Chapter 1912 Sesame aftermath
"That's right! Boss, that's the capital we've worked so hard to save all these years. It's because of this high-end sea ship that we can roam freely in this sea area. Even in the city of Nanzhou Island, we still have some face. Now the sea ship If we are captured, the big and small forces in Yanzhou City will laugh at us to death!"

A male demon fairy with a fair face and dark eyes said.

"Boss, you can't forget it like this, tell me! How can I avenge this revenge?"

Another female witch fairy who escaped from death also said through gritted teeth.

"Of course I want to take revenge on the ship! But I have to think long-term. If we can restrain half of our people, the other party is not a small family or a small force. We are still alive because the female fairy who robbed the ship didn't bother Let's make a move, otherwise, how can we have a chance to survive?"

Haiba is not stupid, on the contrary, he can be the leader of this group of people, and he is also a person with a delicate mind, so he can clearly understand the reality. He knows very well that it is impossible to snatch the ship back with his own ability.

After hearing Haiba's words, the faces of the rest of them were not good-looking, but they also knew that their boss was right.

"Boss, you mean to borrow someone else's hand."

It was the man with the fair face and sinister expression who broke the silence first.

"That's right, just because we can't do it doesn't mean others can't do it. As long as we can get that fairy, we will make back all our losses this time!"

My master doesn't bother to kill them, he is not polite, the bloody aura all over his body, and those women who have been ruined, all prove that they are not good things, so let him act as a righteous man.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

Bei Minghan agreed, the sign looked very gangster-like.

The simple thing is to wave your sleeves directly, take back the skeleton ship to your own space, and say to Bei Minghan on the side:
"Elder Han, I think the skull on the outside of the hull is not good-looking, and it doesn't fit my fairy temperament. I want to change the logo again. What do you think?"

"Big brother!"

Immediately, a small white spot like white jade slowly crawled out from the opponent's mouth and nose, attached to the storage tool of the deceased, and fell into silence.

At this time, a white-haired old woman leaning on crutches and walking three steps walked towards Jian Jian and the others, stood still three steps away, saluted tremblingly, and asked with a shriveled mouth:

Simply said with a smile.

Simply covering the nose with a round fan seems to dislike the smell of the old woman.

Haiba said with a wicked smile.

This Nightmare Continent is not any other place. A strong dragon can't suppress a local snake. Even if you have a high level of cultivation, there are still ways to make you submit, as long as you have connections and can afford the capital.

Zhima didn't simply report the matter to the other party, as long as his master was a beautiful fairy, he didn't need to bother about these trivial matters.

At this time, Jian Jian and his party have already landed on the port of Nanzhou Island. When the skeleton sea ship they took docked, some intermediate sea ships that were originally docked at the port immediately sailed away from their original positions at the fastest speed, making room for them. Big enough to dock.

Then, amidst the exclamation of everyone, he fell straight down.

"Hey, Elder Jian, they probably think of us as the gang of pirates who specialize in robbing ships."

After the old woman asked, she looked at Jian Jian with cloudy eyes, waiting for her answer. After all, it was this stunning fairy who put away the sea boat just now.

"what is this???"

Simply expressing his satisfaction, he waved the round fan in his hand and said to Bei Minghan beside him:
"Elder Han, it seems that the people in Yanzhou have good eyesight. As soon as they saw us coming, they immediately gave up their seats."

"Very good!"

And the people in Luanzhou don't know that the notorious Haiba gang in Luanzhou has completely disappeared from this world, and their death is extremely embarrassing.

But these people, without exception, were all inside their own defense shields, or during the transmission process, or in the sea, all their hearts were cut off, their internal organs were corroded by poison, and they turned black, and their faces had no stern breath. up.

"Boss, you"

This left Bei Minghan at a loss as to how to respond, after all Elder Jian was right.


Sesame made no burden at all, that is, those storage rings were not taken back, but it doesn't matter, his little brothers are guarding them, and they will be found one day.

Haiba thought about the stunning beauty he saw at that time, coupled with the cultivation base of the female fairy, after he succeeded, as long as he sold it to those old immortals who were looking for a breakthrough, he could earn everything back.

"what happened?"

This is a common practice, there is no need to simply order, the guard B who got off the ship has already dodged into the flow of people first to handle this matter.

"Are you Haiba's friend? Why haven't you heard him mention it?"

The white-skinned man asked in a trembling voice, and at the same time turned over and jumped off the small sea boat where they were temporarily gathered. The rest of his accomplices also followed his example and jumped into the sea in a panic, without even thinking about getting rid of those little white spots.

Bei Minghan immediately told the truth.

The old woman was lucky, and finally endured it, and said politely:

"The port here is not worse than the Qianyuan port. Let's go! Let's go around first and arrange for someone to settle down first."

"It doesn't matter, at least we have a platoon, don't stick to the reason, anyway, now we are the masters of this ship, which proves that we are better than them."

Haiba, who was originally a tall and strong man, had turned into a skinny body when he fell down. Many small white spots crawled out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then turned to crawl towards Haiba's accomplices.

After being washed by the sea water, they seemed to wake up a little bit. Some of them immediately crushed the life-saving jade talisman, or opened the defensive cover, or directly used the teleportation talisman, and left here as quickly as possible.

"Gentlemen, may I ask where you got the sea boat you took, it looks like it belongs to a friend of mine."

Simply give instructions to Bei Mingzhi who is on the side.

And the instigator of all this, Zhima, raised the tip of his tail, narrowed his small sesame-like eyes, and dared to miss his master. Are these people worthy?

But the accomplices around Haiba looked at him with terrified eyes at this moment, and retreated unconsciously.

Just this one action was full of hatred, and the old woman almost fell down angrily. She wasn't dressed luxuriously, but it wasn't tasteful either.

After asking this question, he realized something was wrong, because his voice was very hoarse, like an octogenarian who was dying.

At this time, Jian Jian and his group became the focus of everyone's attention at the port. People who were familiar with this skeleton sea ship were very surprised. The one who got off was not Haiba, but a group of children from a big family, who were stationed in the port for a while. They all secretly guessed whether Haiba and the others were planted.

Haiba frowned and asked:

"The old woman lives on the same street as him, so they are friends. I don't know this sea boat."

"Oh, he gave it to me!"

Jian Jian still did not remove the round fan covering his face.

"how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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