Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1861 Formation of a Secret Realm

Chapter 1861 Formation of a Secret Realm
It took more than a year for the fusion of the Jiexin Stone and the domain. After the entire domain was completely stable, Jian Jian tried to communicate with Jiexin.

"The secret realm you were in before, because of the infestation of Zerg monsters, you can only give up completely. Fortunately, your opportunity is here. The consciousness of this domain is affected by the magic sky fox. Now the magic sky fox's soul has been obliterated by me. When you complete the fusion, you are the consciousness of this domain.

Take some time to let the whole domain evolve slowly, and this will be a new secret realm in the future. "

Simply smile and draw a big cake.

"Thank you Fairy for your help, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Could Fairy help me a little bit, so that the evolution of the whole domain can be a little faster."

The Jiexin elf had the cheek to raise conditions.

The corner of Jian Jian's mouth twitched, then he waved the round fan in his hand and asked with a smile:

"Then when can you send us out?"

"Fairy, I have merged with this domain now, and I will appear in the world in the form of a secret realm, and then I will send you away, but there will be some wear and tear."

Jieshi continued to fight for his own interests.

"Understood, I will let Gushen come out, transplant some suitable natural materials and earthly treasures here for you, speed up the evolution process of the domain, and whether it can develop into a small world in the end depends on your own ability."

"Okay, deal!"

The Boundary Heart Stone Spirit readily responded.

She simply rubbed the center of her eyebrows, as if she was paying for the fairy stone to leave here, and after communicating with Gushen in the space, she avoided the three of Bei Mingzhi and released Gushen.

After accepting the task, Gushen began to wander around the entire domain with sesame seeds on his shoulders, choosing a suitable growing environment, planting corresponding fairy plants, fairy grasses, and fairy fruits. Whether you can grow up or not depends entirely on yourself.

After Bai Tuan was depressed for a while, he was simply stared at the fifth-order formation, so he didn't have the heart to think about Huan Tianhu anymore.

After discovering the small ginseng in the domain, he immediately ran to report to Jianjian:
"Fairy, a plant elf has been born in this domain. It seems to be very powerful. He is planting fairy grass here. Let's go and subdue him, and we can help the fairy take care of the fairy planting garden in the future."

Bai Tuan was very excited, wagging his five tails, which was the first thing he discovered.

Jian Jian couldn't bear to tell him that she was the owner of the plant elf, but at this time, Gu Shen had completed the task and came back to return. Hearing Bai Tuan's words, he immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Little fox, are you talking about me?"

"Huh? How did you get in through the restriction?"

Baituan immediately looked at Gushen warily.

Gushen straightened her small chest and said proudly:
"Master, Gushen has completed the task, and I am here to report back."

He simply nodded, waved his sleeves and sent Gu Shen back to the space, and then said to Bai Tuan, who was staring at the fox eyes:

"This is my contract plant pet ginseng, which is to take care of Lingzhi garden for me."


Bai Tuan exclaimed, looking at Jian Jian staringly, successfully pleasing her.

At this time, Jian Jian received a notification from Jie Xinshi, saying that he was going to open the domain, and asked them to get ready.

Jian Jian immediately gathered several people together, then collected his palace, and was ready to leave.

The next moment, the domain was indeed opened, but there were 500 monks from the human, demon, and demon tribes falling from the sky, "crackling" like dumplings.

"Cough, Fairy Jane, something happened!"

Boundary Heart Stone said in embarrassment.

The simple face was a little dark, and she felt that this boundary stone was definitely intentional.

The corners of Bai Daze's lips twitched slightly, while the three of Bei Mingzhi took two steps back knowingly, they didn't want to touch the bad luck of their elder Jian.


Simply squeezed the word out between teeth.

"I pretended to be a trial secret realm, but when I opened it, I was held back by the powerful fairy, and I sent these juniors inside. In order not to reveal the truth, I trouble the fairy to set up a inheritance hall and give them some sweets. I will send them back in ten days. Send it out with your party, you see"

Jie Xinshi was thick-skinned enough, so he said immediately.


Jian Jian had no choice but to turn around and tell a few people about the current situation, then released his palace again, and told them:
"Bai Daze, you are in charge of the trial and assessment of demon cultivators, and Bai Tuan will assist you. He can set up a fifth-level illusion formation, so it should be no problem to test demon cultivators who have not yet entered the immortal rank.

The three of you, Bei Mingzhi, are in charge of the assessment. As for the prizes for passing the assessment, you can figure it out yourself. "

Bai Daze who was named was very helpless, this was definitely Chi Guoguo's reluctance, and wanted to drag him into the water.

But looking at the enthusiastic Bai Tuan, he could only lead the other party back to the previous palace, using it as his assessment place, and let the Bai Tuan arrange formations and make preparations in advance.

Bei Mingzhi fanned his folding fan and asked with a smile:
"Elder Jian, are you going to be in charge of the magic cultivator?"

"I can't help it. The most troublesome thing is to come by myself. Hurry up and prepare, don't delay us from leaving this domain."

Simply wave your hands.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

Bei Mingzhi wisely left.

Seeing that everyone prepared separately, they simply released the marshmallows directly, surrounding the entire palace, and then emitted colorful rays of light, ensuring that all the trialists who entered the domain could see it.

Sure enough, the palace on the cliff immediately attracted all the testers who fell here, coupled with the re-planned domain, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures transplanted by ginseng, these monks are gearing up for each other, all the way from the domain Picking the fairy plant spirit grass in all directions, while rushing to the place where the palace is.

At this time, the palace that was simply in the center had already made Cotton Candy disguised as a magic palace. At this time, she had already disappeared, and while using her spiritual sense to see the situation of the magic cultivators, she was talking to Liu Chuan through sound transmission.

"I paid a lot for the skeleton of Huantian Fox this time."

"Take it as a waste of money and avoid disasters. Anyway, it is useless to keep the boundary stone with you. Now you have contributed to the formation of a secret realm with your own strength, which can be regarded as a contribution to Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

If you can't find the way back then, it's not impossible to ascend to the God Realm in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. This secret realm is considered one of your merits, and you won't lose anyway.

Besides, this time Bai Tuan accompanied you to the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and when you go back, at least give Jiu Shao an explanation. With that skeleton and inner alchemy, I believe it will be too late for them to thank you. If you can't go back, leave things to Bai Tuan, he has been refined, and he will be able to ascend sooner or later, and you have no worries. "

Liu Chuan analyzed objectively.

"You're getting better at comforting people now."

He said with a simple smile.

"Master, someone is coming!"

Marshmallow's milk sound rang, instantly drawing her attention back.

Sure enough, a Mahayana demon cultivator rushed into the black cloud arranged by marshmallows.

"Marshmallow, don't let him in easily, play with him for a while longer."

"Yes, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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