can't use my spiritual sense, and my eyesight is limited, let's wait until dawn before moving forward!"

Bei Mingzhi suggested.

However, before he could simply nod his head, the night slowly turned into day.

Everyone was shocked, they really wanted to do something, but it made them feel even more weird.

 Babies, I came back late, and I only coded a chapter, so I will upload it first, and there will be an update before twelve o'clock. If you don't want to wait, you can rest on time, and it will be the same tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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