Chapter 1900 Tell the truth
After all this was done, Jian Jian waved the round fan, untied the shackles on all the disciples, and said with a smile:

"You can try to run the exercises now to see if there is anything wrong."

"Elder Jian, what's going on?"

The calmer senior sister took a step forward and asked after clapping her hands in salute.

Her condition is relatively mild, the Gu worms entered the body for a short period of time, less than a year, so it was easy to remove, even so, her complexion was also very bad.

No matter who it is, seeing the black bugs flying out of the heart with their own eyes will not feel comfortable, and they want to know the reason more and more.

"Master Zhi, thank you for explaining to everyone."

Simply said to Bei Mingzhi who had been silent all this time.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

Bei Mingzhi exhaled, took a step forward, planted Gu worms on himself by Huangfu Ge, and then led Yinsha who helped Tianyin Palace to heal the eyes hurt by the Gu worms, and then involved Wan Heng Xianjun of Wan Jianzong, He also gave a detailed explanation of how the disciples of the Wanjianzong stationed in Jingzhou got rid of Gu worms.

Bei Minghan said politely.

"Okay, now that the Gu insects are all gone, you don't need to pay too much attention, even if you return to the clan, everything will be as usual, but you must pay attention to those who deliberately approach you, don't give others a second chance.


The little junior came out and asked with lingering fear.

Over the past month or so, she has also received many posts, but the style of this post is somewhat similar to her famous post. Obviously, the other party is imitating her post and abandoning Mozhou's usual post.

"Get ready and clean up yourselves. We will go directly to the Nanfeng family's manor outside the city. There are too many people watching here, which is not conducive to your recovery."

"it is good!"

The little disciples quickly threw the Cleansing Art to themselves, those who had detoxification pills had already taken them, and those who didn't were exchanging with their friends around them, and they were ready in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Brother Zhi, we have never raised any furnaces! How did this Gu worm grow on us?"

Not long after Jian Jian returned to the lonely courtyard, Steward Gu came to report with a post:
"Elder Jian, this is the greeting card I received today. It was sent by Mozhi Demon King's Mansion. I can't refuse it. I can only accept it first, and promise that the other party will hand it over to you when you come back."

In addition, Gu worms are poisonous, it is best to take the top-grade detoxification pill during this period to clean up all the Gu poison deposited in the body, so that you can continue to practice. "

Beimingzhi didn't make alarmist remarks, and told everyone the truth. As a disciple of Beiming's family, he still has the ability to bear this.

He simply asked with a smile.

The furnace cauldron of Mozhou Fengyue Tower is the medium for the Gu worms. They have harmed the elite disciples of the Kaishan family, the Che family, the Quan family and the Hou family.

When it comes to planting Gu insects, it is even easier. When you pass by, the Gu can fall on you. Give it time, and it will naturally penetrate into your body, or take advantage of your injuries, and directly from the wound. Enter so that you are more unaware.

The other disciples of the Beiming family also began to close their eyes and ponder, and finally the three most injured disciples spoke first.

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he gave an affirmative answer.

Nan Fengjin welcomed a group of people into the manor, and thoughtfully arranged the disciples of Beiming's family in the same courtyard, and the two immortal monarchs each lived in the same courtyard. not good.

The disciples of Beiming's family immediately bowed in salute.

Especially these three juniors and juniors, you should be able to feel it yourself, because you have been planted with Gu for the longest time, and the child Gu has almost grown together with your heart veins, and it is especially painful when you peel it off, that is, Elder Jian You only saved your cultivation by making a move, otherwise you may fall out of the immortal rank.

When the little junior brother heard it, his expression froze, and he began to recall whether he had the situation that Elder Jian said.

"Okay, I'm in charge of Hardworking Valley, please leave the post, I have time to visit the Demon King tomorrow."

Another female disciple said.

Steward Gu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately exited the simple yard.

With the beginning of the three, everyone began to express their doubts, secretly glad that the clan paid enough attention, and specially arranged for Elder Han to send them to Mozhou.

Bei Minghan said in a deep voice.

After retreating to the courtyard of the inn, a group of people returned to the manor outside the city in a generous manner. The people watching around only saw that the disciples from Beiming's family had joined together, and did not know that the hidden dangers on these disciples had been removed.

Bei Mingzhi was very eloquent. According to the sequence of events, as well as their findings and how to deal with them, he explained in detail, and finally explained:
"Actually, when you were in the clan, you were already found to have a problem. The ancestor could forcefully remove the sub-gu for you, but doing so will not only alarm the people behind the scenes, but also damage your cultivation.

This question is simple to answer:
"You don't have furnaces, but you have come into contact with outsiders, especially people from the Huangfu family, directly or indirectly, you can think about it carefully.

"My mood is sometimes inexplicably irritable."

"Yes, Third Elder."

The male disciple stroked his chest and said.

"Elder Jian, let's go!"

Simply scanning the post, it is indeed the style of a young boy, with a young bamboo on the front and a crane spreading its wings on the back.

Your cultivation is limited, you can't be like me and Elder Han, the protective shields around your body are never closed, so the possibility of being recruited is high. "

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

"The three of us accepted the family mission 20 years ago to pick colorful snow lotuses on Bingren Peak. We met disciples who had been tested by the Huangfu family. At that time, in order to compete for the largest and oldest colorful snow lotus, they even attacked us. , although we were beaten away by the three of us in the end, we were also injured, maybe it was then."

Simply said with a smile.

The female disciple was still more careful, remembering how the three of them had intersected with the disciples of Huangfu's family.

"According to the degree of fusion between Zi Gu and your heart veins, it has indeed been more than 20 years, and you should have been in a situation where you can't help yourself!"

"One time, I thought it was something wrong with my cultivation, so I retreated directly. This time, I was summoned by the family to leave."

You are really lucky this time, and Elder Han sent you here personally, because you are afraid that the voodoo will stay in your body for too long and really turn you into puppets. "

Simply pointing at the post, thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow, judging from the situation at the time, Mo Zhi seemed to want to stop her from strangling Mo Liao, but she didn't take any actual action. I don't know if the two are really good friends, or Plastic Brothers.

However, she knew what she had done by herself. Even if Mo Zhi made a move to stop him, he would not be able to do well. The other party should have weighed it before making the first move. From this point of view, the other party is a time-conscious person. people.

Simply decided to meet the devil tomorrow, and set up another set of news. She believed that even if she didn't investigate, the Kaishan family would continue to investigate.

In Bei Minghan's courtyard on the other side, Bei Mingzhi was sitting opposite his third elder, talking in detail about the process of getting to know Elder Jian.

 Babies, it's the fifth watch, and the tickets are coming to me!Go to bed early after watching, Feng Ling won't stay up late, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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