Chapter 1870 Favor Return
"In order to get out of that cage, Huan Tianhu abandoned his physical body and attached his soul to the inner alchemy. How could he not leave a back hand for himself? There must be a remnant soul left on it."

Simply holding the round fan in his hand, he explained the confusion for the Boundary Heart Stone.

"Then this inner alchemy can't be used, what a pity!"

The Boundary Heart Stone devoured the consciousness that had just formed in the phaseless space domain, and he could only know what happened in the domain after the consciousness was formed, and he didn't know much about the things before the initial formation of the phaseless space.

After simply listening to Jie Xinshi's words, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile:

"It won't be a pity, I have my own use."

Although Jiexinshi didn't know the use of the already split inner alchemy, he didn't ask much, he just opened the Jiexinshi space and asked Jian Jian to check the situation of Baituan first.

Simply appeared on the cliff, waved his hand to release his palace, then turned out the jade barrel from the Zifu space, took Bai Tuan to the apse, and when Bai Tuan's aura was still stable, he protruded a wisp as fine as Hair's spiritual consciousness entered Baituan's body, and began to examine it carefully.

Previously, because she wanted to rescue Baituan first, she had a fight with the Demon King Huli of the Fox Clan, and was tough with the Demon Emperor face to face, and she was in the core territory of the Demon Clan, so she just checked the situation of Baituan roughly to make sure As soon as he was alive, he hurried back. Now in a safe environment, she wanted to determine the extent of Bai Tuan's injury.

After half an hour, Jian Jian took back his consciousness, but his face became gloomy again.

Not to mention the injuries to Bai Tuan's viscera, [-]% of the blood in his body was almost drained, if he hadn't taken the "Vitality Pill" in time, he would have died on the spot when she rescued him.

And because of the stripping of the blood, Bai Tuan's cultivation dropped to the first level, and cracks appeared in the inner alchemy, almost being beaten back to its original form.

After a brief thought, he exited the Jiexinshi space, and directly sent a sound transmission to Bai Daze, asking him to come to his residence.

Bai Daze appeared in front of the simple courtyard. After the restriction was opened, he directly entered the courtyard and saw the simplicity in the small pavilion.

"Fairy Jane, why did you call me here?"

"Bai Tuan's condition is not very good, his blood has been stripped, his cultivation base has dropped, his inner abdomen has been injured, and he is still in a deep sleep. Yaoquan has only temporarily stabilized his condition.

I want to help Baituan restore the blood of Huantianhu. The skeleton of Huantianhu obtained in the phaseless space this time can just be integrated into Baituan. But I know that doing so is extremely risky. I hope Baixian friends can help. "

He said with a simple smile.

Bai Daze did not rush to agree, but said:

"I remember that there is also an inner alchemy of Huantian Fox. Although you split it open, refining the inner alchemy is easier than refining the bones, and Baituan can also suffer less."

Simply raised his hand to caress the fan of the red lotus flower in his hand, and said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes:
"I'm going to return that inner alchemy to the Fox Clan, and treat it as an apology for my fight in the Fox Clan's land. Isn't it because of Bai Tuan's blood that the Fox Clan came to us this time? I will fulfill their wish and let the blood of Huan Tianhu return to the fox clan."

When Bai Daze heard this, his eyes flashed, he coughed lightly and said:

"Fairy Jane, you don't have to do this, they have also been punished."

With a sneer on Jian Jian's lips, he looked directly into Bai Daze's eyes and asked directly:
"If it was Xiaobaize who was stripped of his blood, what should you do?"

One sentence successfully choked Bai Daze, Jian Jian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said directly:

"If you help Bai Tuan fuse the skeleton of Huan Tianhu and improve his bloodline, it will be my reward for helping you leave Huangfu Geqin Building."

Bai Daze was stunned for a moment, looking at his face still with a slight smile, but his eyes became more and more cold and simple, this time he did not refuse, and nodded in response.

"Thank you, I will send you into the space now, and I will also send the skeleton of Huantianhu. If you need anything else, you can send me a voice transmission at any time."

After briefly speaking, he also handed over the collected Banchi Yaoquan to Bai Daze, then waved his sleeves and sent him directly into the Boundary Heart Stone space.

Bai Daze's figure directly appeared in the palace, and he knew that he had returned to the previous phaseless space, but now this space should already be simple.

He could feel that the consciousness generated by space was watching his every move, and he could only sigh helplessly, not knowing what he said wrong?make a mistake?I can only go to see the situation of Baituan first. Obviously, Baituan's injury this time seems to have angered Jianjian.

Seeing that Bai Daze had already begun to use her own strength to coordinate with the Yaoquan water to recuperate Baituan's body, she opened her phoenix eyes.

"Fairy, when are you going to the fox clan?"

Yanagawa asked in a timely manner.

"After a period of time, when the situation of Baituan is completely stable, and when the resentment of the fox clan towards me deepens."

Simple whisper.

"Are you going for the next best thing, and you're only going to teach the Fox clan a lesson?"

Liu Chuan accompanied Jian Jianfeisheng all the way from the realm of comprehension, and she knew her temperament somewhat, and she would not just let this matter pass.

"The matter of Baituan could have been avoided, and I don't mind giving up a problematic inner alchemy to form a good relationship with the fox clan, but since they want to snatch it, they have to pay the price."

Simply and clearly stated that he is protecting his shortcomings, so what?As long as the Fox Clan can withstand the temptation of the powerful bloodline and don't accept their Magic Sky Fox Inner Alchemy, nothing will happen. If they accept it, what will happen to the Fox Clan, only God knows.

On the second day after the incident happened, Bei Mingzhi received news from his family, informing him that Jianjian's ranking on the "Tianwei Bang" had changed, and he had moved up one place, and now he is No. 20 and second.

"Tsk, Elder Jian is really tough. He fought with the demon king of the fox clan, and his ranking has risen again. It is really a blessing for my Beiming family."

Bei Mingzhi pinched the communication jade slip in his hand and said with emotion.

"My son, Elder Jian's ranking has risen. The family must want to know the detailed reasons. It is best to inform the family of what happened in the past two days, so that the patriarch can know for sure."

The guard reminded.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I will tell the patriarch. I know how we attracted the group of great white sharks on the way to Qingzhou."

Bei Mingzhi knew that they were plotted against by someone, and it was only because of the appearance of the phaseless space that disrupted the other party's follow-up arrangements.

Jingzhou Imperial City Inner City
"Great Elder, Elder Jian of the Beiming family has risen in the Tianwei list, and there is news from Qingzhou that Beimingzhi and his party seem to have broken into the core of Qingzhou and fought with the monster clan. The specific reason has not yet been revealed. Find out."

An attendant reported respectfully.

After hearing the report, the Great Elder opened his eyes, frowned, and said in displeasure:
"Go check it again, I want to know the detailed process, her ranking will not rise for no reason."

 My dears, I'm sorry, relatives came to my house today, I was instructed by my mother to go around, and I sent away relatives and friends. I only coded one chapter. That's all for today, and I will try to code a few more chapters tomorrow.

  Thank you for your waiting and support, Fengling wishes you all a happy second day~
(End of this chapter)

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