Chapter 1887 Leaving the Jiao Mansion
This is simple but I agree, after all, when she was in Fengyuelou, she directly let the sesame attract the Gu worms in Yueya's body, which might have been a warning to the female demon fairies who were vying to auction off the furnace.

"Ce Mojun, the reason why my Elder Jian smashed the scene in Fengyue Tower was also to warn everyone. She said at the time: This habit is not good."

Bei Mingzhi said.

After hearing this, Kai Shance's expression softened a lot. At least some people agreed with his approach, and they took action decisively. This is what he admires. No wonder he can enter the top [-] on the Tianwei list.

"I have the same opinion as Master Ce Mo. If it is an orthodox double cultivation method, it will be beneficial to both sides of the practice. I have no objection, but if it is a furnace, it is a unilateral plunder. How is it different from evil cultivation? ? What’s not yours isn’t yours after all.”

Jian Jian also expressed his position, and then said to Bei Mingzhi:
"Talk to Master Cemo about the fact that you found out that you were planted with Gu worms."

Bei Mingzhi understood in seconds, got up and saluted Ce Mojun, and then told about his being planted with Gu insects, and also said that a similar situation had been found in the clan.

Immediately afterwards, Nan Fengjin also talked about her family's discovery. In a word, this incident was not accidental, it was man-made, and it was aimed at the elite disciples of their big families.

"Jian Xianjun, don't worry, our Kaishan family will thoroughly investigate this matter. As for Fengyuelou, no matter whether they are behind this matter or not, I will let them get out of Demon Island."

Kai Shance is very domineering.

"Why do you need to be so strong in the head, the news of Fengyuelou's accident must have spread. If you are willing to let Yin'er stand on the cusp of the storm, then spread the news that her body was planted with Gu insects, and the matter of her cultivation base falling because of this You can inform the family you have made friends with.

Fengyuelou does not only provide furnaces for your family, as long as there is a problem with the double cultivation of furnaces taken by Fengyuelou, the rest of the family will unite to deal with them without being called by Ce Mojun. Without your patronage, how will Fengyue Tower gain a foothold in Mozhou. "

Said simply and lightly, and then added:
"And be quick, to prevent the opponent from retracting the tentacles."

Kai Shance glanced at the downcast Kai Shanyin, and then said:

"I will discuss with the elders of the clan and act as soon as possible."

Immediately he got up to say goodbye, and left Jiao Mansion with Kui Shanyin.

"Elder Jian, you said that he would follow your suggestion, expose this matter thoroughly, and then use this to drive Fengyuelou out of the Demon Island?"

Bei Mingzhi asked in a low voice.

"Should be, this Demon Master did not agree to let the juniors raise furnaces. This time is such a good opportunity, and it is a ready-made excuse. Even the consequences are already in front of us. I believe the other party will seize this opportunity." second chance."

Simply playing with the round fan in his hand, he looked at Jiao Hai and Mo You who rushed over.

After the two saluted first, Jiao Hai opened his mouth and said:

"Elder Jian, now the entire Demon Continent is undercurrents, and all forces are investigating your details. I used my family's power to find out that behind Fengyue Tower is a demon king of the demon clan!

It is not yet known whether the male demon fairy who had the accident was arranged by Fengyuelou, or was framed by others, but the appearance of that kind of Gu worm has stirred up the nerves of most families in Mozhou, so it is best for Elder Jian to stay away for a while. "

Moyou stood beside Jiao Hai at this time, and nodded in agreement, obviously the information Jiao Hai found was verified by her.

"It's okay, we will leave the Jiao Mansion now, and we won't let trouble find you."

Simply wave your hands directly.

"Elder Jian, I have a small villa here, which has already been arranged by someone. I was directly invited to the Jiao Mansion because of Dong Yanshu's matter before, and it is not easy for me to invite you. Now is the right time. "

Nan Fengjin stood up at the right time and said.

He entered the Demon Continent with Bei Mingzhi, and he has been recognized as a companion by default. Compared with the demons in the Demon Continent, he naturally trusts Bei Mingzhi, who is also one of the four great immortal cultivating families, not to mention the master Xianjun Jian. He naturally wants to tie everyone in a boat.

After listening briefly, he did not directly agree, but looked at Bei Mingzhi and said:

"What does Mr. Zhi think?"

"I have no objection. This time, I will go to Nan Fengjin's small villa to live temporarily. I just happen to wait for the disciples in the clan. I haven't visited the Demon Continent yet! I originally planned to go to the magic glasses to see it, but it was in vain. .”

Bei Mingzhi is not stupid. In this situation, it is natural to go to his own safe place to stay.

Seeing that the three people on the opposite side had just set their itinerary, Jiao Hai was a little anxious. He invited the person, and he kept his promise and did not interfere with Dong Yanshu's affairs. Although he did not fulfill his promise for various reasons, but At least he stabilized his rear (Moyou).

Now he suggested that the other party take refuge temporarily, and he didn't mean to drive them away.

"Elder Jian misunderstood, I didn't mean to let you leave the Jiao Mansion, I just wanted you to take refuge outside the city temporarily, I have a separate courtyard."

This time, before he finished speaking, he simply interrupted by waving the round fan:
"Don't bother, my young master and you are friends because you are righteous and upright. As for the matter of Fengyuelou, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't want to get involved too deeply. After all, you alone cannot represent the family, and there is Miss Moyou by your side. You should consider her safety more, this beauty."

"As Elder Jian of my family said, we have received your wish, and thank you for the news. We will take care of the rest."

Bei Mingzhi took a step forward, cupped his hands and said.

Jiao Hai looked at Moyou, and felt that Xianjun Jian's words were reasonable, so he had no choice but to exchange the communication jade slips with a few people, and then personally sent them out of Jiao's residence.

Nan Fengjin's entourage had already rented a magic beast car, and drove them all to the small villa outside the city like lightning.

It took two hours for the group of people to arrive at their destination. Nan Fengjin said it was a small mountain villa, but it occupied a whole mountain peak. At this time, there were already people waiting under the mountain peak, watching the group of people get off. Warcraft vehicles immediately greeted them:

"I have met Mr. Jin, Mr. Beiming, and Elder Jian. The courtyard is ready. Please come inside."

The manager of this villa is a middle-aged woman with fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. From the way she addresses Nan Fengjin, one can tell that she is very familiar with him.

"Thank you, Aunt Gu! This time we will stay in Mozhou for a while."

Nan Fengjin said while walking.

"It's not hard work. Why do you have to work hard to practice in such a good place! It's rare for Mr. Jin to come to the manor, so you must stay longer!"

Manager Gu said with a friendly smile.

"Knowing that the young master has brought friends, he has already prepared a banquet, and it is in the Bigeng Flower Pavilion."

The few people shrunk to an inch, and in a few steps they came to the Bigeng Flower Hall halfway up the mountain.

In the middle of a sea of ​​light blue flowers, there is a hexagonal gazebo. Inside, drinks and snacks are all arranged, waiting for the arrival of guests.

This time Jian Jian was still invited to take a seat first, and Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin sat beside her.

 The third watch is here, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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