Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1878 Invited to enter the mansion

Chapter 1878 Invited to enter the mansion
After experiencing the small episode of Dongyanshu and Xilingshang, the next itinerary will be much smoother. Beiming's sea boat will lead the way and sail on the endless sea. The low-level sea beasts encountered in the passing places will be avoided. As they walked, the high-ranking ones occasionally rushed up to touch porcelain, but Bei Mingzhi was simply dismissed to practice.

When Bei Mingzhi first started fighting high-level sea beasts, he was still in a hurry. He was hit by sea beasts and fell into the sea from time to time. As long as his life was not endangered, under such circumstances, the two guards would simply not let him take action. help.

She will tell Bei Mingzhi how to deal with it through sound transmission. After the other party is familiar with the attack rules and methods of sea beasts, she will ask Bei Mingzhi to fight back. After many times, Bei Mingzhi also explored a set of counterattack methods of his own. new insight.

Once in a while, they would enjoy a feast of sea beasts. The main reason is to simply have nothing to do. While retaining the energy of the sea beast meat, it also maintains the delicious taste of the sea beast meat.

After eating a feast of sea beasts and practicing meditation for a day or two, Bei Mingzhi tasted the benefits, and no longer refused to hunt sea beasts. Satisfy the appetite, and also replace meditation practice, kill three birds with one stone.

After a month and a half of sailing, Mozhou had already appeared in the sight of everyone from afar. They simply turned their heads and looked at Nanfeng's ship behind them. They still followed, but the Xiling's ship had drifted away from them. It is obvious that they do not plan to dock, and are going to leave the sea area where the Mozhou is located.

The corners of Jian Jian's lips curled up slightly, she felt that Xiling Shang might not be able to fulfill his wish.

"Elder Jian, the two small sea boats ahead are fighting."

Beimingzhi can always see the most lively places.

Sure enough, at a distance of five miles from them, the land monsters on two small sea boats were fighting, and the boat was also thrown onto the top of the waves, and a group of demons beside them were robbing a killed octopus fish. Obviously, the two sides clashed because of this.

As the Beiming family's sea ship approached, the two warring parties stopped temporarily and steered the sea ship out of the way, obviously seeing that their sea ship belonged to a big family and they could not afford to offend them.

"Is the sea area of ​​​​Mozhou so chaotic?"

Simply ask Bei Mingzhi directly.

Bei Mingzhi also came here for the first time, unable to answer the question, he looked directly at his two guards.

"Elder Jian, the demons have always been tough, and it is very common for them to fight against each other. It is common for them to fight for their prey, but they are very measured and will not fight too hard, which will attract patrolling Sea Demon Guards. "

The guard armor is a simple solution.

Sure enough, as soon as they finished speaking, three sea demon guards who turned into the real bodies of the demon race came slowly on the waves. When the people on the two small sea boats saw the sea demon guard appearing, they immediately took the octopus demon fish One was divided into two, and after each snatched half, they quickly sailed and parted ways.

"It's pretty fast."

Simply holding the round fan in his hand, he looked at the calm sea and said to himself.

"Excuse me, is it the sea ship of the Beiming family?"

A tall Sea Demon Guard stopped in front of the ship and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, what advice do you have?"

Bei Mingzhi stood up and bowed politely.

"Jiao Hai wants to invite Mr. Beiming and his party to be guests at his residence. I don't know how many people can give him face?"

Sea Demon Guard continued to ask.

Bei Mingzhi was a little surprised, they didn't have any friendship with this Mr. Jiao Hai, at most they just glanced at him from a distance a month ago.

"Since they sincerely invite you, let's go and have a look."

Simply said with a smile.

"Yes, Elder Jane."

After Bei Mingzhi nodded in response, he followed Sea Demon Guard and drove towards a relatively secluded port. The sea ships that stayed here and sailed away were all medium-sized or large sea-going ships. The status of the family, so after the Beiming family's ship docked in the past, it did not attract too much attention.

Nan Fengjin also followed Bei Ming's family's sea boat, stopped at the shore together, and then followed Jian Jian and his party with her own guards. This time, Bei Mingzhi did not say anything to run on him and not let him follow.

Because it is simple and does not hide its appearance, it has attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Some demons with self-knowledge turned away after seeing it, and did not approach, and some demons with salivating eyes, after looking at Jian Jian, the whole person froze in place, as if caught in a demon , without moving for a long time, his face became ferocious.

After Bei Mingzhi saw it, he curled his lips. Elder Jian was not easy to get along with. Along the way, there were at least nine demons who were recruited.

The sea demon guard who was leading the way ahead flashed his eyes and didn't stop them. After all, those people asked for it themselves. It was just a little lesson. If the lady of the demon clan was treated like this, these people would have been wiped out long ago.

"Everyone, please come inside."

Haimowei led Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin and his party to a mansion with white walls and black tiles, and then stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the black lacquered door opened, and a cheerful steward greeted him respectfully:
"Under Jiaowei, I'm the steward of the mansion here. My young master said that some of you are his distinguished guests, so I must treat you well, everyone please."

The round-faced Manager Jiao Wei was all smiles, looking very easy to get close to, Bei Mingzhi nodded reservedly, and then stepped into Jiao's residence.

Everyone was led to a small banquet hall. After they were seated, a female witch waiter filed in and served exquisite wine, snacks and cooked sea beast meat.

After the witch waited on her, Jiao Wei stood at the door and beckoned. A group of musicians entered the banquet hall. After they sat down in a corner, another group of dancers in scantily-clad clothes walked into the hall with light footsteps. When it sounded, all the dancers also began to dance, like butterflies playing in the flowers, dazzled the audience.

"Guests, please have some drinks and meals first. My son has something urgent to deal with. He will be here in about a quarter of an hour. Please wait a moment."

Manager Jiao Wei bowed his hands politely.

"The guest is up to the host, it doesn't hurt to wait a while."

Nan Fengjin seemed very used to such scenes, and said with a smile while waving her hands.

Bei Mingzhi watched the song and dance performance with relish, and smiled to express that he was not in a hurry.

Manager Jiao Wei seemed to heave a sigh of relief, and then he bowed and left the banquet hall.

Simply looking at the dancer who was dancing faster and faster in front of her eyes, her eyes flashed, the song and the dance really matched, but it was hard to avoid being dazzled after watching for a long time, she directly raised her hand and ejected a stream of air to slow down the dancer's movements.

Bei Mingzhi rubbed his eyes and said to Jian Jian:
"Elder Jian, I feel a little dazzled, what's so special about this dance?"

"Then you are asking the wrong person. Mr. Nanfeng knows more than me, why don't you ask him."

Simply shaking the round fan, said with a smile.

Nan Fengjin leaned casually on the seat, took a sip of the fine wine in the glass, and then said with a smile:

"Elder Jian is making fun of me. That's why I know how to sing and dance."

"Is not it?"

Beiming Zhizhi asked back as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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