Chapter 1886 Gu Insect Riot
Kai Shance's spiritual consciousness has been staring at Kai Shanyin in the ice coffin since he started casting the spell simply. He noticed the abnormal reaction of the other party immediately, and his face became more gloomy. It turned out that there was a Gu worm in Yin'er's heart.

At this time, the Gu worm was struggling, and obviously did not want to leave his hotbed, while Kai Shanyin, whose face was still rosy before, turned pale at this moment, as if he had lost all color in an instant, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a sound of pain overflowed from his lips unconsciously .

Then everyone clearly felt that Kui Shanyin's cultivation base was falling, and the speed was very fast. He had already fallen from the Xuan Demon Realm to the Daluojin Demon Realm, and was falling from the Back Realm to the Middle Realm at this time, and continued to fall the trend of.

"Ah!!!" The exclamation came from Kai Shanyin's mouth, and at the same time, the other party woke up in pain.

She struggled to open her heavy eyelids, looked at the strange simplicity, and immediately alerted:
"You are... ah!!!"

Before he could utter a complete sentence, he screamed again, tortured by the dull pain in his chest.

"Yin'er, bear with it. I will ask Xianjun Jian to remove the Gu worms in your body. Now is the critical moment. Don't give up. Be patient with the pain."

His own child felt distressed, Kui Shance slowed down his tone, and softly comforted Yin'er in the ice coffin.

"Elder Ce, are these all made by Yueya?"

Kui Shanyin gritted his teeth and persisted, asking his elders with a pale face, trying to distract himself.

She could feel the foreign object in her heart, which was absorbing the strength in her body, struggling to die, and she could only watch her cultivation level drop, unable to do anything but endure it.

"Yueya has already fallen in Fengyuelou's auction site today. The reason for his fall was the riot of Gu worms in his body, which sucked him into a human being on the spot."

Kui Shance said bluntly.

"I wanted him to leave the identity of the furnace and stay with me. It was also because of the Gu insects,"

"Hmm! Not surprisingly, it should be like this!"

Kai Shance didn't hide anything.

"That's it!!!"

This time she couldn't even speak intermittently. After a shrill scream, a fat black Gu worm flew out of her heart and was controlled by the simple cage of chaos.

Simply communicate with Zhima Divine Consciousness again:
"Looking at the situation, Mr. Yueya of the 'Heavenly Demon Physique' seems to have stayed by Kai Shanyin's side for a long time. This Gu worm is very fat. Are there other Gu worms in her body?"

"The master is so predictable, there are really other little Gu worms, this is just the biggest and most powerful one."

The trapped Gu worm also seemed to feel the danger, and kept twisting his body, trying to escape from the cage, but every time he touched the gray cage, his body would be corroded, and in the end he could only touch the gray cage. His tentacles sent out a series of signals.

"Not good! This Gu worm is driving the remaining Gu worms in Kui Shanyin's body!"

Zhima immediately issued a warning, and his small eyes narrowed, feeling that he was being provoked. This small expression was exactly the same as Simple.

Sure enough, the next moment, black blood overflowed from the corners of Kai Shanyin's lips, eyes, and ears, and his face was abnormally blushing, like a drunk, his head mechanically twisted, his five fingers turned into claws, It seemed that he wanted to scratch something, but because his body was controlled, he couldn't move, only a low growl like a beast came out of his throat.

"Jane Xianjun!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Kai Shance immediately turned his head and said.

"Don't be impatient! Keep her under control!"

With a simple expression still calm, this time she directly raised her hand and flicked sesame seeds into Kai Shanyin's body.

Sure enough, after three breaths, Kai Shanyin regained his sanity, the blush on his face slowly dissipated, and the black blood did not flow out again.

"Elder, what happened to me just now?"

Kui Shanyin asked in a hoarse voice.

"After I pulled out the main Gu worm just now, the other sub-Gu rioted in your body, trying to bring you to die together! But now I have stopped it, but your cultivation level has fallen to the Golden Immortal Realm."

Said with a simple smile, and at the same time explained to Kai Shance.

"Jian Xianjun, can you give Yin'er the elixir of replenishing qi and blood now?"

Kui Shance didn't dare to be careless and asked directly.

"Wait for a while, after all the child Gu in her body is expelled."

Simply wave the round fan, and the sesame seeds turn into golden light spots, leave Kai Shanyin's body, return to the simple earlobes, and continue to be decorations.

"Okay, let her come out now."

It was so simple that he let go.

Kai Shance frowned, raised his hand to withdraw his magic energy, watched Kai Shanyin struggling to hold the ice coffin to stand up, took a breath, and then stepped out of the ice coffin.

Kui Shanyin's condition is very poor, his cultivation has fallen to the Emerald of the Golden Immortal Realm, and he has completely lost the first level of cultivation.

"Thank you senior for your help, Yin'er is very grateful."

Kui Shan chanted and clapped his hands.

"You're welcome. Since I have obtained the promise from Lord Cemo, I will naturally help you remove hidden dangers. Sit down and talk!"

Simply wave the round fan, hold Kai Shanyin up, and let her sit.

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin, who watched the whole process of pulling out the Gu worms, didn't look too good, but they didn't want to lose face in front of the Moxian family, so they all sat down obediently with their eyes downcast, without saying a word.

After taking a elixir, Kui Shanyin's complexion improved a lot, and then he asked the two big brothers with difficulty:

"Elder Ce, senior, can I recover from my fallen cultivation?"

Only then did Kai Shance introduce:

"This is Jian Xianjun, the new guest elder of the Beiming Family, who is also No. 20 on the 'Tianwei Ranking'. If they hadn't come to Mozhou, I'm afraid we would never have discovered the hidden dangers in you. "

"Kai Shanyin has met Immortal Jian, this time it is Yin'er's luck, he removed the disaster before it caused a catastrophe, please accept Yin'er's worship!"

Kui Shanyin saluted respectfully.

It was simple and did not evade, she accepted it calmly, she could afford this gift.

"Sit down and talk."

Simply smiling and waving his hands, he said:
"The part of your cultivation that you fell should have been obtained through dual cultivation with Mr. Yueya of the 'Heavenly Demon Physique', right?"


"Take it as returning the cultivation base that doesn't belong to you now. If you practice hard in the future, your cultivation base will naturally come back."

Simply gave an affirmative answer.

Just falling to the first level of cultivation is already the smallest loss.

"Yes, Yin'er wrote it down."

"I have suggested to my ancestors before, don't rely too much on the furnace, the cultivation base still needs to be cultivated steadily, so that people can feel at ease and don't have to worry about being deprived."

Kui Shance said bluntly.

"This is also the reason why I don't like the younger generation of my family to go to Fengyuelou, or even buy a stove. I want to use this incident to unite with other families to expel the power of Fengyuelou from Demon Island, so that they can no longer harm A junior from the Demon Continent."

Kai Shance said in a gloomy tone.

 The second one is here!There is one more, and it will be delivered before eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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