Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1911 Reappearance of the Remains

Chapter 1911 Reappearance of the Remains
Simply smiled and asked the two, after all, the other party had sincerely invited her to join their respective families before, so it happened that when she left the Demon Continent, the other party unexpectedly followed her direction and rushed ahead of her.

"Elder Jian, this matter is indeed a bit of a coincidence. I have accepted the task of the family and am going to Nanzhou to do business."

Jiao Hai cupped his hands, hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice:
"There is a remnant mansion in the world. Our family's spies in Yanzhou got the news in advance. I went to Yanzhou to verify the matter."

"This is your family's secret, is there something wrong with telling me?"

Jian Jian smiled and let the two of them enter the cabin, waved his sleeves to change the gangster-like layout in Haiba's cabin, and then let the two sit down to talk, Elder Han wanted to avoid it, but was stopped by Jian Jian.

"Elder Jian doesn't need to have such worries. The matter of the deceased mansion has not been verified yet. Who knows if it is true or not. I am afraid that some big families have received the news. It's just that we are close to Yanzhou, so we set off first."

This time it was Moyou who answered the simple question.

Moyou's words are true, because Nan Fengjin's sea boat just rushed over to join them at this time, it is because Nan Fengjin received a message from the family that there is a legacy mansion in Yan Island that will be revealed to the world, and he is far away from Yan Zhou is the closest family disciple, so let him go to Yanzhou to investigate the reality.

Nan Fengjin looked at the skeleton ship that had changed hands in a short period of time, and his eyes flashed. When the ship sailed here just now, he also saw that the disciples of the Beiming family seemed to be chasing and killing the defeated demon disciples. It was the previous owners of this ship.

"Tsk, I missed a good show!"

Immediately, Nan Feng's family's sea boats also approached, and the three sea boats were in the shape of a triangle, temporarily parked on the sea.

Nan Fengjin said with emotion.

"It's really important. Just now, the family sent news that a ruined mansion in Yanzhou will be revealed to the world. Isn't your destination? Yanzhou? That's why I came here to inform the two elders."

In her memory, the so-called Almighty’s Relic’s Mansion has not been cheated a few times. One time was set up by the evil cultivator Haiyan from the lower realm, and the other time was the Crystal Palace cage in the secret realm of the Ice Field. She was puzzled. Why can't I meet a normal powerful legacy and harvest some decent inheritance.

Bei Mingzhi accepted this explanation.

Nan Fengjin told the news generously.

Sure enough, Nan Fengjin's eyes were also focused on Bei Minghan.

"My lord, let's follow Beiming's family, do we need to tell them about the Yifu?"

"Actually, Jiao Hai and Mo You came to see us just now, and they were talking about the same thing. They were also sent by the family to the Nightmare Continent to inquire about news."

"I didn't mention it, but if there is an opportunity, we can also cooperate. After all, we solved Jiao Hai's trouble just now, and it's not too much to ask them to return a favor."

"This is information sharing. If there is a Yifu, our two families are also natural allies. There is nothing to say about it. Besides, I can't escape Elder Jian's eyes if I have any plans!"

At this time, Bei Minghan and Jian Jian in the boat room were also discussing the matter of the Yifu.

Bei Mingzhi's folding fan swung across, blocking Nan Fengjin's way.

On the skeleton ship, Jiao Hai and Moyou thanked Jian Jian, and decided to set off for Nightmare Continent together, so they took leave temporarily and returned to their own ship.

Bei Mingzhi asked suspiciously.

the guard asked respectfully.

Bei Minghan thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"I have sent a message to the family, and they should have news back within two days."

"Then what are you doing here now?"

"Ah! I was a step too late! But the Devil Continent is adjacent to the Nightmare Continent, so it's normal to receive the news first. Have they ever wanted to cooperate with the Beiming family?"

"Yes, Third Elder!"

Simply continue.

Simply said with a smile.

Nan Fengjin immediately nodded in agreement, and also understood that Elder Jian was explaining to him that because of her, the Beiming family had many partners to cooperate with.

"This matter is feasible. After we arrive at Nightmare Continent, we need to collect enough information before making further plans."

Bei Mingzhi asked directly.

"You convinced me, come with me!"

"Naturally, allies are important!"

Nan Fengjin said politely.

Bei Minghan agreed with the simple caution.

"This is out of our plan. If possible, we can take the disciples to have a look, but I don't know if there are any restrictions on cultivation."

That's all he cares about.

At this time, Bei Mingzhi just led Nan Fengjin into the boat room. Nan Fengjin first congratulated the disciples of Beiming's family for fighting a beautiful battle and harvesting a high-class sea ship, and then he sent the son who was about to be born in the Yifu The news was told to the two elders.

"I must tell you that this is the time when we sell well. Even if we don't say it, they will naturally know about it when they enter Luanzhou, and we have to tell the two elders about it before they enter Luanzhou. Come with me."

Elder Han finally made a final decision.

Nan Fengjin wasn't angry either, she was used to it for a long time, and whenever the two of them met, they wouldn't choke, so he said with a smile:

Bei Mingzhi spread out his folding fan in a grand manner, and led Nan Fengjin to the boat room.

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, he suggested directly.

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he turned his gaze to Bei Minghan. This is the official elder of the Beiming family. He naturally has the right to make decisions on behalf of the family, so she just listened.

At that time, they happened to run into Nan Fengjin who was boarding the boat. The two greeted each other friendly, and separated after a few gossips.

"Mr. Zhi, I want to catch up and help, but your ship is a high-end ship. When it is running at full speed, my mid-level ship is not enough. Besides, I received a letter from the family at that time. News, if you slow down a step, your ship will disappear.”

"Yes, son!"

"Well, that's the truth."

He said with a simple smile, and told Nan Fengjin from the side that they also had other sources of information, and he was a step too late.

Nan Fengjin said immediately.

"Elder Han's thoughts coincide with mine. We don't fight unprepared battles. We can also ask the family if they have received the same news. The Demon Continent is the closest to the Nightmare Continent. Since the big families can receive the news, The Beiming family has its own news channel, so it should be received."

"Since the decision has been made, let's speed up and arrive early, so we can prepare early."

"Nan Feng, where did you hide during the battle just now?"

"The birth of the Yifu this time was calculated by Qianji Pavilion. The location is in the territory of Yanzhou. The time of the Yifu's appearance is within these [-] days. Except for the people who are already in Yanzhou, we should be the first to arrive. , if the Yifu is opened, Nanfeng wants to jointly explore the Yifu with the Beiming family, what do the two elders think?"

"You are so kind? Don't you have any plans?"

Bei Mingzhi and Nan Fengjin clasped their hands at the same time, and after leaving the cabin, they informed everyone to return to their positions quickly, and they were going to speed up.

Of those humiliated women who left the skeleton ship, only two returned in the end. The other women, with the help of Beiming's disciples, strangled their bullies and left the sea quickly.

And those demon pirates who escaped from death secretly gathered around Haiba again.

"Boss, let's just admit it? How can we hunt without sea ships?"

 See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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