Chapter 1871

Follow the waiter's voice and leave to investigate the reason for the simple ranking promotion.

And the second elder is also a little irritable here, because after Huangfuge's cultivation base fell, he gave her a separate resource, hoping that she would raise her cultivation base as soon as possible, but unfortunately, Huangfuge's cultivation base did not increase at all. Treasures of heaven, material and earth, and his cultivation still showed signs of continued decline.

Huangfuge is now complaining to the second elder:
"Elder, my golden Gu hasn't woken up until now, I have to use more immortal energy to nourish him, which also prevents my cultivation from recovering as soon as possible, please help me, elder."

The second elder frowned and said:

"I have already given you an extra amount of cultivation resources behind the backs of other elite disciples. If you continue to do this, it will not be fair to other disciples."

"Elder, Ge'er doesn't want to embarrass the elder, can you find a few more furnace cauldrons and let them help me accumulate gold Gu?"

Huangfuge could only lower his eyes and say.

"This is not good for your practice and the advancement of the golden Gu?"

"But if I don't do this, my cultivation base will stagnate, and the gold Gu will not be able to advance. This will disrupt the deployment of the clan."

Huangfuge spoke very skillfully, he only spoke halfway, but the second elder also understood, his eyes flashed, and he said immediately:

"I understand your difficulties. I will discuss with the Great Elder later so that I can add some resources to you."

"Thank you, elder, for your compassion. Ge'er will definitely practice hard and restore her cultivation as soon as possible."

The goal was achieved, and Huangfuge didn't stay long, and she left the second elder's courtyard. She knew that too much was too late, so she only mentioned it a little, and quickly returned to her courtyard under the pretext of practicing.

The second elder looked at the direction where Huangfuge was leaving, his eyes darkened, and then he went to see the first elder, only to learn that Jian Jian's ranking in the Tianwei ranking had risen, he frowned and said:

"Isn't their ship swallowed by the phaseless space? Why did they get out of trouble in just over a year?"

"They haven't found out the specifics yet, and we won't know until the results of the investigation come out."

The elder said slightly dissatisfied.

The Second Elder first talked about Huangfu Ge's need for more resources to raise Gold Gu, and then said:
"Relying on her bloodline advantage of being able to cultivate Immortal Gu, this Huangfuge began to ask for more training resources than what was allocated. Should we consider other disciples?"

"It's only three things, so I'll give it to her this time! If there is a third time, don't discuss it with me, just let the golden Gu absorb her cultivation, and then change to another master."

"Yes, I understand."

The next day, Huangfuge received the resources sent to her by the clan alone, causing another wave of envy, jealousy and hatred, but no one dared to refute the decision of the clan.

Huangfuge looked at the treasures of heaven, material and earth in the storage bracelet, her eyes flashed with pride, as long as she is the owner of the golden Gu, she can enjoy the support from the clan.

The success of asking the family for resources this time made Huangfuge even more greedy. After exhausting the resources this time, she had the cheek to ask the second elder for additional training resources. Unfortunately, this time she gave herself Sent to a dead end.

Although the second elder expressed his reluctance at the time, he finally arranged for someone to deliver resources to her, but this time, an old woman with an invisible cultivation level directly manipulated the gold Gu in Huangfuge's body to absorb the refining master's cultivation level And after advancing, he changed himself to a new master.

Of course, these are things to follow.

Three days later, the general reason for the rise in the simple Tianwei list was also found out, and the attendant immediately reported to the elder.

"That's all you found?"


"I know, you go down!"

The Great Elder waved his hand and let the attendant go down.

Then he sent a message to several elders, informed them of the investigation results, and then said:

"This person is a great threat to our plan, and the opponent's strength is not bad. How should we deal with it? Let's think about it together."

The eight elders present looked at each other, and then the third elder said:

"The origin of this Xianjun Jian is quite mysterious, and the other party was able to retreat unscathed when the fox clan was making a big fuss, and the fox clan was forced to seal the clan. Even the demon emperor made a compromise. She must have unrevealed future. Hand! If our royal family wants to kill her, it is best to be able to kill her with one blow, if not, it is best to make friends with the other party."

"But Ge'er was impulsive and planted Gu worms on Beimingzhi's body, and was discovered by the other party. She is now the elder Keqing of Beiming's family, so naturally she doesn't want to. The previous competition embarrassed us."

The second elder said helplessly, he knew that the third elder was right, but unfortunately they seemed to have missed the opportunity to make friends.

"It's all about human effort. If you want to avoid tearing faces with the Beiming family, establish a strong enemy for our Huangfu clan, and let our overall plan fail halfway, you have to sacrifice."

The fourth elder said suddenly.

The second elder understood what he said, and although he had already obtained the permission of the first elder, he did not agree directly, and the scene fell silent for a while.

"Perhaps we can take advantage of this dispute between Jian Xianjun and Yaozu to provoke their confrontation, so that we can kill people with a knife."

The fifth elder broke the silence.

"This method is feasible, let's discuss the specific method"

This time the Great Elder agreed, after all, he was still unwilling to sacrifice the children of the Huangfu clan, which made it seem like they were afraid of simplicity.

Jian Jian, who was missed by the Huangfu clan, was accompanying Bai Tuan to perform the fusion of the first phalanx.

Bai Daze crushed Huan Tianhu's phalanx, then crushed the corresponding phalanx on Bai Tuan's claw, then mixed the two together, and began to recast this phalanx.

Although Bai Tuan was not awake, he still shook his body slightly, obviously the recasting process was not easy.

Simple and not disturbing, just watching from the sidelines, and always paying attention to Bai Tuan's aura, when he was trembling badly, he would send sound transmission to comfort the other party.

The Fox Clan's Territory in the Seven-Fairy Fairyland

Jiu Shao felt a little irritable during this time, especially today when Jiu Mu suddenly came to see him.

"Yaojun, I feel that something has happened to my white group. When I was absorbing the essence of the moon to practice last night, I suddenly saw him transform into a prototype. His white fox fur was dyed red. He rushed to me for help."

Jiu Mu wiped his face, hoping that his guess was wrong.

This time Jiu Shao lowered his eyes for a long while before opening his mouth with difficulty and said:

"The life-saving vellus I left for Bai Tuan. Activated!"

"What? Then... what about my dumpling? Isn't this going to gouge out my heart?"

Jiu Mu's face was full of sadness.

"Okay, what's the use of crying now? The vellus is activated, which proves that it can definitely save him, but it's just missing a layer of protection."

Jiu Shao frowned and waved his hands.

"Besides, he is with Jian Xianjun. With her ability, she should be able to protect Baituan."

Then he added something to comfort Jiu Mu, the old father's heart.


Jiu Mu wanted a definite answer.


Jiu Shao affirmed again.

 Surprise chapter, see you tomorrow~~good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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