Chapter 1880 Knowing the Whole Picture
"But because Bai Tuan's spirit has been impacted, will it be affected by Huan Tianhu's memory?"

He simply frowned and transmitted the voice.

"I don't feel like it. Although Bai Tuan's soul has ups and downs, but within the controllable range, Bai Tuan has carried over the memory impact he received before."

Boundary Heart Stone replied immediately.

"Then keep an eye on it. If Bai Daze makes any changes, please send me a voice transmission at any time."


Jiexinshi responded with a full mouth, and now he is performing better, and then he can be brought back to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm by Xianjun.

Jian Jian went out of the space, took out his live map, confirmed the current location, and was about to take back the map, who knew that Xiao Jian jumped up and caught her attention, then he opened his hand and asked her for something.

"Hey, I haven't got the star map yet, just wait."

Simple seconds to understand the other party's meaning, immediately said with a smile.

Xiaojian was a little disappointed, so he waved his hands, sat cross-legged on the topographic map of Mozhou, and entered the meditation mode.

Jian Jian put away the map and began to think about the star map.

When Jiao Hai rushed back to the mansion in a hurry, Jiao Wei had been waiting for a long time, and immediately went up to greet him, and roughly explained what happened in the banquet hall before.

Jiao Hai paused, frowned and asked:

"Moyou is here? How did you startle her?"

"My subordinates don't know, maybe it's because of the beautiful Elder Jian who misunderstood Miss Moyou, so she came directly to the mansion. Miss Moyou always attaches great importance to the young master."

Jiao Wei explained.

"I know. I didn't want to hide this matter from her. It's just because the other party is a young lady from Dongyan's family. The situation is a bit complicated. I don't want her to be involved. It seems that I took it for granted."

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Jiao Hai's bronze-colored resolute face.

"Don't worry, my lord. I think that Xianjun Jian is very sensible. After learning that Miss Moyou is your partner, he even privately taught her how to pursue you."

Jiao Guanshi smiled ambiguously.

Jiao Hai coughed lightly, and Jiao Wei ordered:

"Hey, tomorrow I will personally entertain a few distinguished guests. I think it's better to clarify some things in person! I don't want Moyou or the Nanfeng family to misunderstand."

"Yes, this subordinate knows what to do."

Jiao Wei bowed immediately.

On the second day, Jiao Hai changed into a black immortal robe, invited Jian Jian and his party very sincerely, and went directly to his courtyard.

"I invited you to be guests yesterday, but my host did not show up. Jiao Hai was rude. I punished myself with three cups. Please forgive me."

Jiao Hai got up, apologized first, then drank the wine in the glass, drank three glasses in a row, and then sat down.

"Young Master Jiao invited us to be our guests. We are naturally happy. It's just that we have never interacted with Young Master before, so you invited us, which really surprised us."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile, while Nan Fengjin on the side just watched without interjecting.

"Please come here, I do have something to tell, and I want to clear up some misunderstandings."

Jiao Hai knew that the other party was turning a corner to ask the reason, so he simply said directly:
"Everyone must be aware that I kept everyone in the mansion yesterday just to hold you back so that I can go find Miss Dong Yanshu."

As soon as these words came out, both Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin looked at him with weird eyes, as if they were saying, you don't need to say it so clearly, we all know it.

"This matter is my promise to Miss Dong Yanshu, and I'm just fulfilling my promise back then."

Jiao Hai's second sentence was a magical turning point, which aroused everyone's interest.

"Miss Dong Yanshu and I met during an exploration of the Yifu 100 years ago. Although we cultivated differently, after we temporarily formed a team, we cooperated tacitly. Law.

And because Ms. Dong Yanshu's practice is different, this exercise is useless for her, so she gave it to me at the time. I knew that this exercise was precious, so I offered to use all my wealth as compensation, but Miss Dong Yanshu refused. Let me promise her that I will do a difficult thing for her in the future.

I agreed without hesitation at that time, and we have kept in touch since then, until I learned that Dongyan's family and Nanfeng's family were married, and Dong Yanshu was the one who married, and only then did I confirm her identity . "

Having said that, Jiao Hai looked at Nan Fengjin, cupped his hands and said:

"Although I fell in love with Ms. Dong Yanshu, after she agreed to marry her, I kept a distance from her. It was only because of your flirtatiousness that she often sent messages to complain to me. I just tried my best to persuade and not I have never provoked your relationship, and I have no other ideas.

Later, she broke off the engagement with Nanfeng's family. I'm still glad that at least she no longer has to bear the responsibilities of the family. However, news of her marriage with the Xiling family came out not long after. promise. "

He paused at this point, Bei Mingzhi rolled his eyes and said:
"Did Dong Yanshu ask you to take her away from Xilingshang?"

"Yes, it's just that she wanted me to take her away as a lover, but I didn't agree. After all, I already have a marriage contract with Moyou, and she is my favorite lover."

Jiao Hai said bluntly.

"From what you mean, Dong Yanshu doesn't know that you already have a marriage contract?"

This time it was Nan Fengjin who asked.

"Yes, this is my private matter. After keeping a distance from her, I never took the initiative to contact her on weekdays, and the number of contact times was very small. I never mentioned these too private matters to her."

Jiao Hai generously admitted.

"Tsk tsk, this time Dong Yanshu is really a waste of time."

The corners of Nan Fengjin's mouth curled up, and she said in a somewhat unkind way.

"Miss Dong Yanshu did have some misunderstandings. She thought that I didn't want to take her away as a lover because I didn't want to have a conflict with the Xiling family. I intercepted their ship this time. say clearly.

But that Xiling wound didn't give me a chance to speak at all, thinking that I had an affair with Miss Dong Yanshu, and would fight me when they met, and I could only fight back, so the misunderstanding arose. "

Jiao Hai said very frankly.

Bei Mingzhi fanned the round fan in his hand, and after thinking about it, he said:
"Is there something wrong with Dong Yanshu's brain? What benefits can she get by doing this? Xiling will hate her, Dongyan's family may abandon her, and the so-called lover, Mr. Jiao Hai, has no intentions of her at all! If you want to get rid of Xiling Hurt, Elder Jian gave her a chance before, but she gave up!"

With a simple smile on his lips, he turned the round fan in his hand and said softly:

"The opportunity I gave her was to let her give up the surname Dongyan. Her own choice was to ruin her own reputation and make the family give up using her for marriage, but she is still the young lady of the Dongyan family, and her status remains the same."

 Babies, today is the fifth watch!Tomorrow is the [-]th birthday of the elders in the family, and Fengling will be a guest, so tomorrow's update will be irregular, and there will be only three chapters at most, please wait until after ten o'clock in the evening to refresh!Thank you for your likes and support!Rest early after watching, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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