Chapter 1858
Jian Jian turned his head quickly, and only had time to see Bai Daze's calm face through the gap between the closed barriers. The other party just nodded at her, and then completely disappeared.

Bai Daze outside the barrier was also very helpless, he could only sit cross-legged outside the barrier, staring at the barrier in a daze.

"Elder Jian, I didn't expect this barrier to be a paradise."

Holding the sword in his hand, Bei Mingzhi and his guards watched the surrounding environment vigilantly, and reported to Jian Jian.

Here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the trees are shady, and even the immortal energy in the air is very abundant.

Jian Jian turned around, but Bai Tuan in his arms said:
"Fairy, why is Brother Bai missing?"

"He was blocked outside the barrier."

Simply put.

"Will Brother Bai be in danger?"

Bai Tuan asked worriedly.

"Tsk tsk, little fox, you should worry about yourself and your companions first!"

A joking voice came from behind a boulder, and then a fox-eyed man in a white robe came out.

Bei Mingzhi subconsciously looked at the other party, and he was stunned for the next breath, while the two guards beside him looked a little dazed, and they woke up after three breaths, and immediately stepped forward to stand beside his young master, and began to whisper Call each other.

Looking at each other briefly, he also frowned and said:
"I don't know that senior is here, but we took the liberty to disturb you! We were accidentally trapped here, and when we saw a barrier, we came in rashly. We also wanted to find a way out. I hope you will not be angry, and we will leave now."

Although Bai Tuan didn't make a sound, he tilted his head and looked at the other party.

"You are all here, why leave in a hurry."

The white-robed fox-eyed man leaned against the boulder behind him with his arms crossed, and said with a malicious smile.

"How about seniors?"

Jian Jian didn't look directly at the other party, but lowered his eyes and asked.

"Leave the little fox in your arms and let him accompany me to relieve boredom, and I will send you away!"

The man said foolishly.

"where are they?"

Simply stroking Baituan's head, he asked lightly.

What the other party said just now was to send her away, but that didn't include the three of Bei Mingzhi and Bai Daze who was blocked by the barrier.

"My ability is limited, I can only break through the domain once, and sending you away is the limit."

The man spread his hands.

"What are you doing here? Seize the house? Are you sure you can leave this domain if you succeed in seizing the house?"

Only then did Jian Jian raise his eyes, a faint blue light flashed in his eyes, and asked indifferently.

After listening to the simple words, Bai Tuan directly burrowed into her arms, and then felt that he was not strong enough, so he raised his head, stared at her with fox eyes, and subconsciously touched his neck with his little paws. The vellus hair under her eyes gave her a lot of peace of mind.

Simply holding Bai Tuan firmly, obviously did not intend to leave him behind.

The man on the opposite side tilted his head, looked at one person and one favor, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his lips:
"How do you know that it's him and not you that I want to take away?"

"You can try, but if you fail, there will be no second chance."

Jian Jian replied quietly, continuing to confront the other party.

At this time, Bei Mingzhi still hadn't been awakened, his eyes were misty, he looked forward, and he clenched his fists, as if he was struggling to get out of this predicament.

"Tsk tsk, you little girl is quite interesting and courageous, do you know who I am?"

The fox-eyed man continued to ask.

"If I guessed correctly, you are a senior of the Nine-Tailed Phantom Fox Clan, or you should be called Senior Phantom Sky Fox."

He said with a simple smile.

"As expected of a cunning human race, you really guessed it right."

Huantian finally looked at Jianjian squarely, no longer lazily leaning on the boulder, but directly sat cross-legged, beckoned to Jianjian:
"Come on, come and sit, let's talk."

'Pooh!Only ghosts are willing to chat with you, a vixen who has lived for who knows how long. '

Simple complained in his heart, but he didn't show it on the face, and he didn't move forward. He just stood there with Bai Tuan in his arms, and said politely:

"In front of seniors, I am not qualified to sit on an equal footing. I just stand here and answer."

"You human race is indeed the most beloved race of heaven. It has given you a physique suitable for cultivation and a smart mind. It seems that we will never be able to match this."

Huantian expressed his feelings.

"Senior's words are wrong. You have a strong physical body and a long lifespan, which is unmatched by our human race. As for the clever mind, as long as you live long enough, you can learn these things."

Simple and neither humble nor overbearing replied.

"Oh, what you said is so sweet, I'm not willing to let you go."

Huantian squinted his fox eyes and said.

"Senior is joking."

"Then tell me, how did you determine my identity?"

"Bai Tuan is the most talented descendant of the Nine-Tailed Phantom Fox lineage. He was brought and taught by his ancestors. After entering this domain, he sensed a familiar aura, and it was stronger than his ancestors. Proof that you His demon power is higher than that of Jiushao Yaojun.

And to be able to make a Luo Tian Shangxian fall into an illusion with just one glance, your illusion skills must be top-notch. "

After briefly speaking, he also glanced at Bei Mingzhi who was surrounded by two guards, wondering when he would be able to get rid of the illusion.


"Although this is a unique domain, you can leave at any time with your cultivation base, but you didn't. Instead, you reached a consensus with this domain and dragged us in, which proves that you can't leave here."

After hearing the simple explanation, Huantian's fox eyes flashed, neither affirming nor denying.

"After we came in, we passed the joint test between you and Yu before we were put into this enchantment. You want Baituan because he is from the same bloodline as you. Although the bloodline is thin, he is also your descendant. If you want to leave here, taking him away is the fastest way."

"Oh, if that's the case, why can't I leave here after I successfully seized the house?"

Huantian continued to ask.

"Senior, Bai Tuan hasn't even entered the immortal rank, are you sure his small body can carry your powerful soul? If he can't, he will stay here and practice until he reaches the strength enough for you to take over.

Besides, after you successfully seized the house and left this domain, the Heavenly Dao really couldn't detect it?You are from the Huantian lineage. Although you don't know what your lineage did to cut off your bloodline, you are nothing more than deceiving Heaven, otherwise you will be sorry for your title of Huantian lineage.

But if Tiandao was so easy to bully, you wouldn't be trapped here! "

Just finish it in one breath.

"Hahaha! Little girl, it's not good to be too smart! You have said that, so do you have any good ways to help me get out of here? If so, maybe I will consider taking you all out."

"Do you want the main body to leave? Or the spirit to leave?"

He simply squinted his eyes.

"How to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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