Chapter 1922 A Deal

Xin Rong looked at the female fairy above her, and knew that the main event was coming, so she calmed down and said respectfully:

"I don't know what deal senior wants to talk about."

"I know you want to enter the Yifu Mansion to get back what belongs to you, but the Ban family doesn't want to give up the opportunity at your fingertips, so they will definitely do everything possible to stop you. Now your ancestors' Yifu Mansion has not yet appeared, and they are just making trouble. If they wait until the Yifu comes to this world, they will probably kill them."

Having said this with a simple smile, after a slight pause, he continued:
"My Beiming family can help you enter the Yifu smoothly, but you need to give us [-]% in return for the resources you retrieved. What do you want?"

Xin Rong was originally just taking a gamble, but he didn't expect that the other party knew more than he imagined, and the conditions he proposed were not too big for a lion. After pondering for a while, he cupped his hands and said:
"Thank you senior for your generous help. Xinrong is willing to do so, but I have already severed ties with the Ban family. Even if I have obtained resources and inheritance under the protection of the Beiming family, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep it."

Xin Rong told the truth, this was also his concern, he was afraid that the resources obtained through hard work would end up at the expense of the Ban family, if so, his parents would fall in vain, and he would have no chance to avenge them.

Jian Jian very keenly caught the flash of hatred in the other party's eyes, and knew that it was not aimed at himself, as for whom it was aimed at, it was self-evident.

"Young Master Xinrong, do you have any plans? Let's hear it."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a slight smile.

Simple and not too wordy, with a wave of hands, take the elixir bottle into your hand, open the bottle cap, pour the elixir into your palm, and sweep your mind, this elixir belongs to the fourth-grade top grade, but it contains impurities that have not been removed , the blending of the medicinal properties is a bit worse, but everything else is fine.

"Give me the most successful pill you have refined."

With a simple sigh, he said to the hesitant Xin Rong:
"You have the elixir you made yourself."

Immediately, she summoned her own Phoenix True Fire, wrapped the elixir, and carried out the second refinement. Her jade-like fingers quickly pinched the elixir, and used a special rhythm to drive the elixir into the flames. In the elixir.

After the simple formula was over, he waved away his Phoenix True Fire, then took the elixir in his hand again, and after looking at it, he threw it directly to Xinrong.

As long as this Xinrong is really a talented alchemist, then the Beiming family will not lose. In addition to being able to make alchemy for the family, other people or other families will also come to ask for alchemy. As long as Xinrong guarantees the alchemy rate, resources and favors will be guaranteed. With all of them, it is not easy to take revenge.

Xin Rong gritted her teeth and said:
"Seniors, as long as Xinrong can successfully enter the Yifu, I can give all the resources in it to the Beiming family. It is my reward for seeking asylum. I just want to stay in the Beiming family to practice. When I advance to the university Alchemist, I will leave the Beiming family, and during this period, I am also willing to refine medicine for the Beiming family."

He immediately took out a storage ring from his sleeve pocket, which had the smallest space, but it was enough to hold all the pills in his shop.

"Yes, the alchemy inheritance I got is the method of nine revolutions. Combined with Danhuo and Danjue, the pill can be transformed nine times to remove all impurities in it and become the best pill without erysipelas. Are you interested?"

Bei Minghan glanced at Xin Rong who was nervously waiting for an answer, and then said:

You must know that the speed at which alchemists accumulate resources is terrifying. Not to mention resources, but those connections. It was also because of this that he was so targeted by the family.

Xinrong was sure that this was a new word, he had never heard of it.

Bei Minghan on the side didn't speak, but just nodded, letting Xinrong speak.

It is not surprising that Beiminghan has this proposal. After all, the inheritance of the great alchemist and the resources in the Yifu will tie Xinrong to the big ship of the Beiming family and become the exclusive alchemist of the Beiming family, which will benefit the family even more. many.

Xin Rong gave up all her resources just to find a family that could compete with the Ban family, to ensure her smooth cultivation and at the same time pave the way for her revenge.

Simply said with a smile:

Xin Rong did so, took out a pill bottle from the storage ring, and offered it with both hands:
"Senior, this is the fourth-level healing pill that I refined. It belongs to the top grade, and it can barely enter your eyes."

"Six turns?"

And Bei Minghan was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Elder Jian to be able to make alchemy.

"This elixir is limited by the refining materials, I can only reach rank six, and there is still a gap between it and the best elixir in my mind."

Xin Rong was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the reason why he was able to see the two seniors today was because they wanted to buy all the pills he refined.

A quarter of an hour later, bursts of elixir wafted through the room. Xinrong only smelled the elixir, and his eyes lit up. The quality of this elixir had improved.

Xinrong was a little hesitant. He didn't want to leave Longtan and enter Tiger's Den. He could seek shelter for the family. After all, the two parties were in a deal. If he was allowed to work for the Beiming family for the rest of his life, he was worried that he would go down the old path and serve others. When making a wedding dress, the one who will be abandoned in the end is still oneself.

Simply continue.

After Xin Rong took it, she began to examine it carefully. It seemed that in order to verify something, she scraped off a little powder on the elixir with her fingernails, put it in her mouth impatiently, and then exclaimed:
"Senior, the quality of the elixir has been raised to the highest level, there is almost no erysipelas."

"My Beiming family is not a robber. If you do this, it will be different from the Ban family. However, if you volunteer to become an alchemist supported by the Beiming family, then we only need [-]% of the resources in the Yifu. After all, cultivating alchemists also requires accumulation of resources. ,you consider it."

Jian Jian turned her attention to Bei Minghan, he was the one who could make the final decision, so she handed over the decision to the other party.

It's a pity that a good seedling of a great alchemist is dragged down by family feuds like this. This class is really killing the chicken to get the eggs. No wonder the ancestors produced such a famous great alchemist, but they are mixed into the current appearance. Even the four great cultivating families Can't squeeze in.

Xin Rong looked straight at the eyes, the other party's jumping fingers seemed to have magical powers, attracting his full attention, and his fingers also subconsciously imitated the movement of the stylus, but at the back, he only saw There was an afterimage, and with his cultivation base, he couldn't see the alchemy behind him clearly.

Simple follow the good way.

Xinrong was really scratching his head. As an alchemist, he naturally knew what the erysipelas-free elixir meant.

The reason why the same elixir has different values ​​for top-grade, high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade is because the amount of erysipelas contained in it hinders the efficacy of the medicine, and it will also cause the person who takes the elixir to deposit erysipelas in the body.

If it is true that there is no erysipelas, then he is really No. 1 in Qianyuan Immortal World, but this is the inheritance of the predecessors, why should people teach him?

(End of this chapter)

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