Chapter 1924
"Elder, Xinrong went alone to the Nightmare Inn where Beiming's family is located. It seems that he temporarily hooked up with Beiming's family. What should we do?"

The class elder, who was smiling and amiable, had a glimmer of light in his eyes at this moment, and then said with a smile:

"Go and test that kid, as long as you make sure that he hasn't reached an agreement with the Beiming family. After the Yifu is alive, watch him and don't let him enter the Yifu. We can get back everything that belongs to the Ban family in the Yifu."

"Elder, if it's best."

Banze raised his hand and wiped it on his neck, which meant to silence him.

"You can figure it out, keep it secret! It's all my fault for that bastard Xin Ying. It was our mistake for not being able to strip the blood of that wolf cub Xin Rong!"

Beneath the squad leader's old and kind face was cruelty and sternness.

"Elder, don't worry, almost all of our clan will be dispatched this time, and we will definitely be able to collect the things in the Yifu."

Ban Ze bowed his hand, and took his three attendants to the elixir shop on Yanxing Street again.

At this time, the disguised Bei Mingzhi also saw the shopkeeper, and directly ordered the other party:
"You don't need to visit the store these days, I will come by myself, you rest for a few days, and wait for my summons."

"Elder, either we should cut the mess right now, or wait until the Yifu is closed, and then completely deal with Xinrong. Keeping him is a big hidden danger."

Bei Mingzhi leisurely sat back on the chair behind the counter, scanned the door with his mind, and found two watchdogs. Passed it back, and specifically explained that because of his excellent acting skills, he had already bluffed the Ban family.

"Who said I'm going to enter the Yi's Mansion? I want to live a few more years and study alchemy well so that I can compare with your class in the future."

"Xin Danshi, but the other party made things difficult for you?"

After returning here, Ban Ze relayed Xin Rong's crazy words, then frowned and said:

Xin Rong said, this guy is very loyal, and his character is trustworthy. If there is no problem after checking the other party's details, he will take him to Bei Ming's house. After all, he is a handy person, so Bei Ming Han naturally has no objection.

He didn't show weakness in words, but the hatred in his eyes didn't diminish, and he played Xinrong's helplessness and stubbornness to the core. If it was simple here, he would definitely say: Oscar owes you a golden man.

After Bei Minghan read the news, he replied with five words: Good!Keep it up!

After the two took the order, they hid themselves nearby and stared at the elixir shop.

After hearing this, Ban Ze's eyes flashed, but he still didn't relax. Just about to speak, Bei Mingzhi continued:

Bei Mingzhi didn't hide anything, and imitated Xin Rong's tone.

Bei Minghan nodded to Xinrong beside him and said, at this time Xinrong has completely changed his appearance, and there is no trace of the past, and he is dressed like a son of an aristocratic family, which is one-third more expensive than Bei Mingzhi.

"I just want to live and continue to practice. One day, I will seek revenge from your class! But if you insist on forcing me, I will sell the blood to the Beiming family. I have no resources or inheritance." No, and I won’t let your Ban family get it!”

"Hey! Little one knows!"

"Xinrong, don't think that you can enter the Yifu smoothly by joining Beiming's family. I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

The class elder had the same idea as Ban Ze.

When he said this, a look of madness flashed in his eyes.

The guy frowned.

"No, they bought the high-grade pills, and the rest are some middle-grade and low-grade pills. I plan to reduce the price. People from the Ban family came to make trouble that day. If they didn't see me, the other party would definitely not Let it go, if you can't handle it, let me handle it myself."

"Yes, elder, I will inform them right away."

Bei Mingzhi raised his eyelids and glanced at the arrogant Ban Ze. If he hadn't played Xin Rong now, he would have slapped him by.

In the same way, this time it was Bei Minghan who said:
"Follow this person closely after entering. Don't be alone. If you are teleported separately, gather together first and then act. Do you understand?"

The elder of the squad just nodded, holding the crystal bottle containing Xinrong's blood in his hand, and ordered:

Three more days passed like this, and at midnight on the fourth day, a phantom of a mountain peak appeared in the sky above the sea outside the Nanzhou Island. In an instant, several streams of light fled towards the phantom, among them was the elder of the Ban family.

This crazy color just made Banze look straight. He frowned and didn't dare to act rashly. He knew that with Xinrong's temperament, this kind of thing would definitely be done. Now get back the inheritance and resources in the Yifu most important.

"In the past few days, the blood of that little beast has become more and more active. The Yifu should be born soon, so get ready."

"Since he said that, he must have left behind. It is not appropriate to push him into a hurry at this time. We will make plans after the Yifu is closed. Let him live a few more days and send someone to keep an eye on him."

Banze said immediately.

All the disciples replied excitedly.

The buddy sighed, Master Xin is also unlucky to have such a family.

Not long after the man left the elixir shop, Ban Ze brought people to the elixir shop again. This time, the four of them were very cautious and made sure that there was no one else in the shop, so they said to Bei Mingzhi:

"Elder, don't worry, I've left two of the most capable people behind. They are watching Xin Rong, and they will send me back messages every day, and they will never let the other party out of the scope of their spiritual consciousness."

When Bei Mingzhi received the reply, he knew that everything would be fine as usual, so he continued to sell the pills in the shop with a Xinrong face on his face. Home.

"Yes, Third Elder!"

The twenty disciples of the Beiming family happened to be stuck on the entry standard of Daluo Jinxian. Beiminghan waved his hand and let them all go in to gain knowledge. Of course, because of Xinrong who led the way, the risk is relatively small , but no matter how small the risk is, it doesn't mean there is no risk, so the instructions should be ordered.

"Hmph! Don't be arrogant, let's wait and see!"

After finishing his harsh words, Ban Ze turned around and left the elixir shop, but instead of letting the two attendants go back together, he asked them to guard outside the elixir shop, keeping a close eye on Xinrong, preventing him from having a chance to contact Bei Ming's family. If there is a message talisman sent out, it must be intercepted in time. In short, the other party cannot be allowed to escape. The day when the Yifu is closed is the day when he dies.

He immediately raised his hand and flicked Xinrong's blood essence into the phantom, ready to confirm whether the Yifu was left by the old ancestor of the Ban family as the Tianji Pavilion tested.

The blood essence entering the phantom is like a drop of water dripping into the surface of a lake, causing ripples. A man from the heavenly fairyland was pushed out before stepping into the mountain peak in the phantom.

The other party didn't give up, and was going to try again. This time, because he charged more fiercely, he was pushed farther. In the end, he could only stand in the air, waiting for a fairy from the mysterious fairyland to test him.

Seeing this scene, the class elders immediately breathed a sigh of relief, at least it proved that this remains was indeed left by their ancestor's great alchemist.

 Dear children, happy Lantern Festival~ Fengling wishes everyone a family reunion, happiness and health, and all the best~
  Today is the holiday, three chapters will be published first, and two more chapters will be added before twelve o'clock. You can watch the Lantern Festival first~
(End of this chapter)

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