Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1928 The Remains Mansion is Closed

Chapter 1928 The Remains Mansion is Closed
Jian Jian and Bei Minghan also kept an eye on the changes in the Yifu for the past two days. When the image of the Yifu faded, they knew that the Yifu was about to close.

"I don't know if these little guys have found the treasure!"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

"If Xinrong can find it, they will be able to find it."

The aloof Bei Minghan said calmly.

Then he motioned to look at the old man Qi who hadn't left the spaceship since that day. The other party seemed to be trying to knock off a small corner of the spaceship, and was going to take it back to study the materials in it.

"Cough! Master Qi, you promised me not to dismantle my spaceship!"

A simple voice sounded in old man Qi's ears, he immediately put away the tools in his hand, and then said:
"It's not dismantled, it's not dismantled, it's just that this corner is deformed, I want to correct it by jiao."

Not guilty at all.

"Really? It seems that I blamed the master wrongly, but the refining method is different, so Master Rauch will not take action."

The two who received the order looked at each other, and entered the shop incognito. They were relatively confident, after all, they were both cultivated in the Great Luojin Fairyland, and there were two of them, enough to deal with a Xinrong.

Jian Jian himself also has a legacy of refining, so he naturally knew that although the other party was boasting, but his refining skills were indeed good, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Old man Qi was about to exit to ask about the situation on the spaceship, when the residence was closed, and all the people inside were sent out, the conversation between the two was forced to stop, and then Jian Jian teamed up with Bei Minghan, waved his sleeves, and The disciples of the Beiming family were all pulled onto the spaceship.

"Master Qi, has my ship been remodeled? This Yifu will be closed soon."

The simple consciousness swept through the ring, and the high-end sea ship has changed a lot. The skull logo on the hull has disappeared, replaced by a red manjusawa, which is particularly conspicuous on the black hull. Worn parts were also replaced.

"Master Qi took the trouble, I am very satisfied."

The task that originally took one month to complete, they insisted on shortening it to the 25th. Now the refiners in the store are resting, so they sent him to deliver the goods.

Simply put away the storage ring and said with a smile.

The old man Qi took the storage ring, sent the buddy back, turned around and went to find something simple, and handed over the remodeled sea boat to the other party.

"I'm not boasting, my craftsmanship ranks second in Yanzhou, and no one dares to rank first."

Bei Mingzhi, who had been waiting impatiently here, also received a simple summons, knowing that the Yifu was closed, and the Xinrong he played could disappear, so he immediately smiled and prepared to leave the shop.

"Don't worry, I asked the disciples of the Qiqi Pavilion to put down all the orders they had received, and complete the remodeling of the ship first, and the delivery will be completed within two days."

It's just that he was looking at others, and others were looking at them. This legacy was left by the great alchemist of the Ban family. They don't know if others have gained anything, but with the blood of the Ban family, they must have gained something, and they may even gain something. Having already obtained the inheritance and the resources left by their ancestors, their eyes became hot when looking at them.

Bei Mingzhi took the other party's storage ring, which was his own trophy. He erased the imprint of divine consciousness on it, and after looking through it, he removed the things that might reveal his identity. He accepted the other things with a smile. A fireball fell, destroying the corpse After disappearing, he crushed the teleportation talisman in his hand and went straight back to the Nightmare Inn.

The elders of the class immediately realized the problem. What they have to do now is to leave here immediately. Regardless of whether they have gained something or not, these people will acquiesce that they have gained something. Who told this to be the legacy of their ancestors.

Before the two of the Ban family made their move, Bei Mingzhi preemptively released the coercion of Luo Tian's fairyland, fixed the figures of the two shameless sneak attackers, then waved his hand, and four ice thorns pierced into the two people's sea of ​​consciousness and Dantian, the two fell almost instantly.

Old man Qi promised immediately.

And here, the disciples from the Ban family also gathered around the elders of the class. Ban Ze's complexion was not very good, but because there were too many people staring at him, he couldn't say much, so he could only shake his head vaguely to his elders.

The old man Qi was also not modest, and said directly with a smile:

On the second day, a clerk from the Qiqi Pavilion sent a storage ring to the place designated by old man Qi. When the other party saw the spaceship in the sky, his eyes lit up. No wonder the boss refused to return during this period of time. In the store, they were also asked to speed up the transformation of Haiba's high-end sea ship day and night.

"That's good!"

The squad leader's eyes sank, and he scanned the other disciples gathered around him. Some of these people must have obtained the inheritance of the Ban family, otherwise the Yifu would not be closed.

The last person to board the spaceship was Xin Rong. He was wearing the uniform of the Beiming family's disciples, so he didn't attract the attention of the elders in the class.

The moment the secret realm was closed, the head of the class sent a message, ordering the two family disciples who were secretly watching Xinrong to strangle each other, and then quickly returned to join them.

Afterwards, he took the two guards who stayed behind, returned the rent openly, and went to join the two elders. After all, the Yifu was closed, and they were leaving Yanzhou.

He said with a simple smile, and then asked directly:

The most important thing is that this sea ship can be powered by fairy stones or magic stones, which is very suitable for the identity of a simple Taoist demon practitioner, and when using the identity of a fairy, the hull of the ship can be changed from black to black through the control room. It is white, and the manjusawa will be replaced by white magnolia flowers. This is a simple requirement, and it is the only symbol of her fairy identity.

To be on the safe side, and in order not to alarm too many people, the two teamed up to control the pill store and the surrounding space, and they planned to sneak attack.

As a result, the two people from the Ban family who had been watching came to the shop invisibly. It was self-evident what they wanted to do. Bei Mingzhi's eyes turned cold, he was not made of mud.

Xinrong glanced at the Ban family members who left in a hurry, and a gleam of pleasure flashed in their eyes. The more hurried they were, the more likely they were to be suspected. They shared the firepower for him invisibly, and they were tricked by their ancestors.

Bei Minghan looked at all the family disciples who were not missing, and nodded in satisfaction. Although a few of them were killed and were rather embarrassed, they managed to save their lives, and all of them came out.

"It's not bad, they all came out alive, you keep all the harvest yourself, sort out the gains and losses and shortcomings of this trial in the palace, and each of you will give me a copy of the trial experience after three days."

Bei Minghan's solemn and cold voice immediately made all the disciples lose face, but no one dared to challenge the majesty of their own third elder, and immediately responded in unison:
"Yes, Third Elder!"

With the approval of Bei Minghan, they gathered together in twos and threes to visit the spaceship under their feet. From this point of view, it was Elder Jian’s private spaceship, and it must belong to the advanced customization. The logo, although they just glanced at it just now, the blooming manjusawa was too eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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