Chapter 1865 Bloodline Controversy 2
"Elder Jian, we are here for the little fox demon next to you."

The handsome Fox Chun, with a pair of purple fox eyes flickering, also answered straightforwardly.

"and then?"

Jian Jian still spoke indifferently, shaking the round fan in his hand, and only squeezed out three words.

"Elder Jian, the extinction of the phantom fox lineage in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm has always been a pity for my fox clan. Although I don't know how the elder managed to protect this bloodline, it is a great favor to my fox clan.

We want Xiao Huanhu to return to the Monster Clan. Training in the Fox Clan will only benefit him and not harm him. The Fox Clan will focus on training him. After all, you are a human race, and you don’t know the training methods of the Fox Clan. "

Hu Chun's attitude is very sincere.

"Are you representing the fox family, or the purple fox family?"

Simply asked.

"Naturally the entire fox clan!"

Hu Chun was not surprised that the other party saw through his own body at a glance.

"If you are for the inheritance of the blood of the fox clan, I will not intervene, and I respect Baituan's choice, but if you want to deprive Baituan of the blood of the phantom fox, I will never allow it!"

"Elder Jian, don't worry, we will not do such things that harm others and benefit ourselves. Depriving others of their blood is tantamount to cutting off the path to ascension. As long as we are not stupid, we will not do such things."

Hu Chun obviously did not agree with this approach.

"Okay, I will remember that."

Simply twirling the round fan in his hand, and then continued to ask:

"What if Bai Tuan doesn't want to stay in the Fox Clan?"


Hu Chun didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Jian Jian suddenly stood up from the main seat, his eyes sank, and he said coldly:
"How brave!"

In the next breath, he disappeared from the main seat, and Hu Chun and the others all raised their hearts, and they also stood up.

Before the four of Hu Chun could leave the living room, a simple figure appeared in the living room again, but this time her face was as frosty and murderous, she directly grabbed Hu Chun's neck, and said in a deep voice:

"You guys are really scheming. If you hold me back here, you will rob me of Baituan! Tell me! Where did your companion send Baituan?"

Hu Chun thought that with his own strength, it should be easy to get rid of the opponent's control, but unfortunately, that slender and tender hand firmly held his veins, making him unable to break free.

"Elder Jian Jian. We only came here with four people. No other companions entered the city. I swear by the beast god, I never lied!"

Hu Chun finished a sentence intermittently, and at the same time as the oath of heaven fell, Jian Jian let go of the opponent's hand with a sullen face.

The commotion here was so loud that Bei Mingzhi was naturally alarmed. When he came with his guards, he saw Elder Jian who was depressed in his own house.

"Elder Jian, what's the matter?"

"Someone broke through the restriction I set up while I was receiving guests, and took away the white group."

Simply put.

"So coincidentally?"

Bei Mingzhi also looked suspiciously at the four demons.

"Ahem, cough, we didn't do it."

Hu Chun coughed twice, calmed down, and then defended them in a deep voice.

Simply lowered his eyes to sense it, and then said to Hu Chun in a cold voice:
"Even if you didn't do it, it has something to do with your fox clan. Otherwise, Bai Tuan would not be looted for no reason. He has not entered the immortal rank, and no one would take the risk of offending me to steal him. You better think clearly, fox clan Who wants to get the blood of the phantom fox the most."

To put it simply, the eyes of a female fox fairy among the four people flickered, and she was immediately caught by Jian Jian. She looked directly at the other party's fox eyes and asked:

"who is it?"

"It should be the Ninth Elder in the clan. His favorite heir has a trace of Huan Tianhu's blood, but it is very impure. He tried many ways before, but he couldn't make that trace of blood grow stronger, and Rouge is his. Adopted daughter, Rouge should have told him this news, maybe."

Hu Chun suddenly turned his head and looked at his younger sister. She actually told Elder Jian the news without reservation.

Immediately seeing the other party's somewhat distracted eyes, she immediately became vigilant, and Hu Ling, who dodged to the side, patted the other party's back, and the other party immediately regained consciousness, and looked at her eldest brother in confusion.

"Hmph! Now take me to the territory of the Fox Clan. If Bai Tuan loses a single hair, I will destroy your clan territory!"

Said simply and very strongly.

"You are really unreasonable, and it's not from our line of work!"

Hu Ling said somewhat unconvinced.

"But you have helped him indirectly! Stop talking nonsense and leave now!"

Jian Jian doesn't give the other party any good looks, so he dodges to Hu Ling's side, grabs the other party's wrist, and disappears again.

"Master Zhi, this is my private matter, you don't have to follow, just stay here and wait for me to come back."

When this voice sounded in Bei Mingzhi's ears, Jian Jian had already left, and Hu Chun's expression was not good, and then disappeared. The other two fox companions looked at each other, their faces were solemn, and then disappeared .

Then Bei Mingzhi said to the two guards around him:
"Did you feel it just now? Elder Jian's murderous intent is very strong."

"Elder Jian has murderous intentions, so the Ninth Elder of the Fox Clan will definitely die."

The guard replied calmly.

The murderous aura made him tremble all over, causing him to automatically enter a defensive state, and his whole body was a little restless.

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and follow, could it be that Elder Jian is really letting Elder Jian go on a killing spree in the demon clan's territory!"


"Come on, let's go!"

With a wave of his folding fan, Bei Mingzhi also jumped out of the small courtyard, and followed the tracks of the two groups of people in front. The two guards were also afraid of being easily disadvantaged, so they dodged to follow.

Simply carrying Hu Ling who had no power to resist, he used the space jumping technique to escape to the core area of ​​Qingzhou at the fastest speed.

"Guide the way!"

When he appeared in the sky above Qingling again, he simply ordered in a cold voice.


Hu Ling lost the composure she had just now, and raised her finger in one direction.

The simple and tyrannical divine sense swept across, and immediately determined the location, and pulled Hu Ling to use the space jumping technique again to come to the sky above the fox clan's territory.

"Where is the territory of the Ninth Elder of the Fox Clan?"

Jian Jian didn't know the Ninth Elder, so he asked Hu Ling directly while scanning his spiritual sense.

"The Ninth Elder is in charge of miscellaneous matters, not in the Fox Palace, but in his own cave."

"Since he has kidnapped Baituan, it won't be in the Fox Palace, where his cave is!"

asked simply and decisively.

Because of her divine consciousness, the Demon King of the Fox Clan had already been alarmed, and the other party appeared in front of Jian Jian, wearing a red tulle fairy dress, and his delicate and beautiful face was full of displeasure.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on my fox territory?"

"Where is the Ninth Elder of your clan? He kidnapped my Bai Tuan!"

Simple face is colder than her.

Hu Li Demon King Liu Mei frowned slightly, and was about to ask carefully, when suddenly her face changed, a powerful destructive force rose from behind her, and shot out from the ground, accompanied by an angry shout:

"Who! How dare you hurt my junior!"

Jian Jian's face changed, and he threw Hu Ling from his hand, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

 See you guys tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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