Chapter 1935 Seize the opportunity
After Xu Kuangshi and Ziruo left, Jian Jian said to Bei Mingzhi:

"Young Master Zhi, go and tell everyone the good news. There is only one chance to enter the 'Sword Tomb' of Wanjianzong. Let them take advantage of it."

"Yes, I'm going to inform everyone."

Bei Mingzhi heard it very clearly, he also has a chance, this time can really make up for his carelessness in choosing his natal weapon, if he can really get a sword that fits well, it will also be a big deal. help.

Looking at Bei Mingzhi who left happily, Bei Minghan really wanted to help his forehead, and he couldn't hold back anymore, so he said to Jian Jian:
"This time they were really blessed by misfortune. With the honor of Elder Jian, they had a rare chance to enter the 'Sword Tomb'. This time, more than 20 people entered at once. It seems that Wan Jianzong has spent a lot of money."

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly! Wanjianzong is also the most famous sect in Qianyuan Immortal Realm. The Huangfu family has calculated this way. Sooner or later, they will get it back. Coupled with the previous grievances, Huangfu's family is so entangled. You can't get a good deal this time."

There was also a stern look on Beiming's cold and stern face. When the time comes, their Beiming's family doesn't mind making trouble, so let them be proud for a while.

"Wan Jianzong is so anxious, is it because Huangfu's royal family has taken action? But the news of Huangfuge's demise has just been heard before, and I don't know who it is for."

Bei Minghan is also very keen.

"Huangfuge's demise in front of everyone's eyes should be true. It means that she has become an abandoned child, and the real owner of the mother Gu in her body is obviously not her. It's just a new owner. It's obviously for me to see."

Jian Jian very much agrees with this method of refining the natal sword. Although she is not a pure sword fairy, she also knows how powerful a good sword is. So far, it is not clear where the limit of the Moshi Sword lies.

"Naturally, this is the purpose of the third elder's message. Let's discuss it."

Xu Kuangshi, who was sitting in front of the car, did as he said, patted the fairy beast on the head, and signaled the snow leopard to make way, but the gorgeous fairy beast car on the opposite side seemed to block their way again on purpose.

"Jianzhou is a sword cultivator, and it is also the place of Wanjianzong. There is a great demand for swords, and iron swords are the lowest level of spiritual swords, suitable for beginners. If you find good sword refining materials, you can directly use iron swords. The sword is an embryo, join it to upgrade the level of the sword, and then slowly accumulate it, so that when it is upgraded to the natal sword, the sword will be more compatible with the owner."

After entering Iron Sword City, it is easy to know the origin of the city's name. All the buildings in the city are made of iron ore, some are pig iron, some are hammered wrought iron, and the highest level is the house made of refined iron. She, looking solemn and dignified.

After walking about half of the distance, they decided to take a rest for a day in a medium-sized fairy city. The words "Iron Sword City" were engraved on the stone tablet at the gate of the city.

Then he informed Bei Minghan of the latest news that Zhima told her. Now they are on the big boat of Beiming's family. There is no need to hide this kind of news. Distrust of each other is a taboo for cooperation.

All the disciples felt as if they had been hit by a fairy stone from heaven, and they looked at Jian Jian with more respect. They were not stupid and naturally knew how the opportunity came about.

The great elder also said with a smile.

After a day's rest, the disciples of Beiming's family were full of energy. They couldn't hide the smiles on their faces. Even the corners of Beimingzhi's mouth were raised higher than usual. They must have received good news.

Bei Minghan explained aloud.

The second elder stroked his beautiful beard and said.

Bei Minghan's brows suddenly frowned, Jian Jian didn't notice, but told Xu Kuangshi:
"Let them go first!"

"The Huangfu's family is ruthless, and I'm afraid the plan is very big. We must always pay attention to their movements, not only within the family, but also the entire Nether Continent."

"That's what I mean too. We haven't gone back yet, so it's inevitable that we won't be able to catch up. It's right to be more vigilant."

Suddenly, the fairy beast car stopped abruptly, and the two of them swept their consciousness and found that it was a very gorgeous fairy beast car, blocking their way.

Immediately, the highest meeting of the Beiming Family got down to business.

"It is true that it is not easy to find a natal sword that suits you. If you start from a low level and upgrade a little bit, although it takes time and energy, you can achieve the unity of human and sword."

This time Xu Kuangshi and Zi Ruo rented a fairy beast car, but only Jian Jian and Bei Minghan were eligible to sit in it. The other disciples, including Bei Mingzhi, followed behind, and the group successfully stepped into the periphery of Jianzhou.

"It should be Elder Jian's ability, otherwise where would they get the chance?"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a slight smile.

After the Beiming family received the news, they were indeed a little surprised. They did not expect that twenty disciples with problems in their own family would be blessed by misfortune this time, and had the opportunity to enter the "Sword Tomb" of the Wanjian Sect. The elder said:
"Misfortunes depend on blessings, blessings lie on misfortunes! They are lucky this time!"

After hearing this, Bei Minghan's face became colder by three points, and he became more and more disgusted with the Mozhi Demon King. It is a fool's dream to want to use the heresy to advance to the rank of Immortal Emperor.

Simply nodding in agreement, Bei Minghan didn't hesitate, took out the Jade Communication Slip, and informed the family of the brief news, as well as their going to Wanjianzong, and believed that the elders in the family would make proper arrangements.

"It seems that the refining of iron ore here is very mature."

"I will inform the clan about this and ask them to strengthen their vigilance. Although all the disciples with problems have been brought here, they are not afraid of [-], just in case."

Sitting simply in the car, he said to Bei Minghan beside him.

In fact, with the strength of the two immortals, going to Wanjianzong is a blink of an eye, but after all, it is under the banner of experience, and because of simplicity, I also want to know more about Jianzhou, so I choose to practice while walking. Seeing that the speed is not fast, in fact There was no delay in traveling.

The Snow Leopard was a little unhappy, and bared its teeth at the opposite fairy beast to express its dissatisfaction, while the opposite fairy beast pulling the cart was a cloud sheep beast, limp, looking very cute and cute, and its speed was also fast. Quick, but timid.

Frightened by the snow leopard's teeth bared, he flicked his butt and moved out of the way with the frame, ignoring the yelling of the driver's valet, anyway, he knew that these people would not dare to really whip him.

Nothing that happened outside escaped the consciousness of the two people in the car. They simply turned the round fan in their hands and noticed the cold air emanating from Bei Minghan's body. They will block their way for no reason.

But he didn't open his mouth, and he simply didn't ask too many questions. Immediately, the fairy beast car continued to move forward, but was stopped again. This time, the person blocking the way was a young fairy with a light gauze face and a pink tulle fairy dress. , with a graceful and graceful figure, a pair of beautiful eyes flowing, and a very pleasant voice:
"My little girl is rude, I don't know if the third elder of the Beiming family is in the car?"

(End of this chapter)

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