Chapter 1859 Strong Counterattack
Huantian narrowed his pretty fox eyes dangerously, feeling that this little girl had seen through his plans, but he still wanted to hear how the other party could achieve his wish that he had been unable to achieve for a long time.

He briefly touched Baituan's head, lowered his eyes and said:
"Senior, I was entrusted by the ancestor of Bai Tuan to take him to practice by his side. Let alone letting you take away Bai Tuan, it is impossible to keep him here just to leave here."

"Talking, just tell me how you let me get out of here!"

Huantian said impatiently.

Jian Jian raised his eyes to look at the fox man, and said in a low voice:
"I will find a way to bring your skeleton back to the Fox Clan and hand it over to the Phantom Fox, so that your body can leave here.

As for the soul of the senior, you can put it together with your inner alchemy into one of my immortal artifacts to take you out of this domain. fairy artifact. "

After hearing the simple words, Huantian sneered and said:
"Hmph! You are not small, how do you know that I have fallen? If I really leave here according to the method you said, I will just change from one cage to another. What is the difference from staying here!"

"Senior, if you are still alive, you won't talk nonsense with me, a junior. You are the Magic Sky Fox, and everything here is an illusion that you transformed!"

The moment the simple voice fell, this paradise was like a picture that lost its color, and slowly lost its color. Finally, the few people found that they were standing in the belly of a huge skeleton, with white ribs standing upright on both sides.

Several people scanned with their consciousness and found that it was the corpse of Huantian Fox. Bai Tuan also sniffed at this time, the familiar smell became more and more intense.

Although the two guards were protecting their young master, they had been paying attention to the movements on Jianjian's side. After discovering the changes in the surrounding environment, they directly supported Bei Mingzhi's arms from left to right, and retreated behind Jianjian.

And Huantian still maintained the human form, looking at the simple eyes at this time, said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that you have a pair of sharp eyes, and you can see through my illusion."

"It's just a fluke. If it was during the time when the seniors were all victorious, I wouldn't have the ability to see through it."

Simply stood still and said modestly.

Huantian shook his white robe, stood up, and said directly:

"I don't even like what you said, so let's keep that white dumpling!"

Jian Jian frowned slightly, and his voice became colder:
"Senior, as I said before, the white group will not be left to you."

"It's not up to you!"

Huantian's eyes flashed, and Bei Mingzhi, who had been in an illusion all this time, suddenly attacked Jian Jian with his sword in his hand.

Fortunately, the two guards beside Bei Mingzhi were not vegetarians either, they immediately restrained their young master and knocked out the sword in his hand.

And Bei Mingzhi is like a marionette, his eyes are lifeless, and when he is controlled by the guards and unable to move, he actually starts to arouse his dantian, wanting to explode himself.

"Elder Jane!"

The guard said in a deep voice.

Simply dodging in front of Bei Mingzhi, a gray ball of light popped up and submerged into the opponent's dantian, temporarily sealing the opponent's dantian, but Bei Mingzhi was still struggling and wandering in the illusion.

The two guards glared angrily at the vixen, who was in full swing, and their faces were a little unhappy.

"How do you think about it?"

Huantian asked with a smile.

"Senior, you are the ancestor of Baituan. I don't want to make things so extreme. Since we can't reach an agreement, then we will each rely on our own abilities."

After speaking briefly, she directly rolled Baituan into her sleeves, and lightly wiped her wrist, the artifact "Wheel of Fortune" was activated, and a golden halo shot out from her body. Before he could see clearly, he had already attacked the vixen opposite him.

Huantian's pupils shrank, and he secretly said "Oops", but it was too late, the golden halo had already penetrated Huantian's soul, then turned around, penetrated the human form of the opponent's soul for the second time, and then returned to the simple body , the golden ring shrunk and returned to the wrist, and turned into a golden thread.

At this time, Jian Jian's face was also a little pale, and [-]% of the celestial power in her body had gone. This was because after she communicated with the "Wheel of Fortune", only one golden ring was activated.

Being able to connect more closely with the artifact attached to her soul is also due to the fact that after her consciousness was damaged, the sea of ​​consciousness was closed, and the artifact and her soul nourished each other. Finally, after her consciousness recovered, she was within the range of her ability She can operate the "Wheel of Fortune" inside, so she is so calm when facing this old monster.

Huantian stared at Jian Yixing with resentful eyes, then his figure disappeared with the wind, a white bead was split into two, and fell into the giant skeleton with a "click", it was Huantian's inner alchemy.

Immediately afterwards, the whole space began to tremble slightly, it seemed that the consciousness of this domain found out that its partner had disappeared and began to get angry.

"Protect Young Master Zhi."


The two pulled Bei Mingzhi who was no longer struggling, stepped closer to Jian Jian, and stabilized his figure.

The enchantment created by Huantian disappeared together with his soul, and Bai Daze outside the enchantment also quickly came to Jian Jian's side, looking at Neidan who fell to the ground, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he said:
"Didn't take the opportunity of Baituan?"

After hearing this, she picked it up simply and beautifully, and she said that after Bai Daze entered this domain, he reminded Bai Tuan to be careful, so he knew that this was the place where Huan Tianhu's bones were buried.

But considering the ability of the divine beast Bai Ze, she is not surprised, so she can only say helplessly:
"The other party wants to take away the white group, so naturally I don't want to."

Immediately, he unceremoniously waved his sleeves and put the Huantianhu's corpse into the storage bracelet, even the inner alchemy that was split in two was not left behind.

The corner of Bai Daze's mouth twitched, and he didn't want to ask how Jian Jian killed such a powerful soul, but when the whole domain was shaking more and more violently, he said helplessly:
"Fairy Jian, you took Huantianhu's corpse and destroyed the opponent's soul. Without internal support, this domain is about to collapse!"

"Can we get out?"

"It's not in the original place after going out, and after this kind of domain collapses, it is easy to form space cracks. Are you sure to avoid it?"

Bai Daze asked calmly, as if he didn't care about the bumps in the space.

"It used to be, but it doesn't now!"

Simple and helpless, her Zi Yu Yin Long Ding has not been repaired.

"What now?"

The guard armor asked anxiously.

"Find a baby with space attributes and awakened consciousness, and merge with this domain to stabilize the entire domain, or wait for the entire domain to collapse, we will be lucky, maybe we can get together again if we are destined."

Bai Daze spread his hands.

A brief glance at the other party, the words were obviously meant for her, she really has such a treasure.

 Babies, Calvin today!Only coded a chapter, upload it first.

(End of this chapter)

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