Chapter 1877 Between the trade-offs
"Elder Jian is right, but in this way, the balance of the four great cultivating families will be broken. The Dongyan family will definitely be very embarrassed. The elder thinks that the Dongyan family really doesn't know about Jiao Hai's existence? It's just that they haven't been touched. interests, they selectively turn a blind eye to it."

Nan Fengjin smiled even more, explaining everyone's doubts, and said this to Dong Yanshu.

At least marry him, as long as the interests of the family are maintained, he doesn't mind Dong Yanshu's relationship with Jiao Hai, anyway, he won't defend himself like a jade for Dong Yanshu.

But Xilingshang is different. He is a bit paranoid and has a strong desire to possess Dong Yanshu. He can kill people with a knife just because Xianjun Jian made Dong Yanshu unhappy without knowing the details of Xianjun Jian. It can be seen that Its crazy level, and there was Bei Mingzhi beside him at that time.

Fortunately, Xianjun Jian had the real ability to kill seven chickens to scare him, this monkey, completely extinguishing his arrogance, making it difficult for him in the family, so he could only hold on to Dong Yanshu and complete the marriage to add to himself. chips.

But now it seems that things did not go as smoothly as he had imagined, and he directed his anger at Dong Yanshu again, but he didn't know if that Jiao Hai would share the firepower for her this time.

Jian Jian held the round fan in his hand, curled his lips into a smile, and said to Dong Yanshu:
"Sometimes, you have to give up to get something, and it depends on how you make the choice."

After finishing speaking, the phoenix eyes turned slightly, looked at the sea boat of the Xiling family on the opposite side, glanced at everyone except Dong Yanshu, and said maliciously:
"Do you want me to help? If the sea boat of the Xiling family takes everyone to be swallowed by the phaseless space and disappear in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, you may be able to fulfill your love for Mr. Jiao Hai by yourself."

As soon as these words came out, Xilingshang clenched his fists. He felt the sight of death just now. He knew very well that Xianjun Jian wanted to kill him the most. Even if his seven guards fell, he still couldn't satisfy the other party.

And the two guards behind Dong Yanshu were also shocked. This Xianjun Jian didn't really want to help his lady, but just pushed her into the fire pit in disguise.

After Dong Yanshu heard the simple words, a turbulent wave arose in her heart. She understood what the other party meant, and asked her to exchange the lives of the boatmen for her freedom and completely leave Dongyan's house.

In this way, she can find her sweetheart without any scruples, but she also has to abandon the surname Dongyan. Without the support of her family, can she get Jiao Hai's wholehearted love?She doesn't seem quite sure.

When Dong Yanshu was hesitating, the entire sea area was unusually calm, not even a single wave, just like the calm before the storm, making people feel cold all over.

The simple expression remained unchanged, just looking at the other party with a smile, but shaking his head in his heart, the other party has been thinking for too long, even if the answer is negative, Xi Lingshang will not value her so much anymore, it is really stupid.

Sure enough, Dong Yanshu closed her eyes, opened them again, and said calmly to Jian Jian:
"Thank you Xianjun for your suggestion. This is a matter between me and Xilingshang. Don't bother Xianjun to take action. I will solve it myself."

"Oh! That's right! That's just me being sentimental."

With a simple smile, he said indifferently.

But these words made the extremely nervous Xiling people on the other side relax.

"Young Master Zhi, let's go! Out of morality, we have helped everything we should. The rest is about the young couple, so we won't participate."

Simply turned to Bei Mingzhi and said.

"Yes, Elder Jian! Let's go!"

Bei Mingzhi waved his hand, Bei Ming's family's sea boat started first, and sailed towards the direction of Mozhou, Nan Fengjin's sea boat followed closely behind, and bowed his hands to Xi Lingshang and Dong Yanshu in a friendly goodbye.

After the two ships left one after the other, Xilingshang looked at Dong Yanshu with a grim expression and said:
"You, very well!"

Then turned around and entered the cabin.

Dong Yanshu sneered sarcastically, didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and turned around to enter another cabin, so she missed the disappointed eyes of the two guards behind her looking at her.

It seemed that they were afraid of encountering Jiao Hai's interception again, this time the Xiling family's sea boat crashed behind the two families' sea boats, and sailed on the sea at a leisurely pace.

"My lord, if Dong Yanshu agrees to Jian Xianjun's proposal, do you think Xianjun will make a move?"

The attendant couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked Nan Fengjin in a low voice.

"Hard to say."

He didn't understand why Jian Xianjun did this, so he couldn't answer the other party's question for a while.

On Beiming's ship, Beimingzhi also asked the same question, and then waited impatiently for a simple answer.

"If she agrees, I will take action. If she doesn't agree, the matter will be dropped! But based on my understanding of her, she will not agree."


"Because she doesn't want to give up her Dongyan family's identity and status, as well as the invisible benefits brought by these, and she doesn't seem to trust her sweetheart Jiao Hai that much. After considering for so long, and after weighing the pros and cons, she refused. me."

"Since she wants to refuse, she has to be more decisive. After thinking about it for so long, it will make Xilingshang hate her even more."

Bei Mingzhi curled his lips and said, if his life and death were in the hands of such an uncertain Taoist companion, I believe he would not like it either.

"That's why I told her that what you give up will bring you something. She is not willing to give up anything, and in the end she can't hold on to anything. As you said, if she is decisive enough, at least she won't offend the paranoid Xiling hurt. Even if there is no emotional foundation, life will be fine in the future, but it is hard to say now."

"Elder, I think you did it on purpose."

Bei Mingzhi said with certainty.

"Yes, for the sake of the overall situation, I can't kill Xilingshang, so let him get what he asks for. He will always be resentful and become a couple. Besides, I gave Dong Yanshu the chance to leave just now, but unfortunately she didn't seize it. .”

She simply hooked her lips into a smile, not hiding her purpose.

Bei Mingzhi suddenly felt a shudder down his spine, and then lowered his eyes to think about whether he had offended his elders. This feeling of settling accounts after autumn is too terrifying.

"Elder Jian, I will be cautious in what I say and do in the future, and I will never offend senior's great power by relying on my family background."

Bei Mingzhi said immediately.

"Just remember! Be low-key and high-key, all of these are based on strong strength, don't pin your safety on others."

Just a quick reminder.

"Yes, Zhihui will keep it firmly in mind."

Immediately, he said goodbye and returned to his cabin, and began to record today's harvest, communicating with the two guards while recording.

"What Elder Jian said is very reasonable. I want to write it down. It's a pity that I already have a teacher, otherwise I must worship Elder Jian as my teacher."

"Young Master, although Elder Jian is not your master, you can take the initiative to ask for advice on weekdays."

The guard immediately suggested.

He felt that since he walked with Elder Jian, his son had become more stable.

"You are right, she is now the elder Ke Qing of the Beiming family, and also my elder. It is normal for her to guide me."

(End of this chapter)

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