Chapter 1869 Temporarily Stable
Hu Li is worthy of being an old fox who has lived for 9 years. She can guess simple ideas very well. Because of this, she is more and more afraid of simplicity.

"Okay, it's enough for you to know yourselves, appease the clansmen, and restore the stability of the clan land as soon as possible. Since the clan is sealed, it must look like a clan."

Hu Li waved her hand and sent the eight elders away.

And the demon king outside the fox clan turned around and disappeared in an instant, while Bei Mingzhi politely asked Bai Daze for his opinion:
"Friend Bai Xian, should we go back now, or wait here?"

Bai Daze lowered his eyes and said:
"We'd better go back to Qingling City and wait. Staying here won't help, and it's easy for these monster races to focus on us."

"Okay, then let's not make trouble for Elder Jian, let's leave here first."

In fact, Bei Mingzhi also wanted to do this, because his own Elder Jian's hatred was too much.

The four of them also followed the demon kings and disappeared in place. The outside of the Fox Clan instantly returned to tranquility, but the whole Qingzhou was not peaceful, with dark tides surging underneath, and various news spread everywhere.

Jian Jian followed the demon emperor's footsteps, waved his wings, and arrived at the core of Qingzhou. In the middle of the highest mountain, there was a spring pool with white mist, which was exactly the demon spring that the demon emperor said.

"Jian Xiaoyou, the little white fox is relatively weak now, and the Yaoquan needs to be diluted before letting him soak it. Let him recover first before making the next step."

The demon emperor said lightly.

"Thank you, Lord Demon Emperor!"

Simply hand in thanks.

Then he dodges directly to the side of the demon spring, raises his hand and takes out a jade bucket, lures one-tenth of the demon spring into it, and then adds the spirit spring water in the space, this spirit spring is also diluted, she is afraid of the power in the spirit spring water Deals secondary damage to the white group.

"Immortal Emperor, is it feasible to dilute to such an extent?"

asked simply and respectfully.


After getting an affirmative answer, Jian Jian gently put the white ball in the jade barrel, cast a spell to suspend it on the water surface, covered the whole body of the white ball with spiritual consciousness, and paid attention to the diluted Yaoquan to slowly repair the little guy's body. Body.

Streaks of white demon power are like swimming fish, swimming quickly around Bai Tuan, and then entering every hair of Bai Tuan, but Bai Tuan is still unconscious, only a small undulating chest proves that he is still alive.

The demon emperor looked at the simplicity that was engrossed in it, and then asked:
"You are not a fairy from Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

is an affirmative sentence.

"Why did the demon emperor say that?"

Although Jian Jian paid attention to Bai Tuan, she was also on guard against the Demon Emperor, and she was single-minded. Although the other party said it abruptly, she didn't fall for it and asked directly.

"The lineage of Huantianhu has been cut off in Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

The demon emperor only speaks the truth.

"Master Demon Emperor, there really isn't one."

Then he opened his hand, and half of Huantianhu's demon pill was in Jian Jian's palm.

"This is what I get when I'm trapped in a phase-free domain."

To be simple, she will not tell the other party when she was trapped in the phaseless space, how long she was trapped, and how she obtained the inner alchemy of the magic sky fox. In short, it is enough to prove the other party's guess is wrong.

Seeing the half magic sky fox inner pill, the demon emperor froze for a moment, frowned slightly, but didn't ask any more. Facts speak louder than words, and those who can leave the phaseless space alive will definitely not be ordinary people.

Seeing that Bai Tuan's aura gradually stabilized, the simple complexion eased, and he raised his hand to put an insulating cover on the jade barrel, then turned around and cupped his hands and said:
"Lord Immortal Emperor, this Yaoquan can allow me to take away enough of Baituan's stable vitality. I want to take Baituan away. He doesn't like it here."

"It's up to you. It's not that Bai Tuan doesn't like this place, it's that Xiaoyou Jian is upset and doesn't want to stay here."

"Don't dare."

Simply lowered his eyes and said.

The demon emperor just waved his hand.

With a simple wave of his hand, he put Bai Tuan into the space, took out a universe bottle, and unceremoniously filled it with the half-pool of the demon spring in the spring pool, and the corner of the demon emperor's eyes twitched.

"Thank you for your generosity, the Demon Emperor. When Bai Tuan recovers, I will bring him to pay my respects!"

He bid farewell simply and neatly, and left the core with a turn of his body.

The demon emperor's eyes flickered, but in the end he did nothing.

Bei Mingzhi, who returned to Qingling City, didn't go anywhere, just sat in the living room, chatting with his guards one after another.

"The fox clan is not authentic, and they set their minds on Xiao Baituan. Seeing Elder Jian's love for the little guy on weekdays, he knows that this idea is unacceptable. I didn't expect them to touch Elder Jian's Ni Lin."

"Young Master, you should be more respectful to Elder Jian on weekdays."

The guard suddenly reminded.

"I need you to remind me, I'm the kind of person who has no eyesight!"

Bei Mingzhi turned his folding fan and said helplessly.

The two guards didn't want to complain about their young master, and were about to say something, they suddenly stopped talking, and looked at the courtyard at the same time, a simple figure flashed, and walked into the living room.

Bei Mingzhi immediately got up to meet him, and even Bai Daze, who had been silent all this time, looked at Jian Jian.

"Elder Jian, what happened to Baituan? Is that demon spring useful?"

"It's stable for the time being. I'll keep an eye on Baituan later. I may have to stay in Qingling City for a while. After he's completely stabilized, we'll set off again. I hope it won't disturb Young Master Zhi's training plan."

Said simply and politely.

"No, no, let's save Xiao Baituan first."

Bei Mingzhi said immediately.

"Thank you."

He simply turned around and entered his own yard. After the restriction was placed, he communicated with the Boundary Heart Stone:
"You said earlier that you could take advantage of this opportunity to let Baituan get the complete blood of the Huantianhu. What do you mean?"

"Jian Xianjun, the domain I devoured before is, to put it bluntly, a cage made by the magic sky fox to avoid the punishment of heaven, so his core is the magic sky fox, even though he abandoned his body, but the powerful The consciousness is still enough to support the entire domain, and even swallow you outside the domain.

The domain will only collapse after you strangle its spiritual consciousness. Now I have replaced Huan Tianhu as the consciousness of the domain. This is still the most suitable place for Xiao Baituan to fuse the bones of Huan Tianhu. His blood was stripped and he became the real Magic Sky Fox. "

"Is there any danger?"

"Of course, Baituan may not be able to bear it and explode to death."

"It's too risky."

Simply frowned.

She hoped that Baituan's bloodline could be improved, and she could explain to Jiushao after returning, but the premise was that he could bear it.

"When Xiaobai Tuanzi wakes up, you can ask him for his opinion! If he agrees, you can move the skeleton of Huantian Fox into this space, and the whole domain will be closed by Baituan until he completes the fusion with the skeleton of Huantian Fox .”

"Okay, after Bai Tuan wakes up, I'll ask him for his opinion."

"It's a pity, you split the inner alchemy of that magic sky fox."

Boundary Heart Stone sighed.

"Even if I hadn't been hacked, I wouldn't let Bai Tuan fuse with the magic sky fox inner pill."


 Babies, this chapter is coded while watching the Spring Festival Gala, that’s all for today!Happy New Years Eve everyone!Happy new year!

(End of this chapter)

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