Chapter 1899

In an independent courtyard in the Mozhou Inn, the disciples of the Beiming family gathered in the courtyard, talking in twos and threes, standing together and discussing in low voices, sitting around the jade table playing chess, and several women The younger brother is sitting in the hexagonal pavilion, talking gossip.

However, it can be clearly seen that the disciples of the Beiming family are divided into two parts, one is the elite disciples of the clan, and the other is the ordinary disciples of the clan. Whether they are elite disciples or ordinary disciples, they all cherish the experience of this trip Chance.

Moreover, the leader of the team was Elder Han, who they admired so much in their hearts. The smiles on the faces of the female disciples never faded.

At this time, the topics of the disciples also revolved around Elder Han.

"Elder Han didn't let us leave the inn, saying that he had a surprise for us. Guess what it is?"

A round-faced female disciple propped her face and said.

"Get us a place to test the secret realm?"

A female disciple who was not so fanatical guessed.

"Senior sister, why do you always think about trials, guess something else!"

"Try to keep the cultivation of the three young disciples, and give me face in front of this Elder Han."

"We are here to practice. If we don't try the secret realm, what surprises can we have?"

Sesame cocked her tail and transmitted the voice to Simple.

Jian Jian turned his head and asked Bei Minghan beside him:

The younger brother also joined the discussion, and guessed more realistically.

Bei Mingzhi had already moved two chairs with winking eyes, and placed them directly on the steps in front of the room. Jian Jian and Bei Minghan sat on the left and the right, and both of them sat on the top. The disciples below were all shocked, but also No one said anything.

"The little disciples are very lively. It was Elder Han who taught them well. I'm afraid it took a lot of thought."

Elder Han waved his hand.

"A new robe? Immortal artifact? Cultivation method?"

Simply showing a perfect smile, she said softly:

The sensible senior sister gave the nympho junior a blank look.

Bei Minghan's pleasant voice echoed in the small courtyard, as he introduced, he glanced at the twenty disciples.

Bei Minghan's magnetic voice came to Jian Jian's ears.

Bei Mingzhi took his own guards and stood obediently behind the two big men, but he didn't dare to give any hints to his family brothers and sisters, he just listened to the two big men's fights with his ears up.

"Meet Elder Jane!"

"Cut, vulgar! How could our Third Elder, who is like a banished fairy, use such a vulgar thing as a surprise!"

Bei Minghan's handsome face was slightly cold, and he said in a low voice.

Simply smile and nod.

"Elder Jian, I made you laugh."

Bei Minghan thought for a while and said directly:
"I will put it away first and keep it as evidence. When I bring it back to the clan, I will also let the elders recognize it."


Sure enough, in the next breath, the twenty disciples of the family lost their ability to move under the round fan waved casually by Elder Jian, and were nailed to the yard like tree stumps.

Because the junior brother was facing the entrance of the courtyard, he happened to see Bei Minghan and Jian Jian who walked in side by side. The first sentence was about to answer the senior sister, and the last two words said Jian Jian.

"I am very happy to meet you today. You are the future of the Beiming family. I am meeting you for the first time. I will give you a gift. I hope you like it."

In the following words, because the atmosphere was not right, and because everyone in the courtyard was looking at the entrance, their voices subconsciously lowered by an octave, and the unfinished words were swallowed in their stomachs, and they turned around immediately, just in time to see their own banished fairy The third elder. The stunning beauty beside her.

"Let me introduce to you, the one next to me is Jian Jian, the elder Keqing newly invited by Beiming's family, and also the No. 20 master of the Immortal Monarch Realm ranked No. [-] in the 'Tianwei Ranking'."

"Elder Han, do I keep these Gu worms, or do you keep them as evidence?"

The nympho junior immediately retorted.

"Elder Jian, this way please!"

Although they were all curious about the simple identity, all the disciples responded in unison and quickly entered the largest courtyard among them.

The other three disciples were the worst, already trembling with pain, black blood flowed from the corners of their eyes, nose, ears and lips, and their consciousness had begun to blur.

And for some other disciples, after only a moment, all the blood on their faces disappeared, and their faces became ferocious, as if they were still within the tolerable range. After ten breaths, a slightly larger black spot flew out of their chests, also Suspended in front of the already collapsed disciples.

All the disciples immediately bowed their hands in unison to salute. To be introduced so solemnly by Elder Han must have some extraordinary origins. It is not without Elder Ke Qing in the clan, but this is the only one who specially let them pay their respects.

Bei Minghan raised his hand and said.

Simply waved the round fan again, and the three disciples were sent to her. She raised her hand and popped a sesame seed into the chest of one of the male disciples. After three breaths, his breath calmed down, followed by the rest Two female disciples.

After one operation, the blood of the three disciples also stopped, their complexions eased a lot, and their sanity is slowly recovering. Sesame swallowed the sub-gu in their heart veins, turned into a golden light spot, and returned to simple. on her earlobe and continue to be her earrings.

"Even if it hurts, endure it!"

"Master, if those three little disciples are forcibly removed, their cultivation will drop drastically."

The simple words with deep meaning made the corners of Bei Mingzhi's mouth twitch, and he felt that the family disciples below were all lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The nympho junior sister immediately became unhappy, she stood up with her back to the entrance, put her hands on her hips and said:
"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Someone immediately denied it.

After the simple words fell, the faces of the twenty disciples standing in the courtyard changed to varying degrees. Some disciples were still surprised why this Elder Jian dared to attack them in front of Elder Han, and felt a pain in his heart. A small black dot flew out from his chest, floating in front of him.

"That's a beauty!"

Simple and smiling voice transmission.

"Okay! Master, just watch! I will definitely give you a lot of face."

A stern look flashed in Bei Minghan's eyes, those black dots could not hide under his consciousness, they were the legendary Gu worms, fortunately most of them were pulled out by Elder Jian, and did not hurt the disciple, but among them The situation of the three of them was too bad, and he could tell that it had been a long time since they had been planted with Gu worms, and his complexion turned cold again.

"It really took some thought (to get all the problematic ones)."

The simple phoenix eyes slightly raised, and the round fan of the red lotus flower in his hand lightly lifted up the little disciples who were saluting, and said with a light smile:

"You all come to our courtyard to gather."

"Okay, Elder Han sealed them with an ice box and let them fall into a deep sleep. When I pulled out these child Gu, I didn't disturb the mother Gu. These child Gu are still valuable."

Simply covering her lips with a round fan, she explained in a low voice.

"I see!"

Now that Bei Minghan has seen the simple skills, there is no need to doubt her intentions. The moment he raised his hand, a slap-sized ice box was condensed in the palm of his hand, and he waved the remaining ten The seven black sub-gu were included in it, and after applying a seal, they were stored separately in a storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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