Chapter 1879 Procrastination
Nan Fengjin decided not to talk to this arrogant guy, but to ask him directly:

"Haven't you heard of 'Dancing Demons'?"

It was only then that Bei Mingzhi suddenly realized, and then whispered to Jian Jian:
"Elder Jian, this dance has the effect of confusing the mind. It was the coolness from the jade pendant I was wearing just now, which woke me up instantly."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile:

"It's also the first time I've seen this kind of dance. If so, let the dancer introduce it to us."

Jian Jian turned the round fan in his hand, waved it lightly, and the group of dancers dancing in slow motion fell to the ground.

There was a small inhalation sound, and these dancers quickly got up from the ground, and stood obediently in a row, standing with their heads bowed respectfully, not daring to be dissatisfied.

"Don't be so nervous, your dance is very good, it's just the first time my young master is watching it, and I want to ask what kind of dance it is, and what's so special about it."

The guard armor stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"My honored guest, this dance is called 'Tianmo Dance', we rehearsed it specially for honored guests."

"The name is nice."

Jian Jian smiled and praised, beckoning the dancer who just answered to sit opposite her, and pushed her a glass of wine:
"You are tired after dancing for so long, drink a glass of water and wine to moisten your throat, and tell my master Zhi the history of this dance."


The dancer naturally didn't dare to go against the simple meaning, took a sip of the wine, and then whispered to Bei Mingzhi about the origin of the dance.

And Nan Fengjin waved directly, and let those dancers pour wine for him, beat his shoulders, and fan him. He was obviously used to enjoying it, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

After Nan Fengjin drank the wine in the glass, she turned her head and asked simply:

"Elder Jian, do you think Jiao Hai can leave behind Xiling Shang and Dong Yanshu?"

"What does he want Xiling to do, just leave Dong Yanshu behind."

Simply replied with a smile.

"Won't that offend the Xiling family?"

Nan Fengjin asked with great interest.

"If Xilingshang voluntarily gave up Dongyanshu, it might not be possible, but Jiao Hai, who is the scapegoat, probably has his back."

"Hmph! Who said my brother Hai likes that ugly woman!"

A coquettish sound came from outside the hall, causing all the dancers to pause and immediately fell silent.

It's not surprising that Jian Jian had already discovered the person coming, and so did Nan Fengjin, and Bei Mingzhi just looked curiously at the female demon fairy who walked in.

After Moyou entered the banquet hall, he glanced around and did not find Jiao Hai, his eyes were a little dark, but after seeing Jian Jian, his eyes flashed again, and then he bowed his hands and said:
"Moyou has seen all the honored guests, it was Brother Hai who was rude and made everyone wait for a long time."

"Miss Moyou can make decisions for Jiao Hai?"

Nan Fengjin waved the group of dancers to retreat, and asked casually.

"Natural energy."

"Then what is your relationship?"

"Jiao Hai is my partner."

Moyou said with a smile.

"Then do you know what he's doing now?"

Nan Fengjin played with the delicate wine glass in her hand and asked directly.

"Brother Hai said he would fulfill his promise."

Moyou said with a smile.

"I think Miss Moyou's family background is not bad, and her cultivation is also in the Mysterious Demon Realm. She is as beautiful as an orchid in the empty valley, and she is hundreds of times stronger than that Dong Yanshu. If I were Jiao Hai, I would definitely choose you."

Nan Fengjin said deliberately.

Sure enough, these words made Moyou's beautiful brows slightly wrinkled, and then spread out quickly, and his smile became slightly lighter:

"I don't think I'm worse than anyone else, it's just a man's bad nature, what I can't get is always the best."

The sharp words made Nan Fengjin speechless.

With a simple smile, he waved to Moyou and said:

"Miss Moyou, come and sit down, let's chat, I have news that you are interested in."

The corner of Bei Mingzhi's mouth twitched, feeling that Elder Jian was a little too kind, which was obviously the rhythm of preparing to deceive people.

Sure enough, she simply praised Moyou, and then told the other party that without knowing her existence, she originally wanted to fulfill her lover, but Dong Yanshu hesitated and wanted to have both.

"Emotional matters can't be forced. I mind if you think about it carefully. No one can replace the cinnabar mole on a man's heart and the white moonlight in his eyes unless he puts it down by himself."

"Elder Jian advised me to give up the marriage?"

"Is the Jiao family the only big family in your Mozhou? Not necessarily! Then he is not the only choice. Since he is not the only choice, why make things difficult for yourself and others?"

asked simply with a smile.

Moyou lowered her eyes, gently stroked her black hair, and asked in a low voice:

"What if I want to choose him?"

"Then pay attention to strategy and don't go on the rampage."

With a simple smile, he took out a jade slip, entered the eighteen martial arts for subduing men, and handed it to the other party, saying bluntly:
"This is a meeting gift for you, I hope it can help you."

Moyou hesitated for a moment, took the jade slip anyway, thanked her, sat with her for a while, and then found an excuse to leave.

"Elder Jian, are you going to help Miss Moyou?"

"Of course, don't you think the two of them are more suitable?"

"Does that work?"

"Just wait and see."

Simply wave your hands.

Immediately, Manager Jiao Wei was recruited, and he said with a smile:

"Guard Jiao, I don't think Mr. Jiao Hai will come back to see us in a while. We drank the wine and watched the dance. We've been on the boat for a long time. Can you arrange for us to rest first?"

The main reason is that she wants to enter the Boundary Heart Stone Space to see how Bai Tuan is doing.

"What Elder Jian said was that Jiao Wei was negligent, so I will arrange a courtyard for you."

Jiao Wei was also anxious, if his young master didn't come back, he couldn't delay any longer, but the guest was extremely understanding, he quickly agreed, and waved his hand to let the servants in the mansion go to arrange it immediately.

Jian Jian entered the yard that was arranged for him alone, and after the restriction fell, he stepped into the space of the Boundary Heart Stone.

What I saw in the palace was Bai Tuan, who had fallen into a deep sleep, and all the demon bones on his left foreleg had been fused.

"Jian Xianjun don't worry, Bai Tuan's fusion went smoothly, but he wants to sort out that memory before proceeding with the next fusion."

Without waiting for a simple opening, Bai Daze explained the progress of Baituan.

"Thanks a lot!"

Standing beside the jade barrel, Jian Jian lightly touched Bai Tuan's head, feeling somewhat nostalgic for the excitement when the little guy was by her side, asking endless questions, and being cautious.

After staying with Bai Tuan for a while, and making sure that his breathing was stable, Jian Jian turned his head and said to Bai Daze:
"We have arrived at the Demon Continent, Bai Tuan is now sleeping, I can send you out of space."

"No, I'm fine staying here."

Bai Daze refused.

It's simple and doesn't force the other party. Since the other party thinks it's good to stay here, she can't wait to keep an eye on Bai Tuan's situation, so she generously left some training resources, and then left the Boundary Heart Stone space.

Jiexinshi took the opportunity to report:

"This Bai Daze is very strange. He did his best to help Xiao Baituan fuse the Huantianhu's skeleton. Even though he often sighed at Baituan, he didn't know what it meant!"

(End of this chapter)

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