Chapter 1883 Bad Habits
When they heard that it was a furnace that was rejected by the former owner's family, all the female demon fairies began to check their storage rings to determine whether they had the ability to take down this high-quality furnace. Although they were not the first owner, they could be the first. The second one is also good.

"Everyone, the starting price is 100 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Seeing the excitement of the scene, the Fengmei people immediately called out the starting price.

"One million and one thousand top-grade immortal stones!"

"One million and fifty thousand top-grade immortal stones!"

"110 million high-grade immortal stones!"

The price began to rise, and the smile on Fengmei's face became deeper and deeper.

Bei Mingzhi heard it very clearly. Moyou on the opposite side didn't bid for the time being, so he just watched the fun, but when he turned his head to look, he found that Elder Jian stood up from his chair, walked to the window, and was using his scrutiny He looked at the male demon fairy below.

"Hey, Elder Jian, do you want to help him?"

Bei Mingzhi could only think of this. After all, the other party was indeed indistinguishable from male and female, and he was as beautiful as Elder Jian. He thought that his elder had moved his heart of compassion.

Simple but irrelevant:

"Do you think he is beautiful?"

"It's okay."

"If he was a woman, would you feel sorry for him?"

"Even if I don't need the cauldron, if I buy it and keep it by my side, it will be pleasing to the eye."

Bei Mingzhi spoke the truth.

After listening briefly, she nodded, and then asked Nan Fengjin who was thinking thoughtfully:
"All the female demon fairies of the demon clan like to raise furnaces?"

"It varies from person to person, but the female demon fairy of a big family will raise one or two. Just like what Bei Mingzhi said, it is also a pleasure to put it around and admire it, and it is a symbol of status."

Nan Fengjin said directly.

"This habit is bad and needs to be changed."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, looking at the man in white below, his eyes flashed.

These words made Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and were about to ask the reason, but they heard that Moyou on the opposite side had also joined the auction, and the price of this furnace had soared to 1000 million top-grade immortal stones.

"One thousand and one million top-grade fairy stones!"

Moyou directly added 100 million high-grade immortal stones, which is very arrogant.

"1000 two million high-grade fairy stones!"

It was Jiao Hai who raised the price this time, and everyone could hear it without anyone reminding him this time.

"Young Master Jiao, you already have someone to marry, why bother to grab the stove with us? Even if you do, you won't be able to enjoy it!"

A teasing female voice sounded, obviously recognizing Jiao Hai.

In another private room, Jiao Hai's resolute face flashed a trace of unnaturalness. It is indeed embarrassing to be called out, but as long as Moyou can be prevented from buying a stove, these can be ignored.

And Bei Mingzhi, who came to eat melons with him, suddenly realized:
"It turns out that Mr. Jiao Hai came here to cut him off when he learned that Moyou came to Fengyuelou to buy a stove. He was afraid that he would fall out of favor."

Hearing this, the corners of Nan Fengjin's mouth twitched. What does it mean to fall out of favor?Can't speak and still yelling here, didn't you see that the entire auction hall was quiet?
It turned out that Bei Mingzhi said this while standing by the window, and it had already reached the ears of everyone present, even Feng Meiren and the famous furnace standing on the auction stage turned their eyes to them.

Bei Mingzhi immediately unfolded the folding fan to cover his face, he lifted Jiao Hai's bottom, the other party wouldn't hammer him!

Jian Jian also covered his face with a round fan, with a smile on his lips. This is really a large-scale social death scene.

The corner of Fengmei's mouth twitched, and then continued:

"Is there a higher price than 1000 two million fairy stones?"


Everyone is thinking, is it the asking price?Still do not bid?Or simply let Jiao Hai take it back and see how he handles this male demon fairy.

Because of this kind of mentality of watching the show, no one asked the price anymore, and they all glanced back and forth in the private room where Jiao Hai and Mo You were, wanting to see who was tougher.

Moyou was sitting in the private room at this time, her eyes were gloomy, looking out of the window in a daze, while the female witch asked in a low voice:

"Miss, do you want to continue to increase the price?"

"Add what? If we really want to buy back that furnace, then Jiao Hai and I will really come to an end."

Mo You waved his hand.

"Then you can't let the young master buy that male goblin back!"

Another female witch muttered in a low voice, obviously listing that furnace cauldron as an object of vigilance.

The people from Fengmei tried their best to set up the atmosphere there, and the lobbyists wanted to swear, but no one raised the price.

"Fengmei, hurry up and drop the hammer! We are all waiting to see Mr. Jiao buy a stove for his Taoist companion, but we don't know whether this stove will be given to Miss Moyou or kept for our own use!"

Immediately someone booed.

Feng Meiren could only manage her facial expressions as best she could, but when she was about to raise the hammer and drop it, a sharp voice suddenly interrupted her movements.

"Look! What is that?"

I saw the male demon fairy who was standing upright just now, sitting down slowly on the ground at this time, there was something black wriggling under his fair skin, and then the man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, which fell to the ground, and there seemed to be something inside. Black worms are wriggling.

In the next breath, black Gu worms crawled out of the male demon fairy's body and rushed towards the person closest to him.

"Burn these bugs! Quick!"

In the chaos, whoever shouted, countless fireballs fell on the Gu worms, instantly turning the Gu worms into black ashes.

At this time, the male demon fairy was already dying, black Gu worms crawled out of his mouth, eyes, and ears, and he shriveled up visibly with the naked eye, finally becoming a mummy.

Now the whole second floor was blown up, and Fengmei had been hiding away for a long time. At this moment, she was taking out a jade slip with shaking hands, as if sending a message to the owner of Fengyue Tower.

And in all the private rooms, lights flashed one after another, obviously the people inside all left here in the teleportation array.

Simply turned around and said:
"The excitement is over, and Mr. Jiao Hai's predicament has been solved, let's go too!"


At this moment, Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin were extremely respectful, they knew with their toes that the cauldron that caused the accident must have been written by Elder Jian, but they didn't know where the Gu worm came from.

Several people took the teleportation array to leave the second floor, and met Jiao Hai and Mo You at the door of Fengyue Tower, and they seemed to be waiting for them.

"Brother Jiao, you also come to Master Fengyue to see him!"

Bei Mingzhi cupped his hands cheekily, thinking that what happened before hadn't happened.

"Hey, Mr. Beiming, Moyou and I heard what you said just now on the second floor, and we heard it very clearly."

Jiao Hai said with a half-smile.

"Then what. The misunderstanding is solved! You don't need to thank me!"

Bei Mingzhi still said cheekily.

Nan Fengjin was embarrassed for him, so she could only suggest:

"How about we go back to the mansion first, what happened in Fengyue Tower is not a good thing."

"it is good!"

Jiao Hai responded readily, and then turned to Moyou, tentatively inviting:

"Moyou, you come back with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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