Chapter 1895 Multi-Party Invitation

In the past few days, there should not be too many people posting posts asking for an interview. Steward Gu muster his energy and deal with these matters properly.

Young Master Jin explained that Elder Jian can temporarily live in their Nanfeng family's manor, which is to tell everyone from the side that they have a very good relationship with Jian Xianjun, and being able to handle these trivial matters on behalf of Xianjun is also a means of bringing the family closer. So she handled it very well.

It's just that today this is one of the best families in Mozhou, and Lord Cemo came in person, so she can't be dismissed like ordinary people, so she came to report in person.


Jian Jian smiled and said, she reckoned that Lord Ce Mo would soon come to visit her in the next two days.


After Gu Guanshi saluted, he went to invite people immediately.

"I guess Monarch Ce Mo came here for the affairs of Fengyuelou, you and I will meet together."

Simply tell the two of them.

"Elder Jian, please stay safe!"

Simply ask.

Kai Shance looked at the front and back, shook his head and said:

Simply continue.

Simply fan the round fan lightly, and said with a smile.

"Young Master Zhi, you heard what Kui Shance said just now. You can contact the family and ask for their opinions. I will reply to the Kui Shan family later."

"There are no clues on Mo Liao's side. I also met a Mozhi Demon King that day. He seems to have a good relationship with Mo Liao. Can we find clues from him?"

Simply and politely return the salute, and invite the other party to take a seat.

Simply flipping hands, handed a cracked communication jade slip to Kai Shance.

After the two agreed, they followed Jian Jian and went to the reception hall.

Master Ce Mo smiled and cupped his hands.

"It's a very common communication jade slip. There's nothing special about it, and it doesn't have any marks. You can buy this kind of communication jade slip in any store."

Kui Shance didn't beat around the bush, and directly offered the invitation.

Kai Shance joked with a smile.

After finishing the gossip, Kai Shance turned to the topic:

Simple is to purse her lips and smile, how can she tell that she is such a sturdy female devil, her appearance is too deceiving.

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin tacitly kept silent, they had already learned the lesson.

"A steward of the Profound Demon Realm, he can come to the door like that, isn't it just relying on the Mo Liao Demon King behind him, beating the dog to see the master, what do I care about with him? If there is something to do, just find his master."

Kai Shance has already started from this point.

It's not surprising that it's simple, she checked it too, and the wisp of consciousness attached to it has exploded, and it's hard to find the previous owner, so I let Lord Cemo take a look, thinking that there might be some unexpected gains.

Master Cemo laughed heartily.

Steward Gu served the tea himself, and left the living room with his attendants.

"Moyue, you have a separate ranking on the Tianwei list, are you interested in coming to my Kaishan family to be a nominal elder?"

"Yuexi was stopped by me when he was running away, and he even got back with people and boats. I didn't bother to interrogate him, so I searched his soul directly. As a result, his soul was restricted. When I first touched the person behind him, his consciousness was gone I blew myself up, fortunately I was careful enough, otherwise even my spiritual consciousness would be damaged."

Bei Mingzhi can't help but admire what he said, it's really generous, can he do two things, but he must first drag Elder Jian to their Kaishan house, it's really not easy for him to interfere in this matter, after all, Elder Jian It also belongs to the demon clan, and the dual identity is too special.

Simply said with a smile.

Kai Shance has done what he should do and what he should say, so he readily bid farewell.

"I know that there are quite a few demons who have invited you recently, but I think that the Kaishan family is one of the best among the entire demons. It can provide you with better training resources and help you reach the realm of the demon king. You should consider it. "

Kui Shance said bluntly.

He simply pursed his lips and smiled, and understood that he killed Mo Liao at that time, which shocked these people severely.

"You speak well, you don't even use dirty words when you swear! Hahaha!"

Kai Shance said with a smile.

"You are really hiding something. No wonder you were not angry at all when Yuexi came to the door. You were waiting here!"

Simply turning the round fan of the red lotus flower in his hand, he said with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Cemo, for your invitation. Allow me to consider this matter. After all, I am already the elder Keqing of the Beiming family. I will reply to you after I have discussed it with the Beiming family."

"If it were me, I would go too. You have just killed Mo Liao, and your fighting spirit is in full swing. He knows the current affairs best, so he must go first."

"Yes, elder."

Lord Ce Mo frowned.

"It can be seen that he is also a proud man of heaven. I am interested in fighting him twice, but he walked a little too fast that day."

"Should I call you Immortal Jian now, or Lord Moyue?"

He felt that this Demon Moon really had a temper with him, he would not quarrel if he could do something, and he would really do it when something happened, it was not just talking, it was worthy of friendship.

"It's not bad, I'm going to hide in the villa for the time being."

Simply put.

"These people should already be abandoned, and there should be no gain if we continue to investigate, but I think Yuexi can continue to investigate, he should be an insider, otherwise the Sea of ​​Consciousness will not be banned. Prevent him from leaking the secret."

"Okay, Moyue is refreshing! I am waiting for your good news! I will contact you when I have something to gain here, and I will leave first."

Hearing this, he simply nodded his head. This is a very normal operation. The opponent was in the dark before, but now that the matter is revealed, the opponent will definitely discard the useless chess pieces.

"Both are me, it's just a title, Lord Ce Mo can do whatever he wants."

"This will definitely take time, and there is another clue, which is Mo Liao's body. His storage bracelet is here with me. There is a damaged messenger jade slip inside. I don't know who it is. Lord Cemo can identify it. .”

Jian Jian personally sent the person away, and then returned to the meeting hall with the two of them.

"So have you found anything on other people?"

Simply said with a smile, not perfunctory to the other party, giving that kind of ambiguous answer.

After Kai Shance finished speaking, he glanced at Bei Mingzhi and continued:
"Because you, Moyue, are Daomo fellow practitioners, I, the Kaishan family, don't mind being the elder guest of the Beiming family. Both families are among the best families in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, so we can communicate with each other."

"Those attendants and furnace cauldrons don't know anything, especially those furnace cauldrons that were returned, they were worried that they would be like Yueya, so they told everything they knew, but they didn't gain anything."

"Well, I agree with you. I have arranged for someone to check all his experiences. I don't believe there is no gain. It's just that there is no definite news yet."

"The Demon King Mozhi does things as he likes, and makes friends according to his preferences. That Mo Liao is just one of his friends. I can't say what clues he can provide."


Bei Mingzhi immediately agreed, this is a big deal, he must tell the family, but he didn't expect Elder Jian to become a favorite now, fortunately he acted first.

At the same time, Beiming's ship is also approaching Mozhou.

 Babies, I have passed four chapters in one go, that's all for today!Fengling has gone to cook, and will continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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