Chapter 1884 Preemptive Strike
Jiao Hai's cautious appearance made Moyou very useful, and decided to show him face, so he nodded reservedly.

After getting a response, Jiao Hai's resolute face showed a slight smile, and then he stepped forward and walked side by side with Mo You, but the group of people only took a few steps, and felt a blur in front of them, as if they were pulled into someone else's domain.

The simple reaction among the crowd was the quickest. Almost when they were drawn into it, she was already holding the sword in her hand, and lightly drew two swords, cutting the entire domain into pieces. Returned to Jiao Hai's mansion.

The figures of the people suddenly appeared in the mansion, and Jiao Wei was startled, and after a closer look, it was his young master, Miss Moyou, and the two young masters of the family, so they immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Master, Miss Moyou, distinguished guests, you are back."

"Jiao Guanshi, go and find out the master behind the 'Fengyue Tower'. We were attacked there just now. Fortunately, Elder Jian took action in time and dragged us out of the opponent's domain. Otherwise, we don't know what the result will be."

Jiao Hai said in a deep voice.

After Jiao Wei heard this, his face turned serious. This mansion belongs to Mr. Jiao Hai alone, and there is still a distance from the clan. If necessary, let the young master bring Miss Moyou back to the clan first.

"Thank you, Elder Jian, for your rescue."

Jiao Hai and Moyou stood side by side, and thanked each other.

"You're being polite, Mr. Jiao entertained us kindly, it's just a matter of lifting a finger."

After briefly speaking the polite words, he changed the subject:

"We were attacked. I'm afraid it has something to do with the male demon fairy. I induced the Gu worm on his body, but I don't know who planted it. The other party let him live in a place like Fengyuelou. Tossing and turning, spreading Gu worms, you can check along this direction."

Both Jiao Hai and Mo You were stunned, because the amount of information in this sentence was a bit large, they wanted to go over it.

Both Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin had expressions of "as expected", and the expressions of the guards around them were a little numb. They felt that the coming storm and waves would not be too light. I don't know if it is right or wrong to persuade my young master to leave now. It's too late.

After speaking briefly, he waved his hands and returned to the courtyard that Guanshi Jiao had arranged for her.

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin all cupped their hands together and followed one after the other, leaving Jiao Hai and Moyou staring wide-eyed.

"Jiao Hai, have you really confirmed their identities?"

Mo You asked.

"It's confirmed, they are the young masters of Beiming's family and Nanfeng's family respectively."

"Where is Elder Jane?"

"She is the elder Ke Qing who has just joined Beiming's family. This time, she is protecting her son to go out for training."

Jiao Hai unreservedly told Mo You the information he found earlier.

"Such an outstanding beauty should not be unknown. Have you ever checked what happened to her before she became the elder of the Beiming family's guest minister?"

Moyou was more careful and asked directly.

"It really isn't."

Jiao Hai really didn't find out, after all, his focus was on Dong Yanshu.

"Why don't you check it out soon? What if you cheat yourself by then?"

Moyou frowned.

"Yes, I'll go right away, you wait for my news."

Jiao Hai knew the seriousness of the matter, and they had already been attacked, so they might not have such good luck next time.

Let's talk about simplicity, when he returned to his courtyard, Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin came hand in hand even though the restrictions were not lifted.

"Elder Jian, the Gu worms on that male demon fairy were planted by the Huangfu family?"

"It comes from the same source, except that the child Gu on the man with the 'Heavenly Demon Physique' was nourished by his essence and blood, so it is more powerful."

After simply sitting down, he didn't hide anything, and told the two of them directly.

In their families, more or less traces of Gu worms were found, and they believed that their families were all looking for it, so she told the truth.

"From the same source?"

Nan Fengjin whispered, then raised her head and said:
"Elder Jian, what you mean is that the worms on the male demon fairy are not produced by Huangfuge's mother Gu, but by another higher-level mother Gu that is the same as Huangfuge's mother Gu. Zi Gu?"

Although what he said was a bit convoluted, it was simple but understood, but Bei Mingzhi didn't react for a while.

"It's like twin sisters, one of them is weaker and the other is stronger, the sub-gu produced by them will be different, but they are related."

Nan Fengjin translated it in easy-to-understand words.

"I understand, so when the male demon fairy who was auctioned appeared, the elder took a second look to make sure whether the Zigu on him came from Huangfuge?"

Bei Mingzhi said immediately.


"Based on the current situation, there is still a hidden mother Gu, and it is stronger than Huangfu Ge's. I just don't know if the other party is dormant in Huangfu's house or somewhere else."

Bei Mingzhi immediately expressed his analysis.

"You're right! But judging from the action of the other party pushing the man to Fengyuelou, there's a [-]% possibility that he wants to plant the sub-gu on the female demon fairy through double cultivation."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said lightly.

"Elder Jian, although you avoided the possibility of the female demon fairy becoming a puppet, it also alarmed the people behind the scenes. Could the attack just now be done by the other party?"

Nan Fengjin reacted very quickly.

"Probably not, the guards of the Fengyue Building realized that I had induced the Gu worms, so they wanted to stop me."

He said with a simple smile.

"Besides, the people from Fengyue Tower should also come to the door at this moment."

As soon as the words fell, Guanshi Jiao came to report:

"A person who claimed to be the chief steward of Fengyue Tower came to see Elder Jian and was waiting outside the courtyard."

"Please come in!"


Jiao Wei bowed in response, and then added:
"Elder Jian, my young master asked me to investigate the master behind the 'Fengyue Building'. This person who claims to be the chief steward seems to be one of the principals."

"I understand, I will deal with it carefully, and will not involve your young master."

He said with a simple smile.

"Elder Jane, please worry."

Jiao Wei got an affirmative answer and went out to invite someone.

A black-robed man with a very ordinary appearance and very fair skin strode into the living room. When he saw Jian Jian sitting at the head, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he cupped his hands and said:
"Xiayuexi (xi) is the chief steward of Fengyue Tower. I want to ask Elder Jian why he smashed my place in Fengyuelou and what is the purpose of doing so?"

"I have nothing to do with Fengyue Tower. I just watched the fun in the past today. As for smashing the scene, I didn't do it all. I just lured out the Gu worms planted on the 'Heaven Demon Physique' demon fairy to prevent him from passing through. My own body planted Zi Gu on the bodies of other female demon fairies, I should have helped you in Fengyuelou."

 See you guys tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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