Chapter 1881
After listening to the simple words, Bei Mingzhi shook his head, still expressing his incomprehension:

"Since you don't want to marry for the family, then just refuse to marry with Nanfeng's family from the beginning, why bother."

"What do you know, a child? You are a man, she is a woman, and the current patriarch is not from her lineage. She only reluctantly calls the other party uncle, but she can't help herself.

Elder Jian gave her a chance, and was even willing to remove her worries, but she hesitated. After all, without the aura of the Dongyan family, she had to face the difficult road of cultivation in the future alone, or maybe she didn't want to entrust her future to In Mr. Jiao's case, after all, there are times when favors are paid off.

What Dong Yanshu is doing now is the least price she can pay to achieve her goal. It's a pity that Mr. Jiao Hai is righteous and willing to take the lead, but Xiling hurts that kid, but he won't let go easily. "

Nan Fengjin took a sip of the fine wine in the glass, and directly explained the reason, very straightforward.

After listening to Jian Jian, she just shook her head helplessly. In her opinion, since she doesn't want to be manipulated and controlled by the family, she should leave completely and walk her own path of cultivation, but she forgot that it wasn't All nymphs have this courage.

"Mr. Nanfeng is very predictable. That Xiling wound would rather drag Miss Dongyan to blow himself up than let me take Miss Dongyan away. He also threatened that if I did so, I would be an enemy of their Xiling family."

Jiao Hai looked calm, and told everyone the reason why they failed to pick him up yesterday.

Bei Mingzhi gasped, feeling that Xiling's injury was a bit too scary, and it was too paranoid to drag Dong Yanshu along with him to blew himself up.

"Xilingshang is really a lunatic. He attacked Elder Jian for no reason before, and I stood aside at that time, but he didn't have any scruples at all, and he attacked as soon as he said so. Fortunately, Elder Jian was able to easily stop his attack.

Afterwards, he wanted to bully the few with more, and Elder Jian directly strangled his entire guard, and only then did he know how to be afraid.

Even if the Xiling family knew that Elder Jian was the guest elder of my Beiming family, they still didn't fart a single fart, because I was present when the two incidents happened! "

Beimingzhi's folding fan shook a little faster, obviously looking down on the arrogant Xilingshang.

"So, the method given by Elder Jian is the best, but unfortunately she missed it, and she will regret it in the future."

Nan Fengjin raised her eyebrows and said very firmly.

Simple and noncommittal, sometimes what you think is good, but others don't agree, that being the case, she respects Dong Yanshu's choice.

Today's chatting between the few people also pointed out Dong Yanshu's future misfortune. When she simply found a way to leave Qianyuan Immortal Realm, Dong Yanshu still couldn't get rid of Xiling's injury.

Xiling's injury even worsened, and Dong Yanshu was placed under house arrest in a disguised form, and her cultivation resources were cut off, just to allow her to give birth to the Xiling family's heir!At this point, Dong Yanshu regretted rejecting the simple and seemingly provocative proposal, and let herself fall into such an unbearable situation.

Back to the present, after a party, everything was discussed, and everyone consciously avoided the topic of Dong Yanshu and Xilingshang, and instead discussed the next training itinerary.

Jiao Hai, as the head snake of Mozhou, naturally made a suggestion.

"If you want to improve your combat power, you can go to the magic glasses to practice."

"I have heard a little about this place, and the biggest enemy in the magic glasses is myself."

Nan Fengjin answered.

"Yes, it is said that this mirror is made of the eyes of the Thousand Eyes Demon. As long as you appear in front of the magic glasses, the mirror will copy another you, allowing you to fight against yourself. Within half an hour, if you cannot defeat Another self means the failure of the challenge."

Jiao Hai patiently explained.

"This is very interesting, I must give it a try."

Bei Mingzhi is still very aggressive.

"However, I don't recommend you to try too many times. If you lose ten times in a row, another you in the mirror will replace the current you, and you will be detained in the mirror."

Jiao Hai said slightly mysteriously.

"Huh? It's so dangerous? But someone has lost ten times in a row?"

Bei Mingzhi immediately asked gossip.

"I don't know. It's just a rumor. I think it's better to tell you."

Jiao Hai spread his hands.

The more he said that, the more Bei Mingzhi's interest was aroused. He immediately made a decision and went to see the magic glasses the next day.

Jian Jian didn't answer, but felt that there was a [-]% possibility that this so-called rumor was true. After all, there was nothing wrong with it, but it was just that he didn't know how many people had been replaced.

Jiao Hai's apologetic banquet was considered a success, the guests and hosts had a great time, and they left each other on the middle of the month.

As a result, Bei Mingzhi, who was clamoring to see the magic glasses, was gorgeously hungover because he didn't force out the alcohol. He rubbed his forehead and left the room when the sun was high.

"Oh! It's really a mistake to drink, and the stamina of this wine is too strong."

Bei Mingzhi changed into a crimson robe, let off the smell of alcohol, and then went to look for simple, ready to see the magic glasses.

Jianjian also changed into a sky-blue glazed fairy dress today, which sets off her even more otherworldly, making her so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her.

"Elder Jian looks really good today, and this fairy dress suits you very well!"

Bei Mingzhi immediately offered the rainbow fart.

"Master Zhi is also very bright today."

In fact, I simply want to talk about coquettishness.

After hearing this, Bei Mingzhi felt more beautiful in his heart, and walked out of the mansion together with Jian Jian.

As a result, before he reached the door, he saw Jiao Wei, and after reading the jade slip in his hand, he hurriedly fled towards Jiao Hai's yard. The attendants left the mansion.

"Elder Jian, is Brother Jiao in a hurry? Let's go and see."

Bei Mingzhi smelled a hint of something happening, and immediately suggested.

"They treated you to a drink, and you became Brother Jiao?"

Nan Fengjin's lazy voice came, obviously wanting to go out for a walk, and the group met together.

Nan Fengjin was dressed even more flamboyantly today, wearing a red fairy robe with narrow sleeves and a white gauze over it, making her look more ethereal and handsome, which made Bei Mingzhi a little jealous.

"Hmph! Are you here to block us?"

Beiming straightened his robes and said directly.

"I'm waiting for Elder Jane, and you are by the way."

Nan Fengjin had already walked over and said with a smile.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Beimingzhi gritted his teeth and decided not to argue with him, anyway, Fairy Jian is now the elder of their Beiming family.

"Elder Jian, let's go and have a look!"

Simple and helpless, with Bei Mingzhi's temperament, I don't know how he was promoted to Luotian Shangxian!

Jian Jian just waved his hands, and the group also left the mansion, falling far behind Jiao Hai.

Bei Mingzhi saw that Jiao Hai led his entourage directly into a gorgeously decorated three-story Qionglou. They also walked over slowly, and when they looked up, they saw the three characters "Fengyuelou".

(End of this chapter)

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