Chapter 1927
"Hey!" A sigh came from the mouth of Shenhun phantom, Shenhun floated two minutes closer, looked at Xin Rong with red eyes, and then said:

"Have you left the Ban family?"

"Yes, the younger generation was expelled from the family by the Ban family. They framed their mother for being unfaithful to their father, saying that I am not a member of the Ban family, and that I am not worthy of being cultivated by the Ban family. She wanted my life, but it was my mother who tried her best to protect me and let me escape."

Xinrong felt that the old ancestor in front of him was very kind, and the grievance in his heart seemed to have an outlet. He expressed all the depression that had been suppressed in his chest these years, and finally said:
"After Xinrong escaped by chance, he was in a daze for a while, thinking that he was really not a member of the Ban family, but when he came to Yanzhou, he met more people and experienced more things, and my doubts became even more serious.

Especially this time when the news of the remaining mansion came, the Ban family actually came to me again and used such a clumsy excuse to prevent me from entering the secret realm. I am even more convinced that I am the son of the Ban family, and they may not be the direct descendants of the ancestors Bloodline, that's why it was designed on me again and again. "

A stern look flashed in Xin Rong's eyes, he would definitely avenge this revenge.

"Good boy, you have suffered! But you are really not from the Ban family."

The old ancestor said with a smile.


Now it was Xin Rong's turn to be dumbfounded. What does this mean?
Since he is not a member of the Ban family, why did he get a prompt when he entered here, and went straight to this peak of inheritance, and even stood in front of the ancestor?

After hearing this, Elder Mo's eyes lit up. He was obsessed with alchemy all his life, so he naturally knew that most of the alchemists with inheritance passed on their alchemy skills to their families or disciples, and exchanged them with others. The conditions put forward by others are considered fair, and to a certain extent, they can be regarded as giving shelter to their own descendants.

"Good boy, since you have seized the opportunity, make good use of it! Now that you have collected the alchemy, I will teach you to take the entire Yifu into your pocket. From now on, this will be your private medicine garden. There are many things to learn in alchemy. You You have to be prepared mentally, I am very strict."

Xinrong didn't dare to hide it, and told how he had intersected with the Beiming family, how he was valued, the agreement reached with them, and the nine-turn alchemy technique that the elders of Beiming used in exchange.

Elder Mo asked directly.

Speaking of this, the old ancestor is also a little sad. He expected that after he fell, his bloodline might not be easy, but at least there is a trace of the blood of the Ban family. will go too far.

"From now on, just call me Mr. Mo, so as not to add to the disaster. I think you entered the Yifu in disguise together with disciples from other families. Is there any reason for this?"

I am the adoptive son of the Ban family, just because my talent in alchemy is so outstanding that they couldn't abandon me for the benefit of the family. In order to win me over, they let me have the surname Ban.

"I used a Immortal Immortality Pill to make a private deal with the owner of the Tianji Pavilion. He specially made a hexagram for the future of my descendants. He learned that in your generation, my blood will be cut off, so I asked for the immortal From the emperor, I exchanged my entire net worth for this legacy mansion.

The old ancestor looked at Xinrong's unconcealed surprise, and revealed the answer directly without being a joke:

This was the first smiling face that the ancestor showed since meeting him, which made Xin Rong feel a little more relaxed.

Xinrong didn't expect that the old ancestor would keep him as a backup.

Through the transparent soul of the ancestor, Xinrong looked at the dark green danding that was neither jade nor copper. He had already connected with it, and now he was the master of this dan furnace.

"I didn't expect that the turning point that Tianji Pavilion told me should be on this Elder Jian. His realm is higher than mine, and his vision and thoughts are also freed from the shackles. This is the real power. You are lucky."

Because of the existence of your great-grandfather, the Ban family gave me a little peace of mind, and let me get in touch with more advanced alchemy recipes, hoping that I can refine higher-level alchemy, gain more resources for the family, and get to know more network, and I did not live up to their expectations, leading the Ban family to the top.

And on the condition of helping the Immortal Emperor ascend to the God Realm, let him seal this legacy mansion, open it at the most suitable time, leave a way out for you, and save a little blood for me, so that my alchemy inheritance can be passed on. "

However, he underestimated the shamelessness of the Ban family. After only four generations, the Ban family completely eliminated his lineage from the family. Fortunately, he is not completely useless.

Xin Rong said firmly.

"Because I am not a member of the Ban family, and you are my descendant, so naturally you are not a member of the Ban family.

"I have wronged my ancestor!"

"Xinrong was also unwilling. I learned that you left behind the legacy mansion this time, so I wanted to give it a try. I didn't know what was in the legacy mansion at that time, but I didn't want to hurt the Ban family, so I chose the one with a good reputation. The Beiming family cooperated, and I am also very grateful for the decision at that time, so that I can reunite with the ancestor."

It's just that they are always worried about me. Except for alchemy, they let me lead apprentices and don't let me go out to practice. As a result, my cultivation base is made up of pills, and the danger of crossing the catastrophe is getting bigger and bigger every time. I know this Going down, I have no hope of ascending, so I just want to leave something for the younger generation. "

But I have never had the blood of the Ban family, so in order to better control and win me over, they made me a Taoist couple with a woman from the last branch of the Ban family, and gave birth to your great-grandfather .

"Yes, don't worry, Mr. Mo, Xinrong will definitely live up to your expectations! One day, I will take you to the God Realm!"

"Old ancestor, didn't you leave the alchemy inheritance for the Ban family? I practiced the alchemy before according to the inheritance you left."

"I shared a trace of soul and fusion with the spirit of the alchemy. Now I am also a part of the spirit. After you recognize the master of the alchemy, I will guide you in the cultivation of alchemy. One day you will ascend, as long as you bring Alchemy furnace, then I can be regarded as ascended, and my thoughts can be considered complete."

"Yes, I have left behind all the alchemy inheritance, and the only thing I haven't left behind is my alchemy furnace."

Mo Lao smiled and nodded his head, his body was submerged in the dark green dan ding, and the dan ding was slowly shrunk under Xin Rong's call, turning into a dark green streamer and escaping into the new owner's dantian.

Afterwards, Xinrong began to make a formula, and took the entire Yifu into his pocket. Immediately afterwards, the Yifu shook violently. With the shaking, all the people who entered the Yifu were teleported out.

For a full fifteen days, the phantom of the Yifu became less and less, and everyone who watched outside knew that the Yifu was about to be closed.

Sure enough, the disciples who entered the Yifu on the second day were all sent out. They all maintained their previous postures, some were swinging swords, some were picking herbs, some were fighting, and they appeared on the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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