Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1913 Because I'm Beautiful

Chapter 1913 Because I'm Beautiful
The old woman frowned and said subconsciously.

Haiba regards this sea-going ship extremely seriously, how could he just give it away?And the other person is not around, maybe thinking of another possibility, the old woman's cloudy eyes widened a little, looking at the simple.

The simple thing is to take off the round fan and say with a charming smile:
"How is it impossible? Because I am beautiful!"

As soon as the old woman said this, it was really difficult for the old woman to refute. After all, Haiba was greedy. If he met such a stunning beauty, how could he let it go? To please women.

And Nan Fengjin and his party who got off the boat behind Beiming's family, as well as Jiao Hai and Mo You, all pursed their lips and chuckled when they heard Elder Jian's confident reply. Some people are just passive.

"After asking, don't stand in our way."

Simple and impatient, he waved the round fan lightly, and swept away the old woman and her crutches. Then he smiled and said to Elder Han beside him:
"Elder Han, go this way! The old woman just now was too rude."

And when the old woman appeared again, it was in a vast sea area, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood, and then she recognized the direction, and immediately rushed to the port of Nanzhou Island.

Halfway through the trip, she saw a familiar small sea boat. She hid in the sea and observed for a while, only to find that there was only one dead body on board. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, she jumped onto the small sea boat. Before going out, you have to shake three times when you walk.

Looking at the dead man who couldn't die anymore, from his half-naked upper body and the skull storage ring on his withered finger, the old woman recognized that this was the Haiba she had just asked about, but she didn't expect that the other party died here.

Simply said with a smile, and then directly handed the other party a storage ring.

Jian Jian showed hesitation, pretending to be undecided.

The old man Qi reacted very quickly, and immediately said something. After listening carefully, what he said made a lot of sense.

Then the answer is obvious, Haiba's high-level sea ship was taken away by those people, and he himself escaped, but why did he die here?
The old woman has been in Nightmare Continent for a long time, and she is very cautious. First, she threw a fireball to destroy Haiba's body, and then took a photo of the storage ring from the air. The imprint of spiritual consciousness had dissipated, so I poured out all the contents inside.

Jian Jian stood up and said goodbye. In fact, if she wanted to re-refine the stolen sea ship, she could do it too. It’s just that she wanted to see the level of refining weapons in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, so she came to Qi Qi after inquiring about it in Beimingzhi. Lou, the level of the other party will not be known until the time of delivery.

Simply pursing his lips and smiling, this skinny old man is quite confident in his craftsmanship, and Bei Minghan's words can really help her lower the old man's high refining costs, so she naturally has to cooperate, the savings are but The fairy stone in one's pocket, thrift is also a virtue.

The old man Qi reluctantly erased another one hundred thousand top-grade immortal stones, which was his limit.

"Aren't we still bargaining! There is still room for negotiation. How can you intervene and cut off my business? My strange old man also earns immortal stones with his craftsmanship. You can inquire about who's refining skills in Yanzhou Comparable to me!"

"Master Qi is refreshing! Since that's the case, I won't repeat myself anymore, and I will leave the modification of the ship to you."

"Fairy is refreshing, I will try to ship within a month."

The divine sense scanned the pile of resources in front of her carefully, and after confirming that there were no secrets, the old woman waved her sleeves and put the things into her storage ring. This time, she earned it.

"Master Qi, of course I can trust your craftsmanship, otherwise I wouldn't have come all the way to the Qiqi Building, but your asking price... is indeed beyond my budget, although the fourth elder's craftsmanship is a little bit worse than yours , but I really don’t use the Flower Immortal Stone.”

Immediately, she looked embarrassed, looked at Bei Minghan, then at old man Qi, and finally touched the storage bracelet on her wrist, as if she was estimating the fairy stone in her hand, then frowned and said to old man Qi:

For the sake of caution, she threw the skull-shaped storage ring into the sea, then drove the small sea boat away from the original position, and continued to rush to the port of Nanzhou Island.

After leaving the Qiqi Tower, Bei Minghan opened his mouth and said:

Even if the old man knew that the two were singing together, he could only compromise in the end:
"That's all! That's all! It's also the first time you've come to my Qiqi Building, and you just take it as a publicity for my craftsmanship. I've accepted all your refining requirements, and I'll send out the necessary repair materials. As for For the fee, just erase those odds and charge you 180 million top-grade immortal stones, how about it?"

Old man Qi was swept away by his divine sense, and saw the sea ship belonging to Haiba, and the pile of fairy stones piled up beside it, which was exactly 80 high-grade fairy stones, presumably it was the deposit paid by the other party.

Looking at the falling fairy stones, magic stones, and jade boxes containing heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the old woman's eyes flashed with joy, and she didn't notice that a small white spot was attached to the corner of a jade box and fell in front of the old woman. .

"Okay, then I'll wait for good news from Master Qi."

Jian Jian is currently in a Fairy Artifact Pavilion with Bei Minghan, negotiating the price with a skinny old man, the purpose is to change the mark on the sea ship, and upgrade the sea ship by the way, it will be her exclusive sea ship in the future, So she is willing to wrap it with Huaxianshi.

"This is the ship, and there is a deposit, Master Qi has a look."

In fact, the whole process was simply negotiating with the skinny old man. Elder Han didn't say a word, but in the end he couldn't see it anymore, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Cough, this fairy, what you said is wrong. What good things can you get if you don't spend fairy stones? Don't wait for the fourth elder to practice with your sea boat. If you don't meet your requirements later, you are not good." If you blame him, don't say that he is an elder, and confiscate your refining fee from him, and you can't justify him!"

The implication is that the other party's asking price is not worth it, but this remark hit the skinny old man's lungs, and he immediately said in displeasure:

The old man waved his sleeves to accept the storage ring, which was regarded as a formal acceptance of the order.

And all of these were seen clearly by Zhima. I don't know if it was the old woman's luck or the owner's luck. The resource of a storage ring came back just like this.

"Elder Jian, if you are not in a hurry, when you return to the clan, let the fourth elder in the clan help you refine that sea ship again, without using the fairy stone."

"Elder Jian, I didn't cooperate with you just now. I went back to Beiming's house to refine it. I really don't need Huaxianshi."

"I know, but this is my personal sea ship after all, so don't bother the clan. Besides, I have never met the Fourth Elder, so it's not easy for Elder Han to owe this favor."

Simply said with a smile.

She naturally knew Bei Minghan's intentions, so she explained it, and then added:
"I know a thing or two about refining equipment, but I am currently away and cannot refine it quietly, and the materials needed for refining equipment may not be ready. If so, it is better to leave it to professional people to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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