Chapter 1932
Sure enough, after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the living map slowly fell, and when it came to Jianjian, Xiaojian also appeared. Perhaps because of swallowing the star map, Xiaojian grew an inch taller, but he was still short. Lean.

Simply smiled and asked:

"But the fusion is complete?"

Xiao Jianjian nodded with a smile on his face, indicating that he had the upper hand, and finally took it down in one fell swoop, and even upgraded it.

"Then can you confirm where we are now?"

This is what simplicity cares about most.

Xiao Jianjian nodded proudly, then tapped the animal skin scroll with the tip of his toe, and immediately raised the map of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and also marked the sea area where they were located, and the distance from Jianzhou, and then the map began to shrink, becoming a bump in the starry sky Rough blue land.

Then the angle of view was raised again, the blue land became smaller and became a light spot in the starry sky, then Xiaojian pointed to another light spot not far away, and marked it with the words "Seven Fangxianjie", which proved that Simple guesswork.

Visually, the positions of the two fairy worlds are not very far away, at least in the same plane, and the position of Qianyuan fairy world seems to be slightly lower than that of Qifang fairy world, which proves that Qianyuan fairy world is also slightly inferior to Qifang fairy world .

It's easy to understand, because only one piece of Yuanli is mixed, Qianyuan Immortal Realm cannot be compared with Qifang Immortal Realm, and the evolution of Qifang Immortal Realm is a higher level.

But it might not be easy to really go back. Although her spaceship is a cross-domain spaceship, it can barely fly in the starry sky, but there are too many variables in the starry sky, and she is not very sure, so she frowned.

Xiaojian crossed his arms, showing a little satisfaction. He has now upgraded, and he has confirmed the current master's location, and the rest is up to the master.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and waved to Jian Jian again. After attracting the other party's attention, he pulled the three-dimensional star map with his hand this time, and motioned the master to look at the place she was pointing at.

The simple thought was interrupted, and she looked along the place pointed by Xiao Jianjian, and her brows were also frowned, because in the dark starry sky, there was a big black stone moving slowly, and she visually guessed that the destination of the other party was dry. Yuan Xianjie.

"Zoom in a bit, let me see what it is?"

Simple and direct instructions.

Xiao Jianjian nodded, pulling his hands together, he zoomed in and could see more clearly, but after seeing clearly, Jian Jian's face could be described as black as the bottom of a pot.

Because that moving black rock turned out to be a bug nest, and that rock was a waste star, with holes made by the Zerg everywhere on it. She had sneaked into the rear of the Zerg in the battlefield and destroyed several In the insect nest, she saw this kind of thing the most.

Xiaojian, who folded her arms and frowned, seemed to sense the master's depressed mood, and moved to the side. This was discovered after she fused the star map, and she was still some distance away from Qianyuan Immortal Realm, so she immediately informed the master. Anyway, There is a preparation.

"According to their moving speed, how long will it take to reach Qianyuan Immortal Realm?"

Asked with a simple frown.

Xiaojian took a step forward, measured the distance between the two, and finally stretched out two little fingers.

"Year 20?"

Xiao Jian nodded.

After listening briefly, she raised her forehead, and now she wants to give the middle finger to God, and bring her here, wouldn't it be to continue to let her take the lead in strangling the Zerg!She still has a lot to settle with Yueluan in the Qifang Immortal Realm. If she is caught in a battle with the Zerg again, when will she return to the Qifang Immortal Realm?

"Pay attention to the movement speed of this worm nest at any time, and if there is any acceleration, please let me know immediately."

Xiao Jianjian nodded, and with a wave of her little hand, the animal skin roll was automatically put away, and her small figure also disappeared into the living map and returned to Jian Jian's hand.

Simply turned around and went to the core of the fairy crystal vein, looked at the situation of the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, and swept the body of the cauldron with divine consciousness, she clearly felt that the consciousness light group of Qi Ling Ziyu had grown a lot, and there was a sense of awakening After seeing the signs, she was relieved, as long as Ziyu regained consciousness, she could start repairing the Yinlongding.

After reading it, he explained a few more words to Gucan, and took the fairy fruit that Gucan specially prepared for her to nourish the soul, and then left the space.

After leaving the space, he briefly stroked the willow leaves on his wrist, touched the sesame seeds on his earlobe, and then said:

"What do you think?"

"I think this insect nest should be a forward sent by the Zerg to test the situation of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, or even a spy who broke into Qianyuan Immortal Realm in advance."

Said with a sticky tail.

"If it's a full-scale attack, it won't just arrange for such a nest to come over."

Zhima added another sentence, very sure of his guess.

After listening briefly, he nodded and said helplessly:

"Zhima is right. I was also very depressed when I saw the bug nest just now. I can't get rid of these annoying bugs no matter where I go."

"It seems that your title of Zerg Nemesis is not for nothing."

Yanagawa teased aloud.

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he sighed and said:
"You think I am willing! Seeing that the battle between the Qifang Immortal Realm and the Zerg Race is coming to an end, I originally planned to return to the Eastern Immortal Realm after removing the hidden dangers in the Demon Immortal Realm, and then find a chance to kill that bug Yueluan." , My mission is considered complete! It's a pity that Yueluan attacked me first and sent me here!
Chuan, do you think she did it on purpose? "

"She wants to kill you so that you will never suffer from future troubles, but since you are here, you must give the Zerg a big gift! Otherwise, you will be aggrieved."

Yanagawa urged.

"You mean, let me spread the news that the Zerg is coming, so that people in Qianyuan Immortal Realm will be prepared."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said directly.

"Yes! And the day of the opening of Guixu Holy Mountain is getting closer and closer. At that time, there will be big bosses from the entire Qianyuan Immortal Realm gathered there. You can spread the news at that time.

However, I am worried that your vest will not be guaranteed at that time, if they force you to stay."

"This should not be the case. They can cultivate to this level, and they should be very clear in their hearts. This is a battle that belongs to their Qianyuan Immortal Realm. It is a great fortune to get news in advance. It is not a good thing to force me to stay."

Simply caressing the surface of the round fan, he said calmly.

"The difficulty now is that I'd better leave here and return to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm before the war between the Zerg Race and the Qianyuan Immortal Realm begins."

"Master, don't worry, there are still 20 years, enough time for you to prepare."

Zhima immediately spoke to appease.

"If the Beiming family is trustworthy, you can use your status as the elder Ke Qing to train them in advance and release the news bit by bit. This will not only reflect your value, but also prevent them from knowing that you are from other fairy worlds. disgusted with you."

Yanagawa added.

"Your method is good. Subtly cultivating their combat awareness is better than being beaten when the Zerg kills them."

 Babies, please wear one chapter first, and the other chapter is half-coded. I really can’t sit still, lie down for a while, and upload it after eating.

(End of this chapter)

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