Chapter 1936 Wins Without Words
Now there is no need to guess, it is indeed aimed at Bei Minghan, Jian Jianfeng turned his eyes and looked at Bei Minghan, meaning do you need help?

Bei Minghan shook his head, then his lips moved slightly, and a sound transmission fell into the fairy's ear:

"Qiandai, I've made it very clear and told your family that I have no intentions for you. Please don't come looking for me again."

Qiandai's beautiful eyes widened when she heard this, and her eyes were moist for a moment. Cousin Qianluo told her tactfully before, but she didn't believe it, and wanted to ask her in person, but Bei Minghan was Bei Minghan. The third elder of the Ming family insisted on staying out of the family. She went to a wall a few times, and she didn't even see anyone's face.

This time I finally got the news that Bei Minghan came to Jianzhou. She thought that her chance had come, so she brought two attendants and came to stop them. She didn't expect to get such a ruthless answer. How willing.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chidai asked aloud.

Bei Minghan directly rubbed the center of his brows, he really didn't want to lose a little girl's face in the public, but he also hated being entangled, didn't he answer clearly?

Simply turning the round fan in her hand, she was a little helpless. Since Bei Minghan didn't wave her hand directly to drive away people, she just had some scruples, but it's not a problem to be blocked like this, so she asked with a smile:

"Can I help?"

Bei Minghan didn't react a little bit, and felt that Elder Jian was too solemn, so Jian Jian explained with a smile:
"Sometimes the gap is too small, and others will envy and hate, but when the gap is so big that the other party can't catch up, she will completely give up."

Bei Mingzhi was flirting with the disciples of the family, waiting to see a good show, but he was called out, and immediately appeared by the car door, and said respectfully:
"Third Elder, what are your orders?"

It's not that she's not good enough, but that there are others who are better than her. Even if she is a woman, she can't say against her conscience that she is not good enough for Elder Bei Minghan.

He simply waved his hand to signal the other party not to worry.

Bei Minghan glanced at Jianjian, shook his head and said:
"I have made my words very clear, but she is still entangled. I don't want Elder Jian to be involved, which will only make things more troublesome."

Bei Minghan thought about the meaning of these words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he could only raise his voice:

Bei Mingzhi immediately stepped forward and said with a smile:
"Elder Jian is mighty, without saying a word, Qiandai ran away in despair! It's really relieved to see!"

Unfortunately, sometimes things backfire.

Qiandai couldn't wait for an answer, and said angrily:
"Third Elder, since you want to get rid of me completely, at least let me know where I lost? Fairy who rides with you, is she still afraid to see me?"

She simply hooked her lips into a smile, put down the round fan that covered the corners of her lips, and casually played with it in her hands. She didn't say a word, but she said everything.

The car is very quiet, and I simply don't have the habit of inquiring about other people's privacy. If you want to know, just ask Bei Mingzhi and you will know everything.

Immediately, he closed the car door intimately, returned to the team of Beiming disciples, and continued to exchange gossip with everyone.

Bei Mingzhi opened the car door as instructed, then he was stunned for a moment, then stood aside respectfully, and said in a deep voice:
"Elder Jane!"

Jian Jian had already stepped out of the car door at this time, and looked directly at Qiandai who was standing in front of the road, with a sweep of consciousness, the other party's true face could not be hidden, she could be called a beauty, but the beauty was a bit ordinary , nothing special.

Xu Kuangshi and Zi Ruo watched a scene of a woman chasing a man, looked at each other, patted the snow leopard on the head, and drove on.

"Qiandai is a disciple of Wan Jianzong. When she and her fellow disciples were practicing in Qingzhou, she was attacked by a high-ranking monster and nearly died. I happened to bring my disciples to practice in Qingzhou and rescued her. She wanted to sacrifice her life. I promised to repay the grace of saving my life, but I refused.

Qiandai looked at the open car door, Bei Minghan, who only showed a corner of the white fairy robe, did not get out of the car, as if to save face for her, she finally bit her red lips, arched her hands to Jian Jian, and turned to get on her own. The gorgeous car disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

Bei Minghan was silent this time, he knew that what he simply said was the truth, but this time he learned about it with the help of Elder Jian, which might damage her reputation in the future.

It simply feels that a man's emotional brain circuit is always straight. She is now in the same car with Bei Minghan, and she can no longer get rid of that Qiandai's suspicion. Since Bei Minghan doesn't want to use her to dispel the fairy's Infatuated, she is at ease.

"You sent her away today, and she couldn't get the answer she wanted, so she still wants to pester you. You and I are riding together today, and she has already decided that I have a lot to do with you. If that's the case, it's better to cut her off completely." thoughts."

It's just that she was a little unwilling to give up, and directly asked Qianjia to come forward and wanted to marry Beiming's family, and Qianjia was a subsidiary family of Wanjianzong, which involved the family and sect. I disagree even more. Love, she is always pestering her like this, and I am too annoyed, so I go into seclusion directly.

Well, this is the bar, Bei Minghan was a little impatient, and wanted to wave his hand to send the person away, but simply stretched out his round fan, and stopped Bei Minghan, who was about to make a move, and said:

Looking at the female fairy next to the car, Qiandai was really ashamed at this time. Just now, she glanced at her divine sense to prove that the other party's cultivation base is higher than her own. With her extremely beautiful face, she was completely defeated.

Bei Mingzhi didn't dare to gossip about him in front of the third elder, and immediately said with a smile:

"Hey, you should ask the third elder about this matter! We juniors dare not speak rashly."

"Is she that annoying?"

Simply turning around to get into the car, he asked casually.

"Open the door!"


After all, she wanted to go back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, and she still cared about these things. She didn't believe that such news could be sent back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm. Who would spread it except herself?
Immediately, with a flash of her figure, she replaced her Manzhushahua black robe with an azure colorful streamer fairy dress, put on a white magnolia flower accessory, and replaced the round fan in her hand with that of a butterfly in love with marigolds. Then he stroked the cotton candy on the bun, smiled and nodded to Bei Minghan.

Bei Minghan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he now understands what Elder Jian said just now.

This time, I took these [-] disciples and left Nether Continent because of the occurrence of Gu worms in the clan. She must have been waiting here after getting the news. "

Bei Minghan dryly described his entanglement with Qiandai, which can be regarded as a simple explanation.

It is easy to understand, it is nothing more than "the hero saves the beauty" and "love at first sight", Qiandai has the idea of ​​"promise with her body", and Qianjia thinks it is "profitable", so she acquiesces to Qiandai's proposal It's just that she didn't expect her appearance, which completely cut off Qiandai's thoughts.

"Third Elder is right to do this. If a relationship is mixed with too many things, it will eventually deteriorate. What's more, you and her are not in the same mind. It is better to reject it completely!"

 Babies, let’s pass three chapters first, and Fengling will write after dinner, there will be more before twelve o’clock!
(End of this chapter)

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