Chapter 1867 Confrontation on the spot
Simply holding the sword in his hand, his consciousness and attack are synchronized, and he swung out the move "Xinghuo Liaoyuan", and the sword light with scorching breath shuttled through the entire sword field, attacking the prototype Fox Li Yaowang from a tricky angle .

Huli Demon King is a nine-tailed red fox, the fox fur all over her body is as dazzling as a flame. At this time, she moves her nine tails together to block the endless sword light. At the same time, she swings her sharp claws to attack Jian Jian who holds the sword The fox's eyes were full of anger, the sword fairy's sword domain was too difficult.

No matter how many sword lights she disperses, more sword lights will be generated in the entire sword field, and the angle of attack will become more precise and tricky, just like attacking and probing around her, you can always find her flaws, and then Give her a fatal blow, so that she dare not relax in the slightest.

At this time, she can be considered to have learned the sword fairy's ability to leap and challenge. It's really not just talking, but she hates the ninth elder even more in her heart. It's ironic that her kindred fights her.

All the big monsters outside the sword domain were also persuaded by Hu Chun, and they were about to join forces to break through the simple sword domain, when Bai Daze came to Bei Mingzhi's side, unleashing his divine beast coercion, suppressing the level of blood, making all the big monsters look pale Once changed, the scene froze again for a while.

Bai Daze looked at Jian Jian, who had already entered the full combat state, but also helped her forehead. The clan land of the Fox Clan had been destroyed in sevens and eighties. If she was really allowed to strangle the Demon King of the Fox Clan, it would be very detrimental to her. Therefore, only audio channels can be transmitted:

"Jian Xianjun, don't just focus on venting your anger. The most important thing is to cure Baituan. You have offended the Yaozu. Who will help Baituan?"

After listening briefly, he let out a cold snort, his eyes sank, he mobilized the power of chaos in his body and poured it into Moxi sword, holding the sword with both hands, a "chaos world" sword move was formed, pointing directly at the demon king Huli, successfully making the opponent instantly Fried hair.

The eyes of all the demon kings outside the sword domain were all sinking. This was the rhythm of killing Huli. They wanted to help each other, but they were suppressed by the coercion of the divine beast, and their reaction was delayed by half a beat.

At this moment, a big hand appeared from the air, blocking the demon king Huli, stopped this devastating sword move, and turned Huli out of the sword domain.

She simply raised her hand to close her sword field, and the demon emperor made a move, she still had to show face, and the other party only blocked the attack, and did not fight back to destroy her sword field, so she naturally accepted it as soon as she saw it.

A gust of whirlwind blew up in the Fox Clan, the smoke and dust dissipated in an instant, the flames went out, and a middle-aged man in a gray robe appeared in front of the demons.

Bai Daze put away his divine beast coercion, lowered his eyes and stood with Bei Mingzhi.

Bei Mingzhi gave Bai Daze a friendly smile, then put away the folding fan in his hand, and saluted respectfully with all the demon kings:
"Meet the Demon Emperor!"

The Demon Emperor only nodded, looked at the embarrassed Hu Li and said:

"what happened?"

Huli Demon King tidied up his dress, then stepped forward and said:

"Reporting to the Demon Emperor, it was a disaster caused by the nine elders of my clan"

I am a little embarrassed to say the rest.

Simply retracting the sword into the dantian, took a step forward, cupped his hands with a serious face and said:

"Please the demon emperor, save my Baituan."

Only then did the demon emperor look at Jian Jian, and said in a low voice:
"For your demon pet, you are going to destroy the fox clan?"

"Bai Tuan is my favorite junior, why do you have a demon pet?"

Simply raising his head, his phoenix eyes narrowed, and his expression became colder by two points.

Bai Daze glanced at the demon emperor, sighed in his heart, he could only wave Hu Chun to the demon emperor with his sleeves, and then hinted to Bei Mingzhi.

Bei Mingzhi also didn't want his elders to conflict with the demon emperor, which would not be of any advantage, so he immediately said respectfully:
"Senior Demon Emperor, it's better for people from the Fox Clan to talk about this matter."

Although Bei Mingzhi's guards were worried, they didn't hesitate. They waved their hands and swept the other four fox demons they stopped before to Hu Chun's side. They were the three fox clans who were looking for people, and the found Rouge .

All those involved were present, and Bei Mingzhi was the first to speak out, starting from when they left Qingling and met Yan Zhi who was about to forcibly take Bai Tuan away.

The demon kings around all listened to the ins and outs of the matter with their ears pricked up, and they were very disdainful of Yan Zhi's obvious thoughts, but Hu Chun knew that today's matter is not something they can just hide, they can only tell the truth.

"I received news from my fellow clan at the exit of Qingling that a phantom fox cub with pure blood was found. Walk.

It's a pity that the little Huanhu was not happy, and called his master, and directly knocked Yan Zhi away. When we arrived, we learned that the little Huanhu followed the fairy to Qingling City, so we chased after him.

After meeting this Immortal Jian, he talked about the little magic fox. Before he could come up with a good solution, Xianjun Jian left angrily, saying that we were making a fuss and helping our fellow clan to take away the little magic fox.

Later, I learned from my younger sister, Hu Ling, that Yanzhi, who was shot into the air by Xianjun, was the adopted daughter of the Ninth Elder, so Xianjun Jian judged that it was Yanzhi who informed the Ninth Elder, and the most beloved junior of the Ninth Elder had a trace of the blood of the phantom fox. Will take away the little phantom fox.

Then Xianjun Jian took Hu Ling one step ahead and returned to the clan land. He should have come to confront the Ninth Elder, but when the three of us returned to the clan land, the ancestor was fighting with Xianjun Jian, and we were too weak to intervene. "

At this time, Rouge's mind was blank. She was just angry that she couldn't get the blood of Huan Tianhu, so she sent a message to the Ninth Elder, and wanted the Ninth Elder to take the blood of the little fox cub so that she could make a fortune for herself. However, after seeing the destroyed clan land, she knew that a catastrophe was imminent for her this time.

"you say!"

The demon emperor just glanced at Rouge, and she shook like a sieve, lying on the ground directly, intermittently talking about what she did:
"Demon Emperor, please forgive me! The Ninth Elder has been trying to purify Hu Hao's trace of Huantian Fox's blood, and he has gone into a rage. In order to avenge that Xianjun, I sent a message to the Ninth Elder about my discovery, but nothing happened. Thinking that he actually went directly to the door and kidnapped the little Huanhu."

When Hu Li heard this, her eyes scratched the rouge, and she really wanted to pull her muscles and skin him, but because of her revenge, the Fox clan was almost wiped out.

"Hmph! I didn't want to kill evil in vain, but I didn't expect to plant the root of disaster. If I knew this monster's intentions were wrong, I should have strangled him."

With a simple face sinking like water, he looked straight at the Demon King Huli.

Huli Demon King was so angry that when the Demon Emperor's majestic gaze swept over him, he could only talk about the simple intrusion into the Fox Clan's land.

With a simple wave of her sleeves, she showed the cave that she hadn't destroyed on purpose in front of the demons, and raised her hand to move the lifeless little white fox out from under the rocks. Said coldly:
"Are you fox cultivators demon cultivators or evil cultivators? Using such a vicious formation to deprive you of blood, if you succeed today, are you trying to imitate the entire Qingzhou demon clan? Then you demon kings must pay attention to your descendants! "

(End of this chapter)

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