Chapter 1943 Challenge 1
The nine disciples of Beiming's family who challenged all had ice spirit roots, and the heart of the "Jiujiuguiyiyiyi" was Beimingqing, the female fairy with a cold face and no nymphomaniac towards her third elder. Among the 21 people, Da Luo Jinxian Middle Realm, except Bei Ming Zhi, is a family disciple with good strength.

At this moment, she waved the ice thorn in her hand very calmly, and for a while, countless transparent ice thorns appeared in the air, meeting the sword shadow swung by the sword array. Offset, the white mist scattered around the arena, and the icicles formed by the ice spirit roots directly turned into ice mist after offsetting the sword light.

"Change formation!"

Bei Mingqing immediately ordered that she use the cover of ice mist to attack the weak point of the sword formation. The big move just now was to test them. Of course, the opponent was also testing them, so she chose to change the formation.

She stood at the forefront, facing Wan Jianzong's sword formation, and the eight people who were originally surrounded quickly stood in a formation of one, three, and four, and at the same time injected the immortal energy in her body into Bei Mingqing's body.

Bei Mingqing flipped his wrist, poured the strength in his body into the ice thorn in his hand, and swiped twice at the lower left corner of the opponent's sword array. The first attack shattered the oncoming sword light, and the second attack that followed immediately The second attack caught the opponent by surprise.

The disciple of Wan Jianzong in the lower left corner blocked the first attack, but did not receive the second attack, and was directly knocked into the air. Because of this, the entire sword array collapsed from him, and the sword light was not as dense as before up.

A gap was opened in the sword formation, and the disciples of the Beiming family immediately seized this opportunity to form a circular "Nine-Nine Return Formation" again. The entire arena entered the realm of ice and snow, and froze the nine disciples of Wan Jianzong on the opposite side.

Although it was only three short breaths, they were considered to have won. After all, in a life-and-death struggle, these three breaths were enough for the disciples of the Beiming family to make up their swords.

The people watching the battle under the arena were a little bit unsatisfied, and the disciples of the Beiming family who were also watching the battle had a happy expression on their faces. After all, today is considered a victory.

The disciples of Beiming's family were sweating in their hearts. Elder Jian of his own family was so courageous that he challenged them by stepping up the ranks. They are lucky today.

Only Bei Mingzhi on the side was the calmest. He had seen Elder Jian strangling the Demon King. He felt that his elder would not suffer a loss, and even felt that Elder Jian had a better chance of winning.

"Tsk, it's rare for you to be so excited!"

Wan Xie is a veteran fairy king, and this change will not affect the battle. He immediately swung a sword light with his backhand, and received the attack from Moyue Zhan. The black natal long sword in his hand trembled slightly, expressing the excitement of meeting his opponent. Feelings.

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, and said to his two elders:
"Yesterday, we studied for a whole night. Wan Jianzong's sword formation is really powerful, but because of the different cultivation levels of the people forming the formation, there are also weak points, so after discussing, we decided to take action against their low cultivation level disciples and destroy one corner first. , Disintegrate the sword array from the bottom."

Simply nodding to Bei Minghan, he jumped onto the ring first, waiting quietly for the arrival of Immortal King Wan Xie.

After closing the defensive cover, Jian simply cupped his hands and said with a smile:

Wan Xie said with a smile, although he was reprimanded by Immortal Emperor Wan Jian, he did not regret his temptation.

"Yesterday, the old man had itchy hands, which surprised Fairy Jane."

"Elder Jian, don't worry, we know, we won today's game first, and we'll see you tomorrow."

At this moment, the defensive cover fell, and the nine disciples on the ring jumped down, bowing their hands respectfully to the two elders.

Moyue Zhan's attack was a test, and then she returned to her master, and slowly surrounded her body. She simply pursed her lips and smiled, touched her fists together, activated the obsidian bracelet, and she was ready to fight with the body training technique .

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell and his consciousness moved, Moyue Zhan flashed out of his dantian in an instant, and attacked Immortal King Wan Xie on the opposite side.

Bei Minghan stood with arms folded, ignoring the fiery eyes of the Wanjianzong female disciples around him, looking at the calm and simple expression on the ring, feeling that the competition was too abrupt, although he didn't know the specific reason, but he could guess, It must be this Immortal King Wan Xie who offended Elder Jian.

At this time, a rainbow-like sword light directly inserted into the ring, and then the sword light turned into a round middle-aged man, 1.8 meters tall, wearing a white robe, with a shrewd look on his face, looking at the simple .

"It's my honor to be taught by the Immortal King today, and I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"The strategy is correct, but you can only win this game. The disciples of Wan Jianzong are not stupid. If you win today, they will change the way of fighting tomorrow."

Otherwise, with Elder Jian's temperament of being afraid of trouble, he would not take the initiative to propose a challenge.

The people watching the battle under the arena watched intently. After the short confrontation on the arena, many water mirrors appeared in the sky. It is estimated that the entire Wanjianzong boss was watching this fight.

"It's simple, the elder Ke Qing of the Beiming family has met Immortal King Wan Xie!"

"Please teach me the fairy king!"

The eyes of the onlookers and the disciples of the Beiming family lit up when they heard this, and they consciously followed behind the two immortals to the middle of the arena and the largest arena.

Both Bei Minghan and Jian Jian nodded. They were quite satisfied with the performance of their disciples today, and then Bei Minghan turned to Jian Jian and said:
"Let's go see Immortal King Wan Xie."

"Third Elder! Elder Jian!"

Simply said with a smile.

Immortal King Wan Xie was a little surprised, he remembered very clearly that yesterday the other party was holding a sword, why it turned into a magic weapon now, he immediately realized that he forgot that the other party was a Dao demon fellow practitioner.

Bei Mingzhi said that they knew it well.

Whether you don't like it or not, she will not lose any of the etiquette that should be given.

The people around the arena gathered more and more, the Immortal King challenged the Immortal Monarch, or the elders of the Outer Sect, this was more exciting than the team battle just now, and everyone was waiting excitedly.

He had calculated that sword yesterday. If Fairy Jian on the opposite side was vigilant, she would naturally be able to avoid it. Wan Jianzong's territory is stage fright, which makes him more itchy.

Simply said with a smile.

Jian Jian was also sizing up the other party. Yesterday, this guy secretly tried to test her. Although she didn't have any malicious intentions, she didn't like it. No wonder the other party practiced sword counting.

This time it was Immortal King Wan Xie who made a move. The sword in his hand drew a circle, and the afterimage of the sword formed a round sword shield. In the next breath, countless black long swords shot out from the round shield, attacking Jian Jian.

The simple shadow of the fist also rushed forward instantly, and the purple fist shadow and the black sword light were instantly entangled, distorting the entire arena, and the people watching the battle subconsciously took a step back.

Either the purple fist shadow shatters the light of the sword, or the black sword shadow cuts off a huge fist, while the Moyue Zhan turns into a hundred small crescent moons, making up the knife at any time, preventing any black sword shadow from Chances fall on the master.

 Babies, today's Calvin, the update is late!There are still before twelve o'clock, coded a chapter and uploaded a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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