Chapter 1933 Arrived at Jianzhou
At this time, the worm nests that are slowly moving forward in the starry sky don't know that the next target they are looking for is an old acquaintance who is waiting for them. Will turn around and change directions, because the opponent's Zerg nemesis's name is too loud.

Just as Zhima guessed, they were the pioneers sent by the Zerg. Because they encountered a wall in the Qifang Immortal Realm, they retreated steadily, were forced out of the battlefield, and were unable to invade the Qifang Immortal Realm on a large scale.

And Zongzu also fell into a deep sleep. In order to maintain Zongzu's life, their loss was also huge, so they had to find another way to find new targets. After occupying a new place and recuperating, they will definitely make a comeback. Fang Xianjie.

Simple doesn't know, just after she disappeared from the fairy realm, the three tribes of humans, demons, and demons in the battle zone joined forces to force all the Zerg out of the battle zone. It is an obstacle, and it is also a barrier to protect the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm.

And the humanoid Zerg they sent secretly to sneak into the entrance of the fairy world on the other side of the battlefield were all strangled. So far, they have completely lost contact with the spies in the Qifang fairy world. Although they are not reconciled, they can only retreat helplessly. He refused to leave, but wanted to hibernate and wait for the opportunity.

However, the people in the Qifang Immortal Realm are also guarding against the Zerg's comeback, so there are still personnel stationed in the battle zone, which is still rotated every 500 years, but the manpower is much less than before, and the rewards for entering the battle zone are reduced. Another big fight.

Under such circumstances, this insect nest was given a new mission and began to advance towards the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, which is the closest to the Qifang Immortal Realm. Jie, now that he has hit a wall, he can only settle for the next best thing.

Sometimes things are just such a coincidence. After simply determining the general direction of action here, I waved the restraint and went to the deck to breathe. I happened to see Xinrong use the pill to get closer to the disciples of the Beiming family, so he smiled and walked towards up the bow.

Sesame suddenly said:
"Master, that Human Gu contacted me."

Simply walking non-stop, walking to the bow of the unmanned ship, and then voice transmission:
"He agreed."

It is also an affirmative sentence.

"Yes, he sent a message saying that because of your appearance, Mozhi ordered the Human Gu to put those planted child Gu into a deep sleep and not to be exposed for the time being.

At the same time, he instead ordered the mother Gu of the Huangfu family to start acting, in order to divert attention, remove himself completely, and make the Huangfu family a scapegoat by the way. "

"Hmph! You can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day! The Huangfu royal family is seeking skins from tigers, and neither side is a good thing. It depends on who can have the last laugh."

With a simple smile, the murderous aura flashed across his body, which happened to be sensed by Bei Minghan who was out of the cabin.

A trace of doubt flashed across Beiming's cold and stern face. He was sure that his feeling was right. The murderous aura on Elder Jian's body was too aggressive, which made him instantly alert.

Jian Jian also saw Bei Minghan's figure, turned his head, and said with a smile:

"Elder Han, you also come out to see the scenery."

"Elder Jian, what's bothering you?"

Bei Minghan asked in a deep voice.

After listening briefly, he sighed softly:

"It's really troublesome. I came out to practice quite suddenly this time. I was framed. If I want to go back, I'm afraid it will take some time. I'm not worried about this, but I just learned that the person who framed me before sent Come and find me."

Bei Minghan frowned slightly after hearing this, he was considering whether what Elder Jian said was true, but the flash of murderous aura did not seem to be fake.

"Elder Han, I'm just expressing my feelings, and I don't mean to bother you with me. I will solve this matter myself."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

"Let me know if you need it."

That's all Bei Minghan could say.

"Don't worry, when that time comes, I will definitely ask Elder Han for help."

Said meaningfully with a simple smile.

Bei Minghan suddenly had a bad feeling that Elder Jian would take his polite words seriously.

Simply looking at Bei Minghan's twitching eyes, his depressed mood immediately improved.

Two months later, Beiming's ship arrived at Jianzhou smoothly, and the 21 sheep on board finally hoped to land.

During the three-month sea voyage, they couldn't describe it in words. The first ten days were relatively easy. After the excitement passed, they began to meditate step by step, and occasionally hunted some sea beasts.

But from day No. 11, Elder Jian began to drive away some high-level sea beasts, and asked all the disciples of the Beiming family on the sea boat to go down to challenge. If they win, they will drive away higher-level sea beasts. If they lose, Elder Jian and the third elder will Responsible for bringing them back, continue to challenge the next day.

The only one who was spared on the ship was Xin Rong. Seeing the intensity of the Beiming family's trials, he also clicked his tongue, so he refined some healing pills. Now he is the most popular person on the entire ship. .

There is no way, fighting with sea beasts, how can it be possible not to get injured, in order not to affect the task assigned by Elder Jian on the second day, he can only take the elixir to recover himself as soon as possible, and continue to go into the sea to challenge the sea beasts on the second day.

Bei Minghan saw it in his eyes, but he didn't stop it. After such trials, the Beiming family's disciples' ability to deal with the battle, their reaction ability, and their fighting power all improved. He always felt that Elder Jian had other intentions.

The disciples of Beiming's family got off the ship and stepped onto the port. They felt that the air was much fresher. Looking at the crowds, they felt that they were alive again.

Beiminghan and Jianjian are the last ones, and Beimingzhi has already arranged for people to find a place to live. After all, it is still some distance away from Wanjianzong.

Because of Bei Minghan and Jianjian, they attract attention wherever they go, they are really outstanding.

Bei Mingqi immediately stepped forward and said:

"Elder, do you want to rent a beast cart?"

"No need, watch as you walk, you have to keep up."

Simply put.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

All the disciples of Beiming's family glanced at Bei Mingqi, the sycophant. The trial is about to start again, and Elder Jian's progress will definitely be faster and faster.

Bei Mingqi was stared at deadly by all the clan brothers and sisters, immediately took a step back and hid behind Jian Jian, he didn't say anything!

Bei Mingzhi's communication jade slip trembled twice, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he said to the two elders:
"Third Elder, Elder Jian, Wanjian Sect sent someone to pick us up, and happened to meet the guard who was looking for a place to live, and he was waiting for us at the inn at the port."

"They are really well informed, who sent them?"

"It's Xu Kuangshi and his senior sister Ziruo."

 Babies, the last chapter is here today!Feng Ling did her best!Rest early after watching ~ good night ~
(End of this chapter)

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