Chapter 1934 Sincerity
"Then let's hurry up, we don't want people to wait too long."

Simply said to Bei Minghan.

Bei Minghan nodded coldly. He knew that Xu Kuangshi was familiar with Elder Jian and Bei Mingzhi. This time they came to Jianzhou, they did send news to each other in advance, but they didn't expect Wan Jianzong to attach great importance to it and arranged it early. Someone is coming to pick them up.

Bei Mingzhi put down the jade pendant in his hand, and said to the fellow clansmen behind him:

"Brothers and sisters, someone is here to pick us up, everyone, hurry up!"

Immediately, the people at the port saw that the group of people who had been walking and watching had disappeared from everyone's sight within a few steps.

When the figures of a group of people appeared in front of the port inn, Xu Kuangshi and Ziruo had already been waiting for a while. When they saw two figures, one black and one white, at the beginning, they knew that the person they were waiting for had arrived.

Xu Kuangshi was the first to greet him, cupped his hands respectfully and said:
"I have met Elder Beiming and Elder Jian. Immortal Wan Heng knows that the two brought his family disciples to Jianzhou for training, and specially ordered me to come and pick you up as guests of Wan Jianzong."

"I am sorry for the concern of Immortal Lord Wanheng. Originally, we planned to bring our disciples to visit, but I would like to trouble you to make a visit yourself."

He said with a simple smile.

In the small reception hall here, Jian Jian and Bei Minghan sat at the top, Bei Mingzhi sat at the bottom, and Xu Kuangshi and Zi Ruo sat opposite Bei Mingzhi. After the ban came down, Xu Kuangshi said that they had a relationship with Jian Jian. What happened after the party separated in Jingzhou.

"Two elders, this is Immortal Lord Wanheng's eldest disciple, and also my elder sister Ziruo, this time she is here with me to invite you all to Wanjianzong."

Bei Minghan's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood Wan Jianzong's intentions. It seemed that Elder Jian's Immortal Gu had a great effect.

Zi Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, then said:
"Master said that when asking someone for help, you must be sincere and thank you. It's a pity that Wan Jianzong is a poor sword cultivator, but Wan Jianzong's 'Wujian Peak' and 'Sword Tomb' are still worth visiting. Yes, this time it’s all open to you.”

"Okay, let's go!"

The sect also urgently checked the disciples under the sect, especially the elite disciples that the sect focused on training, and put all the disciples with problems into the scope of surveillance, and did not touch them for the time being, so as not to startle the snake, and also feared that those who were not found to have problems Disciple is enabled.

Zi Ruo has straight eyebrows, and at first glance she is an open-minded woman. No wonder she is a senior sister. You must know that those who can be the first disciple of the immortal king in the big sect must be stable and capable, otherwise they will not be able to hold down the juniors below. Juniors and sisters.

Bei Mingzhi's guard immediately stepped forward and said:
"Two elders, the small courtyard has been selected, let's go in and talk!"

Now Zi Ruo is passing on the message on behalf of the master, and the meaning is very clear. When the disciples of the Beiming family enter the "Sword Tomb", they can take away a sword by their own ability.

The disciples of this sect are better, and they have the opportunity to enter if they accumulate enough contribution points, but there is only one chance. If the disciples of the foreign sect want to enter, they have to ask for it with a lot of fairy stones. Even if you ask, it depends on Wan Jianzong Mood.

Xu Kuangshi told the truth that he had personally witnessed the process of pulling out Gu worms by the sect disciples in Jingzhou, and sometimes he shuddered when he thought about it.

Originally, my uncle wanted to invite you to Wanjianzong to check it out. I just received the news from Mr. Zhi that you want to bring your family disciples to Jianzhou for training, so we have the cheek to invite you to Wanjian first. Zong is a guest. "

Because there is an attack of Feisheng sword immortals in the past, the remaining sword intent, sword power, sword state, and sword field are all worth pondering. If you understand one and a half moves, you are really not far from Feisheng .

"It's your master's praise! The two of you came to pick us up, I'm afraid you didn't take a break. We just arrived today, so let's take a rest for a day, and then leave for Wanjianzong tomorrow, how about it?"

"Zi Ruo has met the two elders. Master often mentions Xianjun Jian, saying that you are the best among female sword celestial beings. Let me learn more from you."

After all, that is the foundation of Wanjianzong. The swords in it are all the wealth accumulated by the seniors of Wanjianzong after many lives and deaths. It can be seen that Wan Jianzong is really sincere.

"Follow Elder Jian's arrangements!"

Therefore, knowing that Jian Jian would bring the disciples of the Beiming family to Jianzhou for training, Wan Heng discussed with the elders of the sect and unanimously decided to directly invite him to Wan Jianzong as a guest.

And Zi Ruo, who was standing beside Xu Kuangshi, also recovered from the simple stunning appearance and Beiming's cold and stern temperament at this time, touched his junior brother, and motioned him to recommend him.

Even if they knew, they didn't talk about it through sound transmission outside, and followed their elders into the small courtyard. When they dispersed, they only gathered together in twos and threes, discussing in a low voice in the restricted room.

Even if everyone withdraws, Wan Jianzong has too many disciples. They can guarantee that the disciples who join the sect are all good, but what if they are tricked by someone with a heart?Especially when I was planted with Gu insects without my knowledge, I feel horrified when I think about it.

When they were guests, they took a look at the disciples they focused on training to see if they had encountered any hidden hands. Although they had also checked secretly, they were still a little worried.

Only then did Zi Ruo take a step forward, saluted respectfully, and said with a smile:

What Xu Kuangshi and Ziruo said just now did not avoid people. The disciples of the Beiming family heard it clearly. Wan Jianzong rushed to invite them to be guests. The ulterior motive was Elder Jian. , I have already guessed that it might be because of Gu worms.

After Xu Kuangshi finished speaking, he smiled embarrassedly.

"It is our honor to invite Elder Jian to visit Wan Jianzong."

Ask simply in a negotiating tone.

Simply listened and smiled, this sincerity is still very good, Bei Mingzhi once told her before coming here that Wan Jianzong's "Wujian Peak" is a good place to understand the way of swordsmanship.

Xu Kuangshi and Zi Ruo said in unison.

As the name suggests, the "Sword Tomb" is the same as the "Sword Tomb" of the Heavenly Sword Sect. There are literally tens of thousands of swords, large and small, including famous ones, unnamed ones, and those left by Senior Feisheng. Cultivate greedy eyes.

"Thanks to Elder Jian's reminder, Immortal Wan Heng decided to revoke the residence in Jingzhou directly, and no longer sent people to Jingzhou. He also hinted in private that the disciples of the sect should not interact too much with the disciples of the Huangfu family. many.

Jian Jian and Bei Minghan looked at each other, then said with a smile:

"This is a great opportunity, I will accept it on behalf of the younger generation, and let Immortal Wan Heng worry about it."

"Elder Jian is polite, as it should be."

Zi Ruo understood that Elder Jian had complied with their request, her smile deepened a bit, revealing the dimple on the side of her lips, she stood up and cupped her hands and said:
"The two elders rest first, and Ziruo and Junior Brother will not disturb you. We will start tomorrow after everyone has rested."

(End of this chapter)

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