Chapter 1864 Bloodline Controversy 1
The moment Baituan hit the ground, it swept away the incomplete formation plate sold by the stall owner, dropped the fairy stone, and jumped back into Jianjian's arms.

After scanning with simple consciousness, he made sure that Bai Tuan was not injured, then he raised his head, looked at the ugly-looking banshee cultivator who was holding his hand, and then said lightly:

"It turned out to be a mixed-haired fox. This is because he has taken a fancy to the pure blood of my Baituan, and wants to steal it back to replace his own blood?"

When the other party heard the words "miscellaneous-haired fox", a look of resentment flashed across his face. After hearing the simple second half of the sentence, the fox narrowed his eyes and flashed a faint light, but he pretended to be calm. said:
"Senior, you hurt me and even caught my fox cubs. Why are you beating me upside down? Are you bullying my monster clan?"

"Tsk tsk, the tone is not small."

Bei Mingzhi waved the folding fan in his hand and stood at the front line of eating melons.

"The little demon pet beside my elder Jian is something you can imagine."

His tone and demeanor were very arrogant, and he looked like a dude.

The banshee cultivator obviously refused to let it go, waved her sleeves and sent a signal into the air, and then stood in front of several people.

Jian Jian didn't bother to entangle with this kind of unclear, with a flick of his sleeve, the other party disappeared in front of everyone, and the surroundings instantly became quiet.

"Let's go! Go to the nearest city to repair it first."

"Yes, elder."

Bei Mingzhi didn't think it was wrong, he directly raised his heels. Although the group of people walked slowly, they disappeared at the entrance of Qingling within a few breaths.

After the few people disappeared, the small market was bustling again, but they were all discussing in private, who were the ones who just shot the demon clan in the air, anyway, this is Qingzhou, which can be regarded as the headquarters of the demon clan.

Sure enough, in less than a stick of incense, a group of outstanding demons appeared here, and after a little inquiring, they knew what happened just now.

"I don't know where Rouge was sent by that fairy, what should we do now?"

A third-tier fox demon reported to the leading man.

"The soldiers are divided into two groups. You take three people to find Yanzhi, and I take the remaining three people to chase after that fairy. According to the news sent back by Yanzhi, what she found this time is a phantom fox cub. Knowing that the phantom fox lineage is extinct in Qingzhou, we must find that little fox cub and bring it back to the clan safely."


The fox demon responded immediately, and led three of his fellow clansmen to find the mixed-haired fox Yanzhi first.

The remaining four fox demons followed the guidance and went straight to the nearest city, Qingling City.

At this time, Jian Jian and his party had already entered Qingling City, and came to the courtyard that had been leased in advance. After they separated, Bei Mingzhi immediately sent a message to the clan, saying that he and his party were plotted against, and then killed by Wuxiang Space Domain. Swallowing, in the end, Elder Jian tried his best to turn the tide and let them escape smoothly. By the way, I also mentioned that Elder Jian hides his secrets and has a divine weapon to protect his body.

After the news was sent out, he asked the clan to record the important events during the year they disappeared, and then began to discuss the next training plan with the two guards.

In the yard separated by a wall, one person and one pet are eating fruit and chatting.

Simply lying on the soft bed lazily, eating the soul-enriching fruit prepared by Gushen for her, Bai Tuan was also gnawing on the milk fruit, and by the way, talked about what happened just now.

"Fairy, that mixed-haired fox looks at me with terrifying eyes, as if it wants to swallow the white ball alive."

After Bai Tuan finished speaking, he shook his small body.

"She has already cultivated Nanao, and she probably sensed your blood, so she wanted to take you away."

Said simply and lightly.

"But although Bai Tuan is of the Huanhu lineage, my bloodline is not pure. The Huantianhu's bloodline in that domain is the purest of our lineage."

Bai Tuan still had some self-knowledge.

"What if the Huantianhu lineage in Qianyuan Immortal Realm has been cut off?"

Simply asked with a smile.

After thinking about it, Bai Tuan said:

"Fairy, the severance of the Huantianhu's blood here is related to the senior who was trapped in the domain?"

"There should be some connection."

Simple does not deny.

"If you want to know the real reason, maybe you will know after you have cultivated Nine Tails and refined the demon bone of that Huantian Fox."

After hearing the simple words, Bai Tuan held his own tails in his arms and counted, there were still five tails, so he could only sigh:

"Fairy, Bai Tuan feels that his cultivation speed is still not as fast as the speed of the opportunity that is rushing towards him!"

One sentence made Jian Jian laugh, and after a light cough, he said:

"You little white dumpling, just be content! If you're still in the clan, when do you think you'll be able to grow your fifth tail?"

"It should take a long time."

Bai Tuan thinks that he is serious about cultivating on weekdays, but it is still a little different from now. At least there are more opportunities now than before.

"So, their bloodline is cut off, what's the use of catching Bai Tuan? Let me stay here and form my own line?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Tuan continued to ask.

"There are two possibilities, one is to keep you here, and then provide you with sufficient resources, so that you can advance as soon as possible, and when you become an adult, you can reproduce and let the blood be passed on.

The second way is to strip off your phantom fox blood and plant it on the newborn fox cubs. This method is somewhat vicious, but it also works the fastest, so don't run around recently, try to stay by my side. "

When Bai Tuan heard what his fairy said, the hair on the top of his head stood up, moved to Jian Jian's side, then nodded his head and said:
"Fairy, don't worry, Bai Tuan is very obedient and will never run around."

Not long after the words fell, someone pulled the restriction on Jian Jian's yard, saying that there was a visitor.

"I don't have any friends here, you've got to do it yourself."

Simply wave your hands directly.

"Elder, you'd better go and meet him. One of the monsters said that he would not leave unless he saw you."

The attendant is also very helpless, this is Qingzhou, and he should try not to offend the Yaozu, so he bite the bullet and spread the word.

"Tsk tsk, it's really fast enough."

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed.

As soon as Bai Tuan heard it, he knew it was aimed at him, and immediately said:

"Fairy, Bai Tuan will not follow, I will stay here obediently, and come pick me up after you get rid of them."

Jian Jian frowned, obviously not wanting to leave Baituan alone.

"Fairy, the foxes have sharp noses. If Bai Tuan follows you, they will definitely find out. It would be bad if there was a dispute on the spot. I'd better avoid it for now."

Bai Tuan didn't want to trouble Jian Jian, so he proposed directly.

"Forget it, you don't want to see them, just wait for me here, I will send them away."

Simply understanding Bai Tuan's thoughts, he didn't push any further, leaving Bai Tuan behind, and went to the living room.

"I met Elder Jane."

The leader of the fox clan demon king is the one who appeared at the exit of Qingling before.

After sitting down first, Jian simply asked:

"You insist on seeing me, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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