Chapter 1885
In a few words, he explained the situation at that time, saying that smashing the scene was to help Fengyuelou avoid disasters, and putting gold on his face like this made Yuexi's teeth ache.

But he also extracted some information from it. Elder Jian clearly stated that it was a Gu worm, and it was not planted by her, but was discovered by accident by her.

"Elder Jian, does anyone know who planted this so-called Gu worm?"

Yuexi asked directly.

"It's up to you to ask yourself."

Simple show your hands.

"Yeah, Manager Yueda, we met that male demon fairy for the first time today. Where was he before? How did he get to your Fengyue Tower? Who did you meet during this process? Only you Fengyuelou knows about it." .”

Bei Mingzhi waved the folding fan in his hand and said simply.

"At the auction site, we heard what that Fengmei said. He was the furnace cauldron that was rejected by the previous family, and then he was sent to your Fengyue Tower for auction. Is it possible that the previous Moxian family treated him in order to vent their anger? What have you done?"

Nan Fengjin played with the jade pendant in her hand, and also chimed in.

"If not, then her family's young lady"

Before Nan Fengjin finished the rest of the sentence, Yuexi understood, and this was also what he was worried about.

After all, the Kaishan family is not a small family in Mozhou. The previous "Heavenly Demon Physique" furnace cauldron was sent by Fengyue Building. The big family naturally enjoys special treatment. home won.

Yuexi was silent, no clues could be seen on her face, the living room was very quiet, she didn't rush at all, she just waved the round fan of Butterfly Love Marigold in her hand.

At this moment, steward Jiao Wei came to report again, breaking the silence in the hall:
"Elder Jian, people from the Kuishan family are here to visit."

It's just that Guanshi Jiao hadn't finished speaking, Jian Jian had already seen the visitor, and the other party stepped into the meeting room directly, looking at Jian Jian who was sitting at the head with burning eyes:
"I met Xianjun Jian in Xiakai Shance! I have admired his name for a long time. I never expected to meet the No. 20 master of the 'Tianwei Ranking' in Mozhou."

Kai Shance is two meters tall, wearing a brown-red robe, with a straight body, bronze skin with a healthy luster, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a hooked nose. The guards trained by those families are different, they have obviously seen blood, and they are decisive people to kill.

"It turned out to be the Demon Monarch Kuishan, please sit down!"

Simply smiled, and raised his hand to ask the other party to sit down.

After Kai Shance entered the hall, he had already scanned the entire living room for everyone, especially after seeing Yuexi, his eyes flashed a gloomy look, obviously he didn't want to see each other.

Yue Xi was also very self-aware, and immediately stood up and saluted:

"I've seen Lord Cemo!"

Kai Shance flicked up his robe, and after sitting down, he asked bluntly:
"What are you doing here? Have you found any clues?"

Yuexi lowered her eyes and said in a deep voice:
"Calm down, the devil. People in the building have arranged for a thorough investigation of the people who have been in contact with the cauldron in the past few days. I followed the clues to visit Jian Xianjun in Jiao Mansion, and wanted to ask about the situation at that time."

"Tsk, if something goes wrong, don't find the reason from yourself, but want to shirk responsibility!"

Kai Shance's face sank, and then he simply said to the superior:
"Jian Xianjun, you are too good-tempered, why didn't you beat him out, what right does he have to come to you and ask you?"

"I brought Mr. Zhi to the Demon Island for the first time. I came here for experience. I don't want to make too many enemies. Since he wants to ask, I will tell you everything I know. As for the rest, it depends on whether he has the ability to find out, or whether he has the ability to find out. The instigator of all this is Fengyue Tower."

Explained with a simple smile.

"Jian Xianjun is right!"

Kui Shance flattered him very much, then turned his head and said unceremoniously:
"Aren't you leaving yet, are you waiting to hear me discuss important matters with Jian Xianjun?"

Everyone present could clearly hear that feeling of disgust.

Yuexi could only swallow his words and leave Jiao Mansion quickly. He knew very well that if he didn't leave, Kai Shance would attack him, and there was Jian Xianjun who had a very ordinary attitude towards him. Even if he fell, Fengyue would Lou did not dare to pursue it.

"Tsk, the blind man is gone, let's talk about business."

Only then did Kai Shance say seriously.

"Mr. Ce Mo came here in person, is there something important? Please tell me."

Simple still said unhurriedly.

Kai Shance looked around, obviously wanting Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin to leave.

"Mr. Ce Mo, if you have something to say, you can just say it directly. My Young Master Zhi came out to experience this time. He needs to know these things. He knows what to say and what not to say.

As for Young Master Nan Feng, he and my Young Master are good friends, he was also present at this incident, and he also knows some reasons, there is no need for him to avoid it, he will naturally keep his mouth shut. "

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin, who are "friends", both looked at each other with a little disgust, and then bowed their hands together to salute Ce Mojun, Elder Jian must give face.

After hearing this, Kai Shance didn't insist anymore, but just waved down a barrier, then shook his sleeves, threw an ice coffin from his sleeve robe, and said with a gloomy face:
"After my Kaishan family received the news of the accident with the 'Heavenly Demon Body' from Fengyuelou, I immediately controlled Kaishanyin and sealed it in an ice coffin. I brought her here just to let Xianjun Jian make sure. Is there a Gu worm in Yin'er's body?"

The simple consciousness swept across the female demon fairy in the ice coffin, and the other party looked calm, with a slightly heroic appearance. At this time, the consciousness fell into silence, and the dantian was also sealed. It was obviously the handiwork of the family.

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin just took a look, and didn't use their spiritual sense to investigate. They are both sons of aristocratic families, so we still have to talk about etiquette.


Simple and not wordy, a direct answer in the affirmative.

After hearing this, Kai Shance's eyes sank, and things seemed to be in his expectation.

"Possibly removed?"

"Okay, but Miss Yin'er will suffer a little, and her cultivation will also drop."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he gave the answer neatly.

Kui Shance immediately cupped his hands and said:

"The Kuishan family implores Xianjun Jian to save my family's Yin'er. It is my Kuishan family that owes you a favor. As long as Xianjun Jian is in need, the Kaishan family will definitely repay you."

After speaking, he presented a green and blackened jade pendant with the word "Kaishan" engraved on it, which was obviously a family keepsake.

"As long as you bring this jade pendant to the Kaishan mansion, we will repay the immortal at any time."

Jian Jian accepted the jade pendant and responded with a smile:
"Okay, then I'll stop being disrespectful. When I get rid of the Gu worms, please help me control Miss Yin'er."

"it is good!"

Kai Shance didn't expect things to be smoother than expected, and immediately opened the lid of the ice coffin with a wave of his sleeves, revealing a black magic force, fixing Kai Shanyin in the ice coffin.

Only then did Jian Jian lightly wave the round fan to disperse the white ice smoke in the ice coffin, and everyone saw that Kai Shanyin's face gradually turned rosy, but the ups and downs of his chest were irregular, as if something was about to come. rushed out of the chest.

 Dear children, Fengling has a gorgeous Kawen today. Let me pass on one chapter first, and then pass on one chapter after another. Today there may only be three chapters. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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