Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1923 The Temptation Is Unstoppable

Chapter 1923 The Temptation Is Unstoppable
Xinrong's tangled little expression pleased Jian Jian very well. This at least shows that apart from revenge, alchemy is the other party's lifelong pursuit. This is also why the other party would rather give up the resources in the Yifu, just to go in and get back his alchemy It can be seen from the inheritance of Taoism.

"Senior, Xinrong thinks he has some talent in alchemy, and knows that there is no end to learning, but this belongs to your inheritance, and Xinrong dare not think about it."

Xinrong finally told the truth.

"That's why I'm interested."

It's not surprising that it's simple. The other party is not greedy. Although it's itchy, he hasn't lost his sense of proportion.


Xin Rong gave an affirmative answer this time.

"Okay, since that's the case, I can pass on my nine-turn alchemy technique to you. In exchange, after you get the alchemy inheritance of the Ban family, let me have a look, how about it?"

Suggested with a simple smile.

"no problem."

After confirming the general direction, there are only some details, but it is simple and not troublesome, so continue to communicate with Xinrong.

"To the two seniors, after the Yi Mansion is alive, as long as I drop the blood essence at the entrance, then the immortals who can enter it will not be higher than the Great Luojin Fairyland. The Ban family also knows this. Back then they When my cultivation base was abolished, my blood essence was taken."

Bei Minghan added.

"You also need your blood essence to open it?"

"Your cultivation base at that time was in Daluojin Fairyland?"

"it is good!"

"Yes! When the Ban family abolished my cultivation and expelled me from the family, they were fully prepared and obtained enough blood. As long as I don't go in, they are sure to take away the inheritance and resources .”

The last sentence was too straightforward, and Bei Minghan coughed lightly, and Jian Jian immediately understood, and covered his red lips with a round fan while smiling.

Hearing this, she rolled her simple eyes, and then said to Bei Minghan who was beside her:
"Since the limitation of cultivation depends on Xinrong, then push the Ban family to the front, let Mr. Zhi change into Xinrong's appearance for a while, leave openly, go back to the elixir shop, and continue to open the shop when the Yifu opens. Business, and clearly told the people around and the Ban family that he did not enter the Yifu."

"There are indeed some arrangements in the Yifu, but they are all based on my blood, so we have to explore by ourselves after entering, but I know the most important inheritance."

"Don't be afraid that the Beiming family will treat you like the Ban family, first of all, as one of the four great cultivating families, they can't afford to lose this person.

Bei Minghan made a promise aloud.

"Xinrong is willing to accept the proposal of the two seniors. I know that I am not qualified to negotiate terms, but the two seniors have considered me so thoroughly and treated each other with sincerity. Xinrong voluntarily joins the Beiming family."

Secondly, the Beiming family also cultivated their own alchemists. It is the icing on the cake when you go there. There is also a place to exchange alchemy.

"On behalf of the Beiming family, I welcome you to join, and I will definitely not let you regret today's decision in the future."

"About the Yifu, do you have any news that you can share with us, such as whether there is any cultivation limit? Are there any formations or organs inside?"

Xin Rong's words were sonorous and forceful, obviously making the final decision and preparing for the worst.

Entering the third elder's room, Bei Mingzhi saw the unfamiliar Xinrong, and then followed his elder's instructions, transformed into Xinrong's appearance, and only then did he know the whole plan.

Simply waving the round fan lightly, said indifferently.

Bei Minghan immediately understood the simple meaning.

Thinking of the situation at that time, how could Xinrong not have any hatred.

"Okay, do as you say."

It is agreed here that after entering the Chen Cang in the dark, it will be a matter of entering the Yi's Mansion.

Xinrong's pragmatism satisfied Jian Jian and Bei Minghan.

At this time, Bei Mingzhi, who was out with the guards to inquire about the news, suddenly felt a chill on his back, how could he feel missed, his eyes narrowed, and then he took the guards back to the Nightmare Inn.

"I agree with Elder Jian's opinion."

Afraid of going back on his word, Xin Rong immediately agreed, and if it was an exchange, he would not be at a disadvantage.

After thinking about it, Xin Rong felt that there was only one chance, he didn't want to give up, and he couldn't give up, just like Elder Jian said, as long as he becomes a great alchemist, revenge is really just a matter of words.

The most important thing is that after you become a great alchemist, there are many high-level powers who seek pills for breakthroughs, and revenge is not a matter of words. "

"Do you want to pretend to join the Beiming family's team, or stand in the Beiming family's real identity to make the Ban family feel scruples?"

"Yes, this is the legacy of the ancestors of the Ban family. Aren't they the most qualified to enter? They can also share the risk for Xinrong and Beiming's family. The limelight is for them."

When Xinrong really became the Great Alchemist of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, looking back on today, he was very glad that he had seized the opportunity, and the Ban family at that time had already disappeared from Danzhou completely.

Bei Minghan saw that the discussion was almost over, so he raised his hand and sent Bei Mingzhi a message talisman, and the other party just returned to the Nightmare Inn, received the call from the third elder, and immediately went outside the guest room to activate the restraint.

Simply continue to lobby and say:

Xin Rong immediately nodded, he has also learned to be pragmatic during these years of being a Sanxian outside.

"Okay, this matter is settled! But I am the elder Keqing of the Beiming family now, I still advise you to join the Beiming family directly."

"You can also accept a few talented disciples to pass on your alchemy and live up to what your ancestors have done."

Simply said with a smile, after all, Ban's family is in the first year of junior high school, so don't blame Xin Rong for being in the fifteenth year.

"Seniors, juniors, let's pretend to be a little bit more, and join the Beiming family's team into the Yifu. There is no need to confront the Ban family now. Obtaining inheritance and resources is our goal. I know that the Beiming family is not afraid of the Ban family, but Why waste your time messing with them."

"Elder Jian is asking Ban's family to be the early bird."

"Yes, after my cultivation base was abolished, it was the resources left by my mother to help me return to the Daluojin Fairyland."

Xin Rong said directly.

Simple answer with a smile.

"Okay, then let their hopes fail."

Bei Mingzhi rubbed his nose, and felt that it was Elder Jian who dared to think and act. He took all the resources, inheritance, and those who received the inheritance.

He was once again thankful that he was respectful enough to Elder Jian back then, otherwise he would have been sold and had to help the elder count the fairy stones. This time he also put quotation marks on Elder Jian's "beautiful person and kind heart", it depends on who he treats up.

Bei Mingzhi, who was wearing a happy face, was politely sent out of the inn, and he went back to the elixir shop on Yanxing Street, while the Ban family members who were secretly watching carefully followed him all the way, making sure that the other party returned to the shop, and the shop was still there. After opening, send a message back immediately.

Ban Ze looked at the communication jade slip in his hand, his face was cloudy, and then he went to see the leader of the clan.

(End of this chapter)

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