Chapter 1868 The Calamity of Genocide
The simple words are killing people without blood, and directly put the fox clan on the opposite side of the entire monster clan. The monster kings present are not stupid. They know that the other party is trying to sow discord, but they damn care.

Yaozu attaches great importance to bloodlines, because the purer the bloodlines, the more complete the inheritance memory they will get, which also proves that they will be stronger in the future. After all, they are standing on the shoulders of their predecessors, and their achievements will only be higher.

Simple and full of malice, he sneered at the demon king Huli, then raised his hand to send the white group out of the space, looked at the demon emperor and said:
"Master Demon Emperor, have you ever seen any contract marks on Bai Tuan? His elder is also a great demon, but he was entrusted to me temporarily. Bai Tuan is also my favorite junior. How can I explain to his elder now? "

Sure enough, Jiu Shao's aura still remained on Bai Tuan's body, his cultivation base had dropped to the first level, and his blood was transferred to the dead mottled-haired white fox. What's the truth?It was so clear at a glance that no one could in good conscience say that the fault was with this female fairy.

If their juniors are treated like this, they will not let it go.

"Bai Tuan is also a fox clan. The elders of the fox clan used such vicious methods to deal with the same clan. As the ancestor of the fox clan, don't you think you have no responsibility?"

Jian Jian pointed the finger at the Demon King Huli again.

The Demon King Huli just knocked out her front teeth and swallowed her blood. If a weak person had questioned her like this, she would have called her back long ago.

"Master Demon Emperor, please make the decision for my Baituan!"

Simply turned his head and cupped his hands to ask the demon emperor for an explanation.

The demon emperor looked at Jian Jian, and Jian Jian also looked at the demon emperor. The two sides faced each other silently, and the whole scene could be heard, which made all the demons feel very depressed.

Bei Mingzhi also wiped his sweat secretly, feeling that his Elder Jian's aura was too strong, and he dared to face the demon emperor directly, and he was willing to bow down to this courage.

Jian Jian had already planned for the worst, and her eyes were getting colder and colder as she looked at the Demon Emperor. If Bai Tuan were to fall, she would not mind letting the Demon Emperor be buried with him, causing the entire Demon Race to fall into chaos.

She only raised her hand and lightly brushed the golden thread on her wrist, the golden light flashed by the golden thread made the demon emperor's pupils shrink, and then she opened her mouth and said:

"Fairy Jian has already destroyed the land of the Fox Clan, and she is angry. The chief culprit has already fallen, so don't kill them all. Although you are a sword fairy, killing too much is not good for your practice.

Rescuing Baituan is the top priority now. There is a demon spring in the core of Qingzhou, which can help Baituan recover. First save his life and then find a way to restore his blood.

As for the fox clan, the chaos in the clan caused the Ninth Elder to use magic to deprive the blood, and the clan was punished for 500 years, and they were not allowed to participate in the distribution of resources in Qingzhou!Fox Li, do you have an opinion? "

The last sentence of the Demon Emperor was addressed to the Demon King Huli.

"Fox Li admits punishment!"

Hu Li lowered her fox eyes and accepted the punishment. If she didn't admit it, she could only die, but she didn't know how to kill this sword lunatic with one blow. As long as he let the opponent escape, there would be endless troubles for the fox clan. The distance from genocide is not far away.

"Fairy Jane, follow me."

The demon emperor turned around and left in the air. He simply hugged Bai Tuan in his arms, spread the wings of the phoenix, and followed closely behind, leaving the land of the fox clan.

The Huli Demon King had a sullen face, turned his head and slapped Yan Zhi to death on the spot. It was the greedy heart of this miscellaneous hair that brought about the catastrophe of extermination, how could she let him go.

After Hu Li calmed down a bit, she cupped her hands and said to the demon kings who hadn't left:
"Hu Li thanked all the demon kings for their help, and I guarantee that this will not happen again."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and turned the half-collapsed cave and the two stone platforms into powder.

"Everyone, I won't be sending off Fox Li to everyone. The Fox Clan will be sealed off from today."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and returned to the messy clan land that had been hacked, raised his hand and lowered a mask to block everyone's sight.

At this moment, Hu Li waved her sleeves and released the clansman she had rescued. The remaining eight elders immediately came to her side, their expressions extremely ugly, but they were all silent.

"This incident is a lesson. You are both elders. You may not be ignorant of Lao Jiu's thoughts, but you never persuaded him, so that it caused this disaster that almost wiped out the family."

Hu Li's face was full of concentration.

"We are negligent."

The great elder stood up and said.

"No, you didn't take it seriously, thinking that Lao Jiu would not succeed, and it was impossible for him to find the pure Phantom Fox blood, but what happened?"

Hu Li looked at the terrified clansmen, her tone became more and more hostile.

Although she acted in time, nearly [-]% of the demon cultivators in the clan fell, and this was the price of the Ninth Elder's wrongdoing.

"Old Ancestor, the Ninth Elder made a mistake first, we admit it, but we can't blame the whole Fox Clan! Those descendants of the Fox Clan who fell did nothing!"

The second elder said angrily.

"Then let me ask you, what did that little phantom fox do? If it weren't for that Xianjun Jian being tyrannical, he would have fallen for no apparent reason.

And he is also a fox clan, have you considered the elders behind such a pure-blooded little white fox?Lao Jiu was killed by the hair bestowed by the elder little white fox. "

The second elder was blocked and speechless.

"You were not there at the time, and I could feel that if that little phantom fox really fell, our entire demon clan would have a hard time. She has already moved to kill the demon emperor!"

"Hiss" several gasps sounded at the same time, and the Great Elder asked in a deep voice:
"Old Ancestor, are you sure? Since she has the ability to kill the Demon Emperor, why didn't she come for you, our Fox Clan?"

Huli Demon King sighed:
"Although I don't know what kind of support she has, but my feeling is not wrong. As for why she didn't come directly to our fox family, it is because she still wants to save the little magic fox and ask the demon emperor to let him do it." decision.

Even if that little phantom fox falls, it doesn't make any sense for her to kill our fox clan, because doing so will make her the target of the entire monster clan, but if she challenges the demon emperor and kills her, then in the future Before a demon emperor is born, all the high-ranking demon kings of the demon clan will be involved in the battle of demon emperors.

If we demon kings fight, you will also be involved, and slowly spread to the whole clan, and the whole Qingzhou will fall into chaos. At that time, the human and demon races will definitely take the opportunity to intervene in Qingzhou. The resources here are so rich, I don’t believe it They can hold back.

The development will definitely not end in the end. The reason is that the Fox Clan will have nothing to hide. When you say that the Fox Clan will still have a foothold in Qingzhou?And she has avenged all revenge, and she is a powerful master who defeated the demon emperor, who has the ability to chase her down? "

"This Immortal Jian is really ruthless. Isn't she afraid of provoking a family dispute and bearing the burden of murder?"

The fifth elder gritted his teeth.

"Afraid? If she was afraid, she wouldn't have come to my fox clan's territory by herself!"

Several elders fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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