Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1860 Boundary Heart Stone Appears

Chapter 1860 Boundary Heart Stone Appears
At this time, Bei Mingzhi had already broken free from the illusion. Recalling what he had done just now, his face changed. Just as he was about to explain, he found that the entire domain was on the verge of collapse. He then asked the guard who restrained him:
"what happened?"

"My lord, are you awake?"

Guard B asked.

"Hmm! Why is my dantian sealed?"

He knew best about his own body, and asked immediately after he noticed something was wrong, and then his face changed again, thinking about what he had encountered in the illusion.

"It was sealed by Elder Jian. At that time, you wanted to induce the dantian to explode."

The guard armor replied, and pulled his young master to Jian Jian's side.

Here, Bai Daze simply got a hint to pull out the Boundary Heart Stone that she carried in the secret realm of the Bao family in Mosuo City from the space of Zifu.

The Jiexin Stone has been stored in the space for many years, and has long wanted to merge with the simple Zifu space, but the owner of the space disagrees, so he has been in a deep sleep state.

Now being pulled out of the space suddenly, still a little dazed, the next moment Jiexinshi seemed to sense the turmoil in the space, immediately floated into the air, and then emitted a faint halo, and began to merge with the entire domain.

As the halo of the Boundary Heart Stone slowly dissipated, the turbulence of the entire domain also gradually weakened, and even the entire domain was faintly expanding, and the immortal power was also intermittent, not very stable.

"Now we are safe for the time being."

Bai Daze sensed it, and said to everyone.

Jian Jian is very confident in the Jiexin Stone accumulated in his own space. After all, the Jiexin Stone is waiting for work, and this domain has just lost its support, so it is only a matter of time before it is fully integrated.

Taking advantage of the abundance of immortal energy, he simply took out his cross palace and let everyone come in to rest for a while.

After entering the front hall, after everyone was seated, Jian Jian released the white ball in the sleeve robe.

Bai Tuan turned over and landed, waving his five snow-white fox tails, looked at Jian Jian and said:

"Fairy, are you alright?"


Bai Tuan took two steps forward, hesitated to speak, and finally asked:
"Fairy, is that senior really the ancestor of our Magic Fox lineage? Is he the real Magic Sky Fox?"

"It should be, otherwise he wouldn't have thought hard to drag us into this domain. His goal is you."

He simply touched Baituan's head and sighed helplessly.

Bai Tuan also sighed, and jumped onto Simple Knee, feeling a little depressed.

"Bai Tuan thought he could recognize an old ancestor, but who knew he wanted to take me away. Fortunately, there is a fairy, otherwise I would no longer be Bai Tuan."

With a simple smile, he turned to ask Bei Mingzhi:

"Young Master Zhi, how do you feel now?"

"It's all right, thank you Elder Jian for your help."

Bei Mingzhi immediately bowed his hand.

"Then I will untie your dantian."

Immediately, when she raised her hand, a cloud of gray gas floated out of Bei Mingzhi's dantian, and his dantian was released instantly.

After Bei Mingzhi felt that there was no abnormality in his body, he said:

"The illusion I just experienced was so real that I couldn't break free immediately. In the illusion, Gu worms were successfully planted in my body, and then I slowly lost my self-awareness and became a puppet of the Huangfu family. , and finally even blew up at the core of the clan land.”

At the end of Bei Mingzhi's speech, he clenched his fists directly. In the illusion, he didn't know that he had been planted with Gu worms. Affected by the Gu worms compatible with his heart, he became less and less self-conscious, and he couldn't detect it even when he was awake. Question, but now he naturally knows why he fell into that situation in the illusion.

After simply listening to Bei Mingzhi's words, he nodded slightly to express his understanding. If she hadn't been sent here, Bei Mingzhi's fate might have been the same as in the illusion.

"If Elder Jian hadn't wiped out the source of the illusion in time, I'm afraid my sea of ​​consciousness will be severely damaged this time."

Bei Mingzhi knew what he was capable of, and he would not be able to get rid of that illusion without the help of Elder Jian.

"It's okay, just treat it as a fantasy experience, maybe this is a warning."

Simply uttered a soothing voice.

"Yes, Zhi understands."

"We won't be able to leave this domain for a while, you go to the palace on the left to stay and repair."

Simply ordered.

"Yes, elder."

Bei Mingzhi and his two guards left the front hall.

Jian Jian then turned around and asked Bai Daze:
"What happened to that magic sky fox?"

"Didn't you already guess?"

Bai Daze asked in confusion, and then said:

"Based on your speculation, the entire domain was formed with the support of the fallen Magic Sky Fox.

Before that, in order to avoid the obliteration of heaven, the Huantian fox was seriously injured and hid in this preliminary formed field. The injury was so serious that he could only give up his physical body, and his soul was attached to the inner alchemy, surviving until now.

For so many thousands of years, he must have thought of many ways to leave this place. The corpse under the cliff should be the one he planned to grab after he pulled it here. What a pity!Should have all failed.

It wasn't until he sensed the Bai Tuan who was close to his blood, that he dragged us here, and the purpose was to win over the Bai Tuan, so that you could take him out of here, but unfortunately you didn't agree. "

After Bai Daze finished explaining unhurriedly, he looked at the somewhat listless Bai Tuan.

"It turned out that it was because of me that everyone was brought to such a dangerous place."

Bai Tuan lost his spirit even more.

Bai Daze looked at Jian Jian, Jian Jian only shook his head, and then said:
"I proposed two methods that can take his body and soul out of this domain. He disagreed and insisted on letting me keep the white group. Since there is nothing to talk about, let's do it directly."

At this time, Jian Jian took out his favorite Baihua Niang, drank a cup, and slowly recovered the immortal energy lost due to obliterating Huan Tianhu's soul.

"However, I have put away his bones. When I go back, I will give them to Jiu Shao to see if they can stimulate their blood."

Jian Jian drank another glass of wine, and said to Bai Daze at the side.

"When will the entire domain be integrated?"

Simply continue asking.

"It will take a while."

Saying is tantamount to not saying, simple is also convinced, he waved his hand directly and asked Bai Daze to choose a palace for repair, and after sending him away, he asked Liu Chuan:

"When I first came in, I couldn't contact you, what's the matter?"

"The hands and feet made by that old fox! I can hear you calling, but you can't hear me. There is no contract between us, so we were blocked, and you have a contract with Zhima, so you can barely Get in touch with him."

Liu Chuan explained helplessly.

"I guess it was blocked on purpose, so I was very cautious afterwards, so that I was not pulled into the illusion by the other party when we met, and I was able to see through the other party's illusion with the eyes of the phantom beast.

But it's also because the Huantianhu's soul is weak, if it was in a strong period, I might also be trapped in the illusion. "

(End of this chapter)

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