Chapter 1894 Two Rankings
The Fengyue Tower disappeared without a sound, and it is only natural that the entire Demon Continent does not care about this. What they are paying attention to now is the elder Keqing from the Beiming family. She is actually a demon, and she is a legendary fellow practitioner .

Jiao Hai looked at the news jade slip in his hand, and didn't know what expression to put on his face. He already knew that there was going to be a war, so he went outside the city of Mozhou in order not to harm the innocent. He thought he had listened to him Advice, deliberately avoid outside the city.

"Brother Hai, what do you think is the background of this Jane Moyue Demon Lord?"

Moyou on the side raised his head and asked his sweetheart.

Ever since the two solved the misunderstanding about Dong Yanshu, they have been connected with each other, and they like to stick together on weekdays, so after knowing the news, the two got together and chatted about it.

"I don't know what Miss Moyue came from, but Daoist fellow practitioners are not something that ordinary people can do, let alone the other party's ability to step up and kill the Moliao Demon King, which is enough to make people jealous, but fortunately, Miss Moyue did not suffer and innocent."

This is the only thing that Jiao Hai is lucky about, otherwise the two masters whose strength is equivalent to that of the Demon King will fight, and the Demon Continent will definitely be reduced to purgatory. The children of these big families may be able to escape, but it is hard to say for others.

"The family knows that I have a relationship with Miss Moyue once, so let me try to befriend her as much as possible."

Moyou sighed, the family is really a reality.

"This is not a bad thing. It is also our luck to know the powerful senior of the Demon Race."

Moyou curled his lips, and then felt the jade pendant around his waist vibrate twice. After sweeping his consciousness, his beautiful eyes widened a little, and he said directly to Jiaohai:

Nan Fengjin did not refute this. First of all, Xianjun Jian is the elder of the Beiming family. If there are young disciples he likes, it is normal to accept one or two disciples. After all, cultivating disciples is also one of his responsibilities.

Among them, Bei Mingzhi was the happiest, and Nan Fengjin was the most resentful. There used to be such a powerful person who just passed him by like this. Now he already has some hatred for Dong Yanshu.

Jiao Hai grinned, not rejecting this approach.

Bei Mingzhi immediately climbed along the pole.

"I will let Madam, I think you are more like Moyue Mojun."

"Okay, when you get to Mingzhou, you can find some plastic talents according to my requirements, and I will pass on the exercises to them."

"Elder, how many apprentices do you want to take on to inherit your mantle? I'm not boasting, the disciples of the Beiming family are still able to endure hardships."

Nan Fengjin said with a smile.

Even after knowing that it was extremely difficult for her to live by Xilingshang's side, he deliberately made trouble once. Although it was against his usual style, it was very relieved.

Jiao Hai was not annoyed, he directly held Moyou's tender hand, and said with a smile:

"I can practice Taoism and demons because when I first stepped into the road of cultivation, I was penetrated by demonic energy, and because of my own special skills, the two forces of immortality and demons have reached a delicate balance in my body. So as not to fall on the spot.

Regarding the Dao Demon's fellow practitioners, the two also specifically asked Jian Jian. After all, as long as the other party didn't change the cultivation method, it looked no different from them. Maybe they also had a chance, but Jian Jian dismissed the idea directly.

Jiao Hai was not surprised.

"But No. 20 Jian Xianjun is still on the list."

In Nan Fengjin's villa, everyone was also discussing this matter.

"As expected!"

Bei Mingzhi sighed, shaking the folding fan in his hand.

So even if Mingzhou is not the largest continent, and its resources are not as good as the other twelve continents, no one dares to provoke it, because once bitten by Mingzhou's disciples, even if they don't die, they will peel off their skin, but Mingzhou's disciples all He is very principled and never takes the initiative to provoke.

"Okay! Then the two of us are competitors now!"

Furthermore, Mingzhou, where Bei Mingzhi is located, is an extremely cold continent, covered with snow all year round, and the ice and snow will only melt when the volcano in Mingzhou recovers every 500 years.

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin had already recovered from the initial shock, and passed the news back to the clan. Their admiration for the simplicity is beyond words.

Moyou glared at the other party reproachfully, but did not take back his hand.

As soon as Jiao Hai's words fell, his messenger jade pendant also shook twice. After sweeping his consciousness, he smiled and said to Moyou:
"If you really want to say anything, you can come here. The family asked me to try my best to win over Demon Lord Moyue. Even if I can't win, I will focus on friendship."

"The news came from the family that the 'Tianwei Ranking' has changed. In the latest ranking, No.20 Mo Liao disappeared from the list and was replaced by No.19 Moyue Mojun. She is also the only one in the top two. The top ten kings are powerful, and the rest are fairy kings or demon kings!"

"The demon clan is going to be lively now. Xianjun Jian occupying two positions means that whichever demon family she stands in can win more resources for that family."

Because of the severe cold all year round, the children of Mingzhou's family have been cultivating against the severe cold since birth, and because of limited resources, they practice even more devotion and hard work, which is recognized by the entire Qianyuan Immortal World.

Mo You smiled lightly.

"It's such a pity. To reach the height of a fairy, the required conditions must be very harsh. We are not envious."

Even so, the duration will not be very long, at most one to three years. After the volcano is silent, Mingzhou will continue to be covered with ice and snow. Contrary to Fengzhou where he is, it is like spring all the year round, and there is no snow or ice at all. Say.

After simply listening to Bei Mingzhi's words, I don't reject it. To pass on good exercises, there must be successors. This is the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. Leaving inheritance here will not harm the family interests of the Jian family, so She generously gave an affirmative answer.

"So that's the case, that's a pity."

Moyou immediately added.

Before entering the immortal rank, the cultivation bases of my two systems of Dao and Demon must be kept in sync. If I cultivate only one system, I will not be able to advance to the rank due to the drag of the other system's cultivation base. This means that the cultivation resources I need are ordinary people. twice as long as others, and more than twice as long as others. "

When Bei Mingzhi heard this, he narrowed his eyes with a smile, and the folding fan moved a little faster:
"Elder Jian, don't worry, you are willing to leave the exercises in my Beiming family. Naturally, we will not treat the elders badly. The Beiming family also has some handy exercises. You can also choose one and practice it yourself or bring it back to the family. Either way."

Hearing this, Jian Jian was moved in her heart. Since she planted her ice root, she has not found a suitable skill, so she rarely uses ice root in fighting, and the ice spell she has mastered is also the best. Basic.

Beimingzhi is an ice spirit root, so the ice-type kung fu of Beiming's family must be superior. She can consider exchanging such a kung fu, so that both parties will not suffer, so she agreed with a smile.

At this time, Gu Guanshi hurried over, and after saluting, he said:

"Che Mojun from the Kuishan family came to visit Elder Jian!"

(End of this chapter)

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